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New? Nintendo DS Gameplay Video


It also appears a game in which you ride a submarine which was particulary interesting...Mario 64x4 is something you'll hate after seeing the video...Not the same about the 2.5D Mario :) .

Kon Tiki



GBA 2 to have 3 Screens?!


Console Market Analyst
New footage to me, but of the same game demos I've seen. Also note, the old DS hardware featured.

I certainly hope other games are being readied for launch...


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Man, I'm sorry but that New Super Mario Bros game looks ridiculously lame. Horrible graphics, really poor interaction between Mario and the enemies, and just wonky animation. Yuck.


Dan said:
Man, I'm sorry but that New Super Mario Bros game looks ridiculously lame. Horrible graphics, really poor interaction between Mario and the enemies, and just wonky animation. Yuck.
I prefer playing it over having to play again Mario64...I didn't find the animation so bad...it was just like the stages on SSBM.
I am happy with that.


The new mario really doesn't look any good.
Whoever said it looked like the 2D platforming in SSBM is right, and that's not a good thing. I would much prefer the controls and interaction of SMB1 or SMB3. They were both superior to SSBM.
New Super Mario Bros. is obviously in an extremely early alpha stage. You'd have to be retarded to judge the final quality of the game based on a five percent complete demo engine.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It just looks like it, doesn't mean it'll play like it. Platforming sidegame in a fighting focused main game by HAL doesn't equal a platforming main game by EAD (assuming they're making it, I doubt it's HAL anyway).


Do people still believe that Mario 64 looks better than Mario 64X4? From that video it looks the same as Mario 64 except the characters look better (animation and modeling) and it's running at 60 fps.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Kobun Heat said:
New Super Mario Bros. is obviously in an extremely early alpha stage. You'd have to be retarded to judge the final quality of the game based on a five percent complete demo engine.
Unless you can point out where I'm judging the final product, I stand by all of my statements in regards to what we've been shown. The game, thus far, looks awful.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Shoryuken said:
Do people still believe that Mario 64 looks better than Mario 64X4? From that video it looks the same as Mario 64 except the characters look better (animation and modeling) and it's running at 60 fps.

So what you're saying is, it looks better.

Way to prove a point!
Alright I suppose this is the best place to ask this. People have been complaining about 3D glitchy PSX-esque graphics. So far in all of the media I've seen (I stress that by the way; I have in no way actually seen the DS in person as of yet) it seems very N64ish in terms of a stable 3D world and very unlike PSX.

I'm presuming it is because of the media grabs and all, but even in this video (which isn't exactly what I'd call high quality,) I haven't seen the polygon jumps and texture magic I remember oh so unfondly from the PSX. When I saw some Metroid Prime: Hunters video on a television I was quite impressed with its graphical capabilities (as much as I loathe Prime) of the DS. I was quite honestly expecting sub N64 graphics and framerates. (The smooth quality of all I've seen is quite a bonus.)

Again, I'm entirely under the assumption that the media I've seen is leaving something important out.
I just watched that video with the Component out dongle on my ATI card, and I was really disappointed with the Metroid video. Yikes. I thought DS was getting undeserved bashing, but that game is definetly sub-N64 in terms of IQ IMO.
Dan said:
Unless you can point out where I'm judging the final product, I stand by all of my statements in regards to what we've been shown. The game, thus far, looks awful.
It's like saying that Tales of Eternia on the PSP is going to be a game where all you do is run a little guy around on a tiny map and talk to two people. You're looking at an incredibly early tech demo. Of COURSE it's going to look unfinished and clunky.


Mama Smurf said:
So what you're saying is, it looks better.

Way to prove a point!

The proof is in the video, I merely gave a few valid graphical examples of why the game looks better. If you believe this game looks worse than Mario 64 please tell me why. I'd love to here your reasoning (I'm not being sarcastic I really would like to know).


Mario 64x4 looks like those who loved 64 will greatly enjoy it...though I think it's use of the second screen is a waste...to be honest...only the picture chat and submarine game made good use of the second screen :\

speaking of which, the submarine game made great use of the stylus and the use of the second screen was pretty nice :)

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Shoryuken said:
The proof is in the video, I merely gave a few valid graphical examples of why the game looks better. If you believe this game looks worse than Mario 64 please tell me why. I'd love to here your reasoning (I'm not being sarcastic I really would like to know).

Sorry, I completely read it wrong. My eyes managed to switch Mario 64 and Mario 64x4 somehow.

Looking good overall. Just E3 stuff, but tiny bits of footage I haven't seen before.
Wow this is one really old video, in fact Id ownloaded it what the other day again wondering why I had downloaded old news. Meh whatever doesn't matter as most people here haven't seen it apparently.

But anywho, still looks great to see.


bjork said:
What's the sub game, In The Hunt?

Nah...it looks to be more of a sim style game, one view shows a side view of the sub navigating and attacking (nice 3D) and the other shows a map and all of the ship's controls, which can be manipulated with the stylus

by far, the best use of the stylus and second screen, and looks to be right up my alley :b I hope that it's a launch title


Gattsu25 said:
Nah...it looks to be more of a sim style game, one view shows a side view of the sub navigating and attacking (nice 3D) and the other shows a map and all of the ship's controls, which can be manipulated with the stylus

by far, the best use of the stylus and second screen, and looks to be right up my alley :b I hope that it's a launch title

I thought the game was just a tech demo and wasn't going to be turned into an actual game. However, I could be wrong.


