Razoric said:Bullshit indeed... go back to Kirby Air Ride kid. Let the big boys play the real games.

Razoric said:Bullshit indeed... go back to Kirby Air Ride kid. Let the big boys play the real games.
tralfazz said:I just noticed the cola advertising at the bottom. Is that a joke or eerie coincidence.
EDIT: nevermind it's gone now.
Wrong. Sat through and beat Vice City. I have spent several hours on San Andreas doing the stupid missions over and over again and I have yet to find the fun. I normally just scream at the television and ask, "how the fucking piss this is supposed to be fun?" The targeting is still shit. In fact, it seems worse than it was before. If you're not facing the enemy, he won't target and will just shoot his fun up in the air. So I've played more than five minutes, have completed a good 20 or more missions and this isn't pure gold. More like copper, or dime.Razoric said:I do... Metroid Prime fanatics, Halo 2 fanboys and graphics whores will hate the game. Anyone who sits through this game longer than 5 minutes and actually does some missions knows this sucker is pure gold.
Yeah, those probably would. If GTA used N64 graphics, you'd have a point. But it doesn't, and you don't.olimario said:Bullshit.
If the current Lord of the Rings movies had B rate costumes and used claymation instead of the best CG possible, it wouldn't be the best it could be. Those 'technical flaws' would detract from the overall experience.
Mrbob said:I dunno. Saying GTA SA has some frame rate issues is a gross understatement. Many of the time the frame rate in the game is downright atrocious. I have almost 25 hours into the game too and my eyes still haven't totally adjusted to the piss poor frame rate (Let's not mince words on the issue). I still have many times where my eyes straing because the frame rate seems to virtually slow to a crawl. Coupled with some nasty pop up at times and traveling can be at times visually unappealing to the point where you almost have to quit due to all the strain it puts on your eyes. The game is so damn fun though. Hard to put down. But how I wished there was a PC version of the game out now.
evilromero said:Wrong. Sat through and beat Vice City. I have spent several hours on San Andreas doing the stupid missions over and over again and I have yet to find the fun. I normally just scream at the television and ask, "how the fucking piss this is supposed to be fun?" The targeting is still shit. In fact, it seems worse than it was before. If you're not facing the enemy, he won't target and will just shoot his fun up in the air. So I've played more than five minutes, have completed a good 20 or more missions and this isn't pure gold. More like copper, or dime.
SantaCruZer said:wanna bet that some people would have complained if Halo 2 didn't get triple 10s?
Redbeard said:It's about time this thread picked up.
Redbeard said:It's about time this thread picked up.
Oh come on.. you are the first person I've heard say that. Frame rate can be bad from time to time but it in no way takes away from the fun of the game. Strain on the eyes? wtf...
fossen said:![]()
Took me two cups of coffee just to get caught up on the thread.
I just think all this nonsense about "perfect" score, and technical issues is follish. The job of a reviewer is to judge the gestalt, not to nitpick individual aspects. Nitpicking is what gaming forums are for.
There are probably people currently complaining that it didn't get triple 11'sSantaCruZer said:wanna bet that some people would have complained if Halo 2 didn't get triple 10s?
Mrbob said:Someone has to get the ball rolling!
Well I just got to the countryside, and anytime I go from the country into the city the whole world just seems to massively slow down. Maybe my eyes are sensitive to fluctuating frame rates? I don't think so. I've never experienced anything like it before GTASA.
Kiriku said:The ads are affected by the content of the page they are on. Since someone mentioned cola, there's a chance such an ad will appear.
evilromero said:Wrong. Sat through and beat Vice City. I have spent several hours on San Andreas doing the stupid missions over and over again and I have yet to find the fun. I normally just scream at the television and ask, "how the fucking piss this is supposed to be fun?" The targeting is still shit. In fact, it seems worse than it was before. If you're not facing the enemy, he won't target and will just shoot his fun up in the air. So I've played more than five minutes, have completed a good 20 or more missions and this isn't pure gold. More like copper, or dime.
For you to claim you beat Vice City would suggest it had to be a much different game than San Andreas, which supposedly has you screaming at your television because of how unfun it is. Yet, the only difference you cite is targeting. On the other hand, given the contradictions in your statement, your probably just full of shit.Wrong. Sat through and beat Vice City. I have spent several hours on San Andreas doing the stupid missions over and over again and I have yet to find the fun. I normally just scream at the television and ask, "how the fucking piss this is supposed to be fun?"
Society said:When a game gets to a certain amout of hype, it is impossible to rate it other wise. i.e. Halo 2.
SantaCruZer said:But it's still triple 10s because bad framerate appearently doesn't matter
olimario said:It should not be the bigger the scope the higher the score. Scope doesn't magically make game more fun if they have poor play mechanics to begin with. I haven't played GTA:SA yet, but the rest of the series has some very shoddy gameplay. Mix that with the stuttering framerate and you have a very mediocre experience
olimario said:It should not be the bigger the scope the higher the score. Scope doesn't magically make game more fun if they have poor play mechanics to begin with.
It's not a diving competition. There are no automatic demerits.SantaCruZer said:But it's still triple 10s because bad framerate appearently doesn't matter
olimario said:It should not be the bigger the scope the higher the score. Scope doesn't magically make game more fun if they have poor play mechanics to begin with. I haven't played GTA:SA yet, but the rest of the series has some very shoddy gameplay. Mix that with the stuttering framerate and you have a very mediocre experience.
I'll try SA before I judge it. This post is simply an opinion about 3/VC.
Mrbob said:Well, on the flip side, if we reviewed games on technical merits alone Metroid Prime 2 would at the very least at least have a chance to get the top spot instead of lonely number 4.![]()
Mrbob said:I got nearly 25 hours into this game and I just got out of Los Santos and into the countryside! This may be the longest game I have ever played! :lol
SolidSnakex said:". This can't be overlooked by anybody, detracts from the experience of the game by everyone, and therefore should be a knock against the game, even if it's .5!"
I've beat the game and not once did the slowdown ever effect the experience.
D'ultimate said:GT:SA, according to many, has MAJOR slowdown all over the place, on very level.
DarienA said:Major slowdown all over the place? Nope.
Obviously there are people who can and do over look it. And it does not detratct from everyone's experience.D'ultimate said:This can't be overlooked by anybody, detracts from the experience of the game by everyone, and therefore should be a knock against the game, even if it's .5!
Guileless said:What's a "wigger?"
SantaCruZer said:wanna bet that some people would have complained if Halo 2 didn't get triple 10s?
Pug said:I totally agree with Razoric. slow down and frame rates issue are always overblown especially on GA. With regard to SA you have be anal to moan about the few judders here and there. Mind you I also think the 30/60 FPS issue in racing games is anal and we know how people like to argue that one.
Scoot said:Not really for SantaCruZer, but it's hilarious how many people decry the ratings before they have played the game. Oh, wait, this is GAF.
Eric-GCA said:Well, now that all the bitching is winding down. Maybe the EGM guys or someone else who has the mag can say what exactly was negative about MP2 that downgraded it a point?