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New Halo Infinite info revealed in huge Q&A: Day/night cycle, dynamic weather and more


Wait, it's not actually open world? I must have missed that.
Its not open world in the sense of one giant open world map. It uses biomes, so like smaller mini open worlds, with open ended gameplay you can tackle when and how you want, side quests, etc.
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Ah! So is it kind of wide-linear like God of War was? Certain areas are set pieces and then others allow you a lot of freedom to tackle them as you please? Stuart360 Stuart360
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Ah! So is it kind of wide-linear like God of War was? Certain areas are set pieces and then others allow you a lot of freedom to tackle them as you please? Stuart360 Stuart360
Yeah thats what it sounds like from the article, well actually they say it in the article. Even that 8mins gameplay, when they showed the map, you could see that section was quite large, but cut off from the rest of the game.

What i'm guessing, and its pure guess work, is that each campaign level will be a biome, or mini open world. So if the game has say 10 campaign missions, that will mean 10 mini open worlds, with one main campaign level, and a few side quests/side activities to do in each biome.
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Yeah thats what it sounds like from the article, well actually they say it in the article. Even that 8mins gameplay, when they showed the map, you coukl see that section was quite large, but cut off from the rest of the game.
Gotcha! Sounds better than what I thought it was going to be. I had serious doubts 343 was going to pull off a legit open world Halo without it feeling dull. Makes me a lot more confident now.
Promises - Hype - Disappointment- Anger - new Promises - Hype.....
The circle repeats endlessly with gamers and they don`t seem to learn.
This is especially dumb with games like this that had to be pulled once already due to sheer management incompetence.....and yet, people are already snorting the new slew of promises. I can count the number of successful 180s in fucked up game development over the last 20 years on one hand and yet here we are.....
The 180 is only in the graphics. As someone who doesn't like Halo 4 or 5, Infinite actually looks fun and interesting from a gameplay and story perspective. More open and exploration based Halo is something people have wanted for a long time.
When I read the first bolded part I thought this could mean its not a full open world and its large open levels that are connected via travel points (I would prefer this, I'm not saying its a negative I don't want a huge, mostly empty, open world) but you can't just land anywhere inbetween them. Then when I saw the 2nd bolded part I feel that confirms it, the answer seems like a confirmation of a huge open world where you can just speed ahead in a vehicle to wherever you want, but they answered in a mealy-mouthed way with "do it", which isn't a confirmation really, when they could just say yes.

On the contrary I do think the cutscene method they are using implies something thats able to be used in many different situations depending on how you complete the mission, ie the location you are in when it ends might be different from another player, so that has good gameplay implications.

I just want to know what the gameplay arena really is so I can get excited about what that might entail, if its true open world then thats a lot different than large set areas, in terms of tactics you'll be able to use.

Sorry if you read this and feel like I'm dehyping you, I don't want to take away from others enthusiasm, I just want more clarity.

I got the complete opposite picture from that part of the interview. It felt more like them saying there will be barriers of entry to you going anywhere, but they will be limited by gameplay instead of an invisible wall just stopping you. Maybe if you try flying into certain areas that shouldn't be unlocked yet there would be banished anti air guns that shoot you down, maybe it's a test of skill, if you can navigate a tough area then why not open it up to you.

I keep making comparisons to breath of the wild, but that's what I got from this once again.


Theres absolutely nothing that will convince me this halo is gonna be good other than a long gameplay video.
Years of development, and the fact that 343i showed that demo speaks volumes about their idea of quality.


Gold Member
Wrong. Halo was gone after Reach, but now it's about to come back in a big way.
You got it wrong (partially my fault)

Dynamic weather, snow, weather that change enemies behaviour etc, all things that are present in days gone, from that, halos gone (i know, it was a weak one)

I'm hyped for halo open world.
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Wait, it's not actually open world? I must have missed that.
It's very large open environments, multiple objectives but still one main story. How it all plays out we will have to wait for its next showing, I'm optimistic but am keeping my excitement in check.
Having the map the way it is solves a lot of the issues that I had every Halo past the first one. Just make the game like "Halo" or Silent Cartographer. We need to be able to spawn in marines and pelicans dynamically though. That's how I imagined Halo being in the future back when it first released.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
You got it wrong (partially my fault)

Dynamic weather, snow, weather that change enemies behaviour etc, all things that are present in days gone, from that, halos gone (i know, it was a weak one)

I'm hyped for halo open world.
Yeah I totally missed that. I see what you are saying. They do share elements.


There were some good things in that video but there were some disappointing things though for sure.

