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New NFSU2 pics


For PS2. Doesn't look that hot, but it's EA.















From what I've seen from the demo, this courses are way too curvy.
For crying out loud, can I get a straight line where I can safely distance an oponnent.


laugh all you want at the graphics, this is going to take San Andreas and Halo 2 head-on...

customers were asking for the game back when I was working at Best Buy during the summer...

the 8-25 casual crowd is going to eat this up...

This vinyl is OOOooold!!
And are they still using the shit non-Evo Lancer? Where's the MR? STI better be in here, they threw fucking Mustangs and SUVs in.

Sho Nuff


That is some nice PS1-level geometry on the tracks. And it only runs 30fps? YOU ARE GOOD CODAR MANS, EA!!!


I'll be picking this up. For all the crap NFSU gets, it's one of the best arcade racers this gen and the sales prove it.

Sho Nuff

FortNinety said:
Will the game have that same cool blurring affect as in part 1? I've yet to see it thus far.

It looks like it in one of those shots... or that is a LOOOOW resolution texture on the warehouse interior.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Society said:
That makes it worse. Just shows EA they do not even need to tryin order to sell the game.

Yes because this one is exactly the same as the original title, only it has a few more cars, paint schemes, and layers.
ArcadeStickMonk said:
If this is true, then I will get much enjoyment out of it.

It's not, he was being sarcastic. The game now is more of a Tokyo Extreme Racer or Midnight Club setup. You're put into a big city and you drive around looking for racers to go against instead of selecting this race or that race from a menu.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
SolidSnakex said:
It's not, he was being sarcastic. The game now is more of a Tokyo Extreme Racer or Midnight Club setup. You're put into a big city and you drive around looking for racers to go against instead of selecting this race or that race from a menu.

In addition there are race events at designated spots in the city highlighted as colored dots on your map similar to SRS. There are also apparently hidden events, hidden shops, tec.
ArcadeStickMonk said:
well then, that could suck

I thought the new open design worked well in the demo. I'm still not use to the new control style though. It seemed really slippery but that could just be the car and not the general control feel.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
SolidSnakex said:
I thought the new open design worked well in the demo. I'm still not use to the new control style though. It seemed really slippery but that could just be the car and not the general control feel.

I thought the same thing. It actually is the car. Once I upgraded it the body roll went away and the car stayed put.

And once, I can't wait for the PC version. :p


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
AlphaSnake said:
I thought the same thing. It actually is the car. Once I upgraded it the body roll went away and the car stayed put.

And once, I can't wait for the PC version. :p

Thank god because that car was quite the rolly polly.


easy to see they don't change the game engine (they do that each year with maden and fifa). The original was one of the most choppy fps racer ever, their fix now is to remove some (in fact quite a lot) poly.

Please, if you want a "trendy" racer, buy initial D at least it's great fun.


vangace said:

Ok wtf....
The Celica's in the air coming down from a jump... what's the problem?

Anyhow, the earlier pics Xbox/PC whatever they were, looked better especially in poly count and the resulting smoothness.

And Quartet my copy of the first (xbox version) was never choppy... there were slight FR drops in certain situations but nothing like you're hinting at. It had a great sense on speed, second to burnout even and was totally playable.


Ramirez said:
Vangance,how bout no.

But but... teh nostalgia!

Jesus people we understand you don't like the NFSU series and you miss the old NFS games, this was established when the first one was released so it's a good bet you wouldn't like part two either(duh?)... may I suggest moving on? Does every topic always have to degenerate because of nonsense?

Maybe I'm dumb, but I can't make sense of what the hell is going on in this pic. Are they driving on top of the fence? Or is it just not displaying properly?


Yeah, there's supposed to be shadowing on the cars but there obviously aren't. I don't even remember shadows being cast on the vehicles themselves in part 1. :/


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Forget it rayne the same folks must continue to voice their displeasure in each NFSU2 thread. It's the law.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
morbidaza said:

Maybe I'm dumb, but I can't make sense of what the hell is going on in this pic. Are they driving on top of the fence? Or is it just not displaying properly?

Even though it doesn't look like it, the fence is in the foreground and the cars are behind it. For some reason the fence is transparent when the camera is looking through it and at the cars.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Barnimal said:
why hasnt anyone mentioned that the last one just wasnt FUN?

Because it was fun! LOLLERCOASTERZ!!

Get the fuck out, hater.
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