I actually didn't think the last two DTV sequels were too bad "Hellseeker" and "Deader" (I think). The reason is that they kind of reminded me of the structure of Silent Hill 2. That is, in SH2 the focus wasn't on the town anymore or the gimmick of the cult, but it was just this guy having this experience that the town happened to be a part of. The last two Hellraisers (more so Hellseeker) were the same way, just a guy that had stuff happening to him and it turned out that Pinhead and the Cenobites figured into it, it was no longer focussing on Pinhead being a stupid masochistic monster anymore like they did in Hellraiser3 and Bloodlines.
In the third film when they come up with that whole stupid "Pinhead's human side has been removed from him" that was basically just an excuse to make him a monster rather than an intelligent demon that could hold a conversation, unlike Jason, without resorting to corny one-liners (unlike Freddy). They kind of returned him to that form in the DTV sequels.
The "Evil Goes Online" thing though sounds too much like "Leprechaun in Space" :lol