*Their excuse for no playable Elites was pretty sad. That’s a blow to the Machinima community (well what little remains anyway).
*No hostile wildlife is kinda lame too especially after having a Halo book in the past few years where the main antagonists were the hostile wildlife (The Blindwolves and the Sarquoi)
*Their excuse for no dual wielding was weird too. I’m not for or against dual wielding but I don’t like excuses like “We wanted to focus on other things.”
Either explicitly state that it was a gameplay decision or that you didn’t have enough time to incorporate it. Don’t tip toe around it. Be honest.

It’s little stuff like this that really makes me question 343. Bungie was able to make 4 (5 if you include ODST) of the best FPS games ever and they did it in 3 year cycles. The overwhelming majority of games today still don’t have features that Halo 3 and Reach had. Yet Bungie was able to deliver. It always seems with 343 it’s always “We will have it in a post launch update/That feature will be absent entirely” and the excuse is always some variation of “We wanted to focus on the other things.”
It just screams managerial incompetence.


I'll just wait for the Storm Updates before playing the game.
That sounds like something too cool to pass up.
Something tells me that’s gonna be a DLC thing. Like there will be a mission specifically on the opposite end of the ring that takes place in a desert or something and has sandstorms (just an example).
If you played Gears 4 you know what I’m talking about. It’s likely mission specific.


Something tells me that’s gonna be a DLC thing. Like there will be a mission specifically on the opposite end of the ring that takes place in a desert or something and has sandstorms (just an example).
If you played Gears 4 you know what I’m talking about. It’s likely mission specific.

I'll still wait just in case it affects the other missions.


Truth hurts eh? 12 yr old? too poor? That's the fucking best you can do? LOL pathetic.
"Truth".....The dumb and the arrogant (often the same) always seem to mix up "truth" and their personal imagination of how the world works.
Contrary to your believes, little boy, 99% of people are actually more interested in a product itself rather than who produces it or in which environment it runs.
You should get off the internet once in a while, the online-hyperbole seems to have taken a toll on your mental state...imaginary wars and stuff.
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Concern - Complaints - Xbox thread - Anger - Concern - complaints.....
The circle repeats itself endlessly with sony gamers that don't seem to learn.
This is especially dumb with games like this that were still in development or delayed on Xbox.... and yet, people are already snorting the Sony cocaine, and happy about delays on any game for that platform ( Sony fan on sony games: Yay delay it and make it really good. Sony fan on Xbox games: It's delayed because it's bad, shut the developer down!) I can count the number of successful games that were delayed on sony consoles and still single out one or two games on Xbox over the last 20 years on one hand, and yet here is more BS.....

Right back at you bub.
What does sony have to do with this? The guy you responded to said nothing about sony games. You need to chill sir knight. Halo will still be there for you despite people's criticsims.


What does sony have to do with this? The guy you responded to said nothing about sony games. You need to chill sir knight. Halo will still be there for you despite people's criticsims.
If you didnt notice i just fliiped his words back at him. Its blatent that he is a sony warrior. There was no legit reason to call out xbox fans in his post, so i did it back at him. If it bothers you, wonder why?
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"Truth".....The dumb and the arrogant (often the same) always seem to mix up "truth" and their personal imagination of how the world works.
Contrary to your believes, little boy, 99% of people are actually more interested in a product itself rather than who produces it or in which environment it runs.
You should get off the internet once in a while, the online-hyperbole seems to have taken a toll on your mental state...imaginary wars and stuff.
I could care less about your kiddie level childish insults. If it bothers you that a fanboy got called on his bullshit, feel free to join other threads for all i care.


If you didnt notice i just fliiped his words back at him. Its blatent that he is a sony warrior. There was no legit reason to call out xbox fans in his post, so i did it back at him. If it bothers you, wonder why?
You are the old gamer getting triggered. Take a break. Halo will be fine.
If you didnt notice i just fliiped his words back at him. Its blatent that he is a sony warrior. There was no legit reason to call out xbox fans in his post, so i did it back at him. If it bothers you, wonder why?
You seems a liitle obbesessed with sony. Are you fine? I'm sure halo infinite will be goty.
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Sounds good but at this stage they should be showing us. But the whole "major gamechanging feature withheld until post launch" thing needs to stop. Games would be much better received if they actually released as finished products, not some shell to be iterated on after the vast majority of your player base are already done with the game.


There were some good things in that video but there were some disappointing things though for sure.

*Their excuse for no playable Elites was pretty sad. That’s a blow to the Machinima community (well what little remains anyway).
*No hostile wildlife is kinda lame too especially after having a Halo book in the past few years where the main antagonists were the hostile wildlife (The Blindwolves and the Sarquoi)
*Their excuse for no dual wielding was weird too. I’m not for or against dual wielding but I don’t like excuses like “We wanted to focus on other things.”
Either explicitly state that it was a gameplay decision or that you didn’t have enough time to incorporate it. Don’t tip toe around it. Be honest.

