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New EGM scores


BuddyChrist83 said:
On a humorous note, I was singing Parappa earlier today while cleaning the kitchen.


Don't know exactly why though. Now I'll probably start singing Parappa tunes too. Blast!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Wario64 said:
Sly 2 > Katamari Damacy > Fable


I'd like a Katamari on the rocks, please. :D

8.5 across the board and an msrp of $19.99...better than sex this game seems.


Did The Guy Game get poor scores because it's a bad trivia/party game? Or is it just one of those "We are so mature and we disagree with the concept" things?

MC Safety

border said:
Did The Guy Game get poor scores because it's a bad trivia/party game. Or is it just one of those "We are so mature and we disagree with the concept" things?

Read the review to find out.


BuddyChrist83 said:
Why would we/others buy/subsccribe to the magazine then?

If you've ever paid a cent for EGM, Game Informer, XBN, etc., you should be ashamed.

There's better coverage on the internet, and the mags are free if you've ever read a Wario64 thread.


Speevy said:
If you've ever paid a cent for EGM, Game Informer, XBN, etc., you should be ashamed.

There's better coverage on the internet, and the mags are free if you've ever read a Wario64 thread.
Not really my point.

The easier a magazine's content can be found for free, the more it might prevent Average Gamer from buying the magazine. It's pretty much the exact same reason we don't do magazine scans (short of Famitsu, Jump and the ilk) here.

How do you think Shoe gets his money?
"Not that I'm complaining about Katamari's scores or anything, since 8.5s are far from bad... But I can guarantee you that months or years from now, these reviewers (and anyone else who plays it) will look back much more fondly on Katamari Damacy than any Sly Cooper nonsense.

Case in point: Rez got 8.5, 7.5, 7.5. Parappa the Rapper got 8.5, 8.0, 7.5. And, just to pull one out of a hat, Rally Cross 2 got 9.0, 8.5, 8.0. I bet those guys can still remember almost every detail of Rez, and could probably still sing every song from Parappa to this day. I seriously doubt they could recall a single thing about Rally Cross 2, though."

So Sly Cooper is nonsense because it got a higher score than a cult game? You ARE complaining about its scores. Ranting actually. Rez and Parappa are fun and stylish, but to a lot of people, there is not enough meat and longevity to them, which is why they get those medium/high scores. You may play them over and over, but it is possible to like and appreciate them and only get 2 hours play.

Just because a game is mainstream doesn't mean it can't be good. Reviewers can't score games based on what they think they will remember fondly in years to come.


T3 Redemption 4.0, 2.5, 5.0


Atari's Games as of June 21 2004 according to Gamerankings

90% - None
80% - 1
70% - 8
60% - 9
50% - 5
40% - 2
20% - 1

T3 redemption joins Atari Xbox classics:

RollerCoaster Tycoon® 64.2%
Unreal® II - The Awakening 64%
Trivial Pursuit® Unhinged™ 62.4%
Dead Man's Hand 61.6%
Test Drive® Off-Road™ 60.7%
Terminator®: Dawn of Fate™ 60%
Taz™ 59.2%
Furious Karting 59%
Zapper™ 54.7%
Loons 50%
Superman™ 41.9%
Terminator® 3 41.9%
Nickelodeon™ 22.2%


works for Gamestop (lol)
Speevy said:
These threads would be much simpler if someone would just post what the reviews actually said.

Who the hell would waste their time summarizing each review?

Oh wait...I would


Wario64 said:
Who the hell would waste their time summarizing each review?

Oh wait...I would

Not every review. Just a couple of ones of interest.

For example, no one cares about Sly 2. We know it kicks ass, that's boring.

The summary of Donkey Konga and Mario Pinball would be interesting, though. Also, this 7.5 for Fable would be most intriguing.


lmfao, oh no Jennifer gave Fable a 7.5, who the fuck cares, this is the same person who marked down Wario World for being too hard.


Work has started on: KOTOR 3 for XBOX 2


Fuck yeah! I guess Obsidian are developing part 3?
Flatbread said:
I purchased serious sam for the xbox and played the first encounter. What an intense shooter that reminds of the great action games like halo, ninja gaiden, and metal arms in terms of gameplay.

So I go to gamerankings and see that EGM gives serious sam for the xbox a 35%.
It was the lowest score by far(50% being the next lowest score.)

35%, huh? In terms of gameplay I really cant understand where you could ever rate this as one of the worse games. Personally I think they overvalue things like graphics, presentation and story, but its not like they are consistent enough to really compare reviews or see consistent trends.

