taken from http://p082.ezboard.com/ftraversingfrm13
-have you ever visisted the site/board? do you lurk or possbily even post incognito?
i have been to the site...and what a beautiful one at that.....i have read
some things... i have never posted though......
- are you aware of the level of admiration and dedication there is for dredg, within your small fan base? how do you feel about it?
admiration is a crush for sound in this situation......dredg is very very thankful for all these ears that seem to get tickled with our experiments with sound......once again...dredg is very thankful.
- how do you feel about becoming more well known/popular in the mainstream?
where is the evidence? and what is this mainstream and where does it flow...... how about we start calling it headriver, or captainbrook............?
- you always handle the emails for the band and most of the interviews. did you choose this role or was it assigned to you? do you enjoy doing it?
i chose the role...i enjoy being in direct contact with the supporters........i feel more connected with our reflection./
-so now let's get into the new album...
- is the album completely finished now?
- album title? tracklist?
no title yet...many in mind.......have any ideas? tracklist, almost done, some of our present names will be changed for the final.....
- were there any different instruments used on this album?
yes, theramin, banjo, xylophone, rhodes, moogs.
- any movement/brushstroke style instrumentals?
yes, three.
- any guests on the album?
yes, nathan calvin and a girl named precious. and geoff bilson. all friends...nothing to be googled.
- what was it like working with terry date and how do you feel about the result?
we love terry......a great gentleman and king of tones.... we all feel very privileged and comfortable to have worked with mr. date as well as completely content with the recordings....
- how does this album compare to your previous work?
less bizarre i think......i think we have begun to understand the art of song a little bit more, traditionally...... i think shorter and more to the point.....dont worry, we are still freaks.
- what inspires you to constantly change and grow musically?
a huge part of dredg is the concept of change.....nothing in this word is ever still.....everything is allways changing...... progression is a natural form of life, evolution and growth kills bordom.....dredg is inspired by most experiences........film, music, nature, young infants....it is grasping these experiences that enables us to produce.....it is what drives us and keeps us in tune.
- is there a theme/concept for this album? would you like to tell us some about it now?
it is realizing that good and bad, pleasure and pain, life and death, are not absolute experiences belonging to different categories, but are merely two sides of the same reality ; extreme parts of a single whole. gavin and i have done 12 paintings, one for each song, that parallels this theme.
- most of us have heard a lot of the songs already, either live or the coquettte demo. can you tell us some diffrences/changes in the songs from coquette to the final versions?
no more orgasm. sonically more tremedous.
- what will be done with the songs that did not make the album? some parts used in other songs? used as b-sides? or were some totally discarded?
somewhere thrown in the trash....free to be stolen.... there are three songs that did not make the album...they will end up on something at somepoint....
- can you tell us some about the artwork we will be seeing with the new album? any special packaging for the cd?
there will be a limited edition....the artwork has been mentioned above. or refer to page 49 for more details.
- do you plan on having more promotion done for this album? radio play? videos?
yes, yes, yes.
- any idea what the first single will be?
we will be releasing a double. kidding..i have no idea. i would like to see on of our instrumentals as our first single....yeah, let the machine laugh at that idea.
- how do you feel about the album release being delayed for so long?
love it...gives me more time to sit on my cheeks.
- are you satisfied with interscope in general?
yes, dredg loves interscope......have never said no to anything and have
never bullied.
-and last but not least...
-can you tell us about any plans yet? when? where? what bands you may be touring with? will you be headlining?
@#%$, i wish i knew.....we have been discussing tours, but nothing is final yet......you will see dates on our website as soon as we get figured...and a new website will be up in a month...........
thank you all for your appreciation and interest.....cheers.
drew and dredg