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New Game Informer Itagaki interview

Pretty interesting stuff here; he seems to speak more about his past and his projects than he usually does.

GI: So with Xbox Live you’re planning on downloadable costumes, downloadable characters, downloadable arenas, another tournament maybe like the master ninja tournament for DOAU.

Itagaki: Well, of course, I’m in full agreement with doing a tournament because it’s good. As far as downloadable content I don’t plan to do it because if it’s something that needs to be put in the game it should be put in the game to begin with. And as far as DOAU is concerned, we’ve been working on DOA for so many years that whatever we bring out is going to be the best we can do with everything that needs to be in the game. Ninja Gaiden is a bit of a different situation. It was the first action game that, you know, when we first released the game, of course, we didn’t feel that it was as good as it can be. And now after the fact we are getting feedback from the consumers. We are actually coming up with additional downloadable content to give them what they should have gotten in the first place.

nice interview...

GI: … How will the ranking system work in DOAU? Say, for example, I’m playing you and you’re kicking my butt all over the place and I just decide to reset my machine, and I quit out. Will I be punished somehow? Will my ranking drop?

Itagaki: Of course it has to be that way. You have to be penalized for something like that. So, you know, no matter what the cause is, you know, whether if it’s lightening that turns you off, or a cat who presses the button you’re still responsible. It should be set up in the way that you’re responsible regardless of the cause. So of course, you know, not knowing what the real reason for your machine being turned off just because based on the assumption that something outside of your control must have done it, that’s not good enough to spare you from being penalized. On the other hand, the only way that you can be recognized for your win is when you win. And that’s what I believe.
sounds good...


The Faceless Master said:
nice interview...

sounds good...

I don't know... there's really nothing to prevent people from dropping still. Look at it this way. You're the guy getting his ass kicked, if you keep playing you're gonna get a loss, if you quit, you're gonna get a loss but not have to waste time getting your ass kicked, and at the same time get a small hint of satisfaction knowing you didn't let the other guy get a win. I don't think this is gonna prevent dropping.

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