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(New info) Star Wars Battlefront: Galactic Empire

It's gong to be a killer on XBL!


August 31, 2004 - One of the most welcomed Star Wars games in years, Star Wars Battlefront is an online game built on the concept of doing anything at anytime with anyone. Similar to EA's Battlefield 1942, LucasArts' upcoming title is a single- and multi-player game encompassing classic Star Wars (from the first three movies) and Episode I and II.

For gamers who own an Xbox and PS2, this is a big deal (PC gamers are spoiled with their Star Wars games, seeing about 37 games from the franchise). For console players, it's a shift for the better. Imagine hooking up to a 16-player Star Wars game, taking on the role of up to six different character types among four factions (Rebel Alliance, Imperial Army, Clone Army and Droid Army) and diving into a massive, open online battle on Endor, Geonosis, Yavin, Hoth...up to 10 different planets all told. Players can jump into vehicles, battle alongside clones, droids, Wookies, Ewoks, even the likes of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, and can use an extraordinary assortment of weapons and vehicles.

The game's modes are broad and engaging. There are two major ones, the Skirmish mode and Galactic Conquest mode. Skirmish is the traditional online game in which you hook up, pick a side and engage in non-stop battles across the Star Wars universe. Galactic Conquest mode gives players a strategic approach to waging wars amongst all of the planets. Using the age-old strategy game Risk as a model, players pick sides, choose whether they want to attack or defend, and fight. Since there are 15 locations on 10 planets, some planets have two fight settings.

In Part I of our feature we looked at the Rebel Alliance units, in Part II we tackled the Separatist Faction, and in Part III we inspected the Republic Army. And here today in Part IV, we visit inspect the Galactic Empire.

Storm Trooper
The iron will of the Emperor is personified in the stark white armor of the feared stormtrooper. Stormtroopers are highly disciplined and fanatically loyal to the Emperor, making them an excellent front line assault force. Which makes this more than a simple 9-5 day job, know what we mean?

Every stormtrooper is equally proficient with standard BlasTech E-11 blaster rifles and a variety of thermal detonator makes and models. And, for the record, these guys deal far more damage in this game alone than they ever did in all of the movies combined! They can really fight here!

BlasTech E-11 Blaster Rifle
Standard rifle of the Empire's front line units, this weapon is reliable and deadly, but sacrifices accuracy for raw power.

BlasTech SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Pistol
An ongoing Imperial contract with BlasTech yielded this semi-automatic blaster pistol. Commonly used as a back-up sidearm.

More here!
Actually isn't it(the PC version) suppose to be 32 players,and 64 for LAN,I think thats what I heard a few days ago.

I'm getting the Xbox version and yeah I'm abit worried that its only 16 players on both sides totaly. I guess it depends on the size of the levels. While I would appreciate large areas to batle in-I don't think that would fit too well if youre inside huge areas,lookng for your teamates half the time. Would that mean that were going to receive small stages to combat in then? I mean how's it going to play out if I jump in a tie fighter and can only fly in a limited area,whats the point of freedom to fly if the areas are sorta smallsih?

For that reason alone,I'm thinking the game is gonna be compromised,small number of team mates,then that might equal smaller stage designs too then. Ofcourse just to contradict myself,I enjoyed playing Tribes on the PS2, a game that had you with just the right number of teamates,but those stages weren't exactly small from what I remember. If its like that then I'll be happy.

Anyway this game has the possibility of owning this year,it depends on the stuff I mentioned above.
Bog said:
Please be good. Please be good.

I think it will, cant wait! I may end up getting both the PC AND XBox version though, I like the inea of voice chat with live, but I hate that it will most likely cap at 16 players.

~Black Deatha
isnt it 3rd perspective? with a 'sight' option for fps?
it sounds interesting, but i hope its not a basic squad shooter with star wars character models.

is there anything which holds it above other squad games? (rather than SW license)


Templar Wizard said:
isnt it 3rd perspective? with a 'sight' option for fps?
it sounds interesting, but i hope its not a basic squad shooter with star wars character models.

is there anything which holds it above other squad games? (rather than SW license)

You're thinking of Republic Commando... Battlefront is like Counter-Strike with vehicles.
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