I remember shaking my head when reading the EGM review for serious sam on the Xbox. Don't remember the folks who did the review but they were all poor in their conclusions. One reviewer stated it was a poor dreadful PC translation. WTF? The game looked great and had a consistantly great frame rate. What bothered me was that in the past they have made statements that they don't compare versions of games that are on other formats,yet they did so in the butchering of this review. I wish I remenmbered more of the review to be honest,but none the less it was an invalid review anyway. I'll give you that the game had a visual problem where the graphics-they would sort of have this tearing issues when you moved the camera around wildly,but it was hardly anything bad so to speak. The game was a complete fun filled homage to Doom,yes that game is eons old now but I don't think Serous Sam deserved anywhere near the 4 and 5s it received because of that. Since then I don't bother trusting these people though. They have deadlines and its not really a loving hobby when you have to rush through a game to meet them.
Serious Sam is just one example of that.
T-1000_Model3 said:
Serious Sam is just one example of that.

Can't forget Deathrow.

Between EGM's one-paragraph, one-critic review of Deathrow, and Game Informer's hatred of the Mario Party series, I don't give two shits about magazine reviews anymore. Either my tastes are so different than everyone elses or these vg critics just have no clue.
Rez I'll give you, but Parappa? Just because you liked a song or two in it doesn't mean the GAME was good. Fuck, I can still hum the first and second level themes of Capcom's old shooter Sidearms, and that was a pretty mediocre game.

Also, Rally Cross 2 ROCKED. I'd take it over Parappa any day. Mmmm, Rally Cross.
rod furlong said:
bleh, so? Still played 'em. I suppose you played through Parappa 50 times?

At least!

I wasn't trying to dis NHL 2K3, honest. Or Sly Cooper, for that matter. Those examples were supposed to illustrate the fact that sky-high scores are generally given to big name, big budget games, and rarely to the ones that those same editors (or, at least many that I've spoken to) are giddily excited about at the end of the day. It's always funny to see those lists that inevitably come out of the Top 10 this and Top 100 that, because often times they're populated with those exact same so-called underground cult hits that the exact same editors gave mid-range scores to when they were released.

Also, this is one of those situations where I firmly believe the MSRP should be taken into account when calculating a score for the game. I have no doubt that these guys would've given Katamari 8.5s if it were priced at $40 or $50, so why not up the score since it's $20? I know that dropping the price doesn't make the game "better," but a score, at least to me, is more a measure of the overall value of a game than anything. I guess that's another big potential debate, though, and probably one that has already been waged about 50 times on here. :D


bobbyconover said:
wow, this reminds me of when FABLE GOT A VERY GOOD SCORE

seriously ... 8.5 x 3 and you're complaining? it's a quirky game conspiracy!

sometimes 8s are the most lovable games. i can think of a lot of 8 games that i love to tiny little bits, katamari included.
border said:
Did The Guy Game get poor scores because it's a bad trivia/party game? Or is it just one of those "We are so mature and we disagree with the concept" things?
Those scores are odd when compared to IGN's which was 7.7


Mr_Furious said:
Those scores are odd when compared to IGN's which was 7.7
Heh. Knowing what you know about this product, who would guess is more likely on the money with this one?

(I guess that can be taken various ways!)
BenT said:
Heh. Knowing what you know about this product, who would guess is more likely on the money with this one?

(I guess that can be taken various ways!)
I actually bought the game when it was on sale at Fry's but haven't had the chance to spin her up. But I figured how can titties ever be wrong.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Mr_Furious said:
I actually bought the game when it was on sale at Fry's but haven't had the chance to spin her up. But I figured how can titties ever be wrong.

you're about to eat those fuckin' words with a side of mash and gravy. bon appetit!


There have been other bad reviews (1/5, 0/100) that say that even the trivia component of The Guy Game is fucked up. Apparently most of the games are like that show "Street Smarts" where you have to guess whether some drunk sorority slut answered a question right. That's pretty lame, IMO.

There part where players are actually asked questions and that might not be so bad.

That given, I'm assuming that they are still knocking off a couple of points for the fact that the game is somehow shameful to the gamer community....I can't imagine it being as terrible as something like Mortal Kombat Advance.
A buddy of mine bought The Guy Game today, and we've been having some fun with it. There are some cool features, and at its core, this is NTN bar trivia combined with Girls Gone Wild. In other words, it's fun for short periods and gets kind of boring if played too long.

I would probably consider it worth buying at a reduced price. It's not a game I would put down into the depths of 1.0-score range. All I can figure is that the EGM reviewers didn't play the game with friends and weren't consuming alcohol at the time.
just wait until you play it the next time...and realize the questions and answers don't change. Yes, nothing gets me ready to stare at some tits like a nice bit of memorization.
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