Shoryuken said:
I thought the game was just a tech demo and wasn't going to be turned into an actual game. However, I could be wrong.

better not be true...gonna check

in the meantime...this describves it better than I did:
The last demo we tried, the submarine demo, was said to be Miyamoto's favourite. The simple game, featuring a submarine, took place on the upper screen, while the sub's controls appeared on the bottom. The goal of the demo is to get your submarine across a stretch of ocean. The trip will force you to raise and submerge your sub as well as deal with obstacles such as rocks and enemy ships that block your way. The controls consist of dials that you'll manipulate with the stylus. You'll be able to adjust the craft's depth, pitch, and speed on the fly and fire off torpedoes as the need arises.


damn...seems like It is a tech demo >_< at least it shines light on some great uses for the stylus...and after watching that vid I can definately see why Miyamoto prefered it to the other demos.



SantaCruZer said:
Yeah I know it's hard to be patient.

welcome to an online message board about games. people discuss games and game systems here. if people wish to discuss games on the DS or the DS itself they will, whether you like it or not, using whatever media is available and whatever they know or can assume about the game or system. people constantly assume qualities about games based on very little knowledge (sometimes just a title) and the DS and th games that belong on it are no different. If you would like people to stop discussing alpha games on the old DS design, then by all means provide them with beta game footage on the new DS design. If you can't do so because no footage exists or is readily available, then kindly shut the fuck up


Tag of Excellence
The Sub demo rocked, btw.

All of these videos are the tech demos from E3. Nothing is new yet it is new in the fact that someone compiled it all together onto a DVD (judging from the video itself).


Gattsu25 said:
welcome to an online message board about games. people discuss games and game systems here. if people wish to discuss games on the DS or the DS itself they will, whether you like it or not, using whatever media is available and whatever they know or can assume about the game or system. people constantly assume qualities about games based on very little knowledge (sometimes just a title) and the DS and th games that belong on it are no different. If you would like people to stop discussing alpha games on the old DS design, then by all means provide them with beta game footage on the new DS design. If you can't do so because no footage exists or is readily available, then kindly shut the fuck up

wtf is wrong with you? I agreed it's hard to be patient for the DS, and it obviously wasn't meant to be sarcasm. Calm down. I want to see as much DS footage as you want.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Dragona Akehi said:
Alright I suppose this is the best place to ask this. People have been complaining about 3D glitchy PSX-esque graphics. So far in all of the media I've seen (I stress that by the way; I have in no way actually seen the DS in person as of yet) it seems very N64ish in terms of a stable 3D world and very unlike PSX.

I'm presuming it is because of the media grabs and all, but even in this video (which isn't exactly what I'd call high quality,) I haven't seen the polygon jumps and texture magic I remember oh so unfondly from the PSX. When I saw some Metroid Prime: Hunters video on a television I was quite impressed with its graphical capabilities (as much as I loathe Prime) of the DS. I was quite honestly expecting sub N64 graphics and framerates. (The smooth quality of all I've seen is quite a bonus.)

Again, I'm entirely under the assumption that the media I've seen is leaving something important out.

Dragona, the PSOne did not have a Z-Buffer and relied on good ol' Painter's algorythm to render polygons.

The DS might be doing Z-buffering in HW or Software: texture maic... well they are tessellating close polygons a bit better.
Thanks Pana, seems you're the only one I can count on to get answers. :p

So essentially, in your opinion about the DS. Will all games have the texture warping goodness of the PSX? I'm thankful for solid polgons-- Some 3D games on the PSX seemed to be in an eternal earthquake. :p

Also isn't Z-Buffering also perspective correction? I recall someone complaining that the DS doesn't have it, and yet from what I've seen, it doesn't seem to have that problem...


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Dragona Akehi said:
Thanks Pana, seems you're the only one I can count on to get answers. :p

So essentially, in your opinion about the DS. Will all games have the texture warping goodness of the PSX? I'm thankful for solid polgons-- Some 3D games on the PSX seemed to be in an eternal earthquake. :p

Also isn't Z-Buffering also perspective correction? I recall someone complaining that the DS doesn't have it, and yet from what I've seen, it doesn't seem to have that problem...

Perspective correction is separate from Z-buffering, actually handled after you projected polygons (perspective projection) to screen space.

The parameter you need is Q ( 1 / W IIRC... yes: http://www.hsfortuna.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/3dper/3dper.htm sorry, but we are still using UV coordinates in our little PS2 engine... tons of things to do ;)) plus the ST coorinates for the texture (from the 3D rendering package you get s,t and once you obtain Q you can easily obtain S and T).

If they tessellate polygons finely enough they will reduce texture warping: Reyes (micro-polygons based renderer) does not do any perspective correction for textures... not needed ;).

Basically, the bigger the polygon, the greater the distortion: late PSOne games had much less Texture Warping because of the decision to tessellate more and more geometry as they got nearer to the camera.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Dragona Akehi said:
Thanks Pana, seems you're the only one I can count on to get answers. :p

Don't say that :p. Loon on your side and this fiery redhead here on the other house PC might kill us lol.

I should get my ass on #ga sometimes... same *dorky* server (WINK) ?
The video is obviously old but I hadn't seen it. I hardly downloaded any DS videos so this was a good video to see. Good to see Mario Kart has the ability to hop once again. I'd love to see a DS mario kart with the N64 and GCN stages plus new stages with Mario Kart 64 driving mechanics.


Wario64 said:
osnap, the first Mario64 level is in the game

As far as I can remember...wasn't there some