brooklyngooner said:
I am and I agree with him. Rebuilding the towers as they were would be a terrible idea. When they were first proposed, huge tracts of homes and shops in the downtown area were taken down through eminent domain (funny how that's in the news again), and once the design was proposed it wasn't well received. Displacing so many in vain was pretty bad, to say the least. Were the Twin Towers a marvel of engineering? Yes. Aesthetically pleasing? Many thought they were an eyesore. If there's one single, solitary good thing that can come out of 9/11, it's that we can finally get a structure that wouldn't have to work so hard to be loved.
I'm as much a fan of getting that part of Manhattan back on its feet economically as well as restoring the skyline as anyone. (It goes without saying that I don't put those two above the lives of those who died.) But it needs to be done properly, and perhaps with a
touch of humility that only reserved space and touches of design for memorials can provide. This design does that.