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New FurtherSeemsForever song (new singer Sensefield)

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shitting in the alley outside your window
I liked Moon is Down, I didn't like How to Start a Fire. I liked the onelinedrawing/sensefield split.

Carrabba was supposed to kick it with FSF at Krazy Fest in 2001 I think but his plane got delayed and he couldn't make it. That woulda been cool to see.


'Moon Is Down' is a great album, I think that before people judge Carrabba as a soft wuss with nothing to offer besides soft music--they should check out that album. I wish I could get peoples' opinions on it that don't usually listen to the genre.

Anyways, Further's a great band, I love their musical craftsmanship.

Jon's voice is mellower than your normal punk screaming voice, so its pretty interesting to have this change. Who knows, maybe its what they always needed.




Here is some neat info for FSF fans

Nick Dominguez - Guitar
Joshua Colbert - Guitar
Steve Kleisath - Drums
Chad Neptune - Bass
Chris Carbonell - Vocals

After this CD, it was silent for a while. Then finally in 1998 -after having played their last show at Cornerstone- it was official that the band had broken up. This is what Steve Kleisath said about it in an interview:

As far as the reason Strongarm broke up people always wonder. It wasn't any one thing; the commitment level needed wasn't there anymore. Two of the guys were married, Chris and Josh, and they weren't available to tour. And just to write a whole new album for us takes a long time. We had a few ideas, actually had a few new songs, which will probably never be released. The time that it would take to do it and then know we wouldn't be able to tour off it just wasn't worth it. We were supposed to go to Europe, and that fell through, which really took the wind out of our sails, we had planned it the summer before, and we were planning our whole lives around being gone for a month and that fell through at the last minute, like on our way to the airport. The promoter who set us up and also set us up with Zao and Living Sacrifice who were gonna meet us out there, he never sold the tickets, and that really let the wind out of our sails. That wasn't why we broke up, but at that point we sorta got the feeling "alright we’ve been around a while, I think we are in the twilight of the band."

But after a while Nick, Steve, Josh and Chad apparently couldn't live without being in a band so they decided to form a new band called Further Seems Forever.Click here to see how they announced it on the Strongarm homepage at the time. They found a vocalist called Chris Carraba to fill up Chris Carbonell's place. The musical direction had switched from hardcore to emo, and also the missionary aspect that Strongarm clearly had was no longer there.

In 2000, Strongarm made a reunion appearance at Furnace Fest. It was the same line-up as it was when they broke up. On the song "Trials", they had their buddy Matt Fox on drums."

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