It’s little stuff like this that really makes me question 343. Bungie was able to make 4 (5 if you include ODST) of the best FPS games ever and they did it in 3 year cycles. The overwhelming majority of games today still don’t have features that Halo 3 and Reach had. Yet Bungie was able to deliver. It always seems with 343 it’s always “We will have it in a post launch update/That feature will be absent entirely” and the excuse is always some variation of “We wanted to focus on the other things.”
It just screams managerial incompetence.

Literally every developer has had longer cycles than they did in the days of the OG Xbox and 360. Forza came out every 2 years but now it's not. Naughty Dog was cranking out games like mad but they had half as many this gen. Same with Rockstar and Bethesda It's just the realties of game development with the level of polish expected these days.


Sounds good but at this stage they should be showing us. But the whole "major gamechanging feature withheld until post launch" thing needs to stop. Games would be much better received if they actually released as finished products, not some shell to be iterated on after the vast majority of your player base are already done with the game.
I tend to agree, but I also have to acknowledge the reality here: after Infinite's reveal left them the laughing stock of the industry, 343i need to have a re-reveal so impressive it silences everyone. I don't think they're going to drop clips in their updates, instead, I think they'll hold back completely until E3 - or whatever mess we get this year - and try and go big. If they've actually managed to salvage Infinite, I think that strategy - assuming its their strategy - will work well for them, and it'll get Infinite the reveal it should have had. Of course, if they hype the re-reveal and fail to deliver, they're going to be eaten alive.

And yeah - complete games doesn't feel like a strange request, and yet, here we are. What an industry...
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Literally every developer has had longer cycles than they did in the days of the OG Xbox and 360. Forza came out every 2 years but now it's not. Naughty Dog was cranking out games like mad but they had half as many this gen. Same with Rockstar and Bethesda It's just the realties of game development with the level of polish expected these days.
No one is denying that games *may* take longer to develop however 343’s titles have shipped with less polish, fewer features and more bugs.

I’m not a generic anti-343 guy. They have done fine work on somethings and atrocious work on others.
Can't wait for this. Never played Halo until MCC came out beyond giving it a shot on OG Xbox and not caring for it at the time. MCC blew me away though (I never play multiplayer, so I didn't encounter any of the issues, single player was flawless) and became one of my all time favourites. Need to finish Halo 5, tried a couple of times and again, didn't grab me, but I'm hoping Infinite, with an extra year in development will be spectacular. I actually watched the reveal and was excited for it then, thought it looked great, then saw the fuss and the memes lol. So with the extra dev time and Microsoft's need to get it right, I'm hopeful of a real GOTY contender. Glad it was delayed. Can only benefit everyone.


Literally every developer has had longer cycles than they did in the days of the OG Xbox and 360. Forza came out every 2 years but now it's not. Naughty Dog was cranking out games like mad but they had half as many this gen. Same with Rockstar and Bethesda It's just the realties of game development with the level of polish expected these days.
In all fairness to Naughty Dog, they likely would have put out just as many games this past gen as any other before. That debacle with Uncharted 4 sent that train off the damn rails. They had just moved to a multi-team studio and then they had to put all hands on deck to redo UC4 and get it done as quickly as possible. From what I remember, that game was supposed to have released a year to a year and a half earlier than it did. Amy Hennig had already been working on it for almost 2 and a half years by the time shit hit the fan and she left in early 2014. Druckmann and Straley decided to rewrite nearly the whole thing from what I heard.

Halo 5 and Halo Infinite will be 6 years apart. That's pretty much an entire generation. Which is fairly disconcerting considering the state of the game they showed us after 5 years apart from Halo 5 and the revelation that it's actually NOT open world. 343 had over 450 people back in 2016. That number has likely increased since then but even if it hasn't that's still an awful lot of people spending 6 years to make a game. Especially when studios with much lower head counts are making actual open world games and taking that long or less. Now I'm really hoping the game does well because I fucking love Halo and I want it to be an awesome franchise again. One that gets me excited to hear about it. But after several leadership changes, a badly botched reveal, and quite a few years after the last game I'm not holding my breath. People have good reasons for doubting 343's management.
I do hope it's good, that they can turn it around from the initial reveal. There's no denying 343 haven't had the best time with it so far.

I just hope it's not another MCC situation, if it takes the best part of year and a half to be playable rather than work out of the gate and be enhanced in that timeframe - than what's the point.
I do hope it's good, that they can turn it around from the initial reveal. There's no denying 343 haven't had the best time with it so far.

I just hope it's not another MCC situation, if it takes the best part of year and a half to be playable rather than work out of the gate and be enhanced in that timeframe - than what's the point.
This is what this extra time is for, so it is the finished article. Of course we know this game will be updated for many years to come and will see improvements across the entire game. I believe we will get a highly polished game that's feature complete for launch. Obviously updates and new features will be added post launch, but this is the nature of this release and not the developer playing catch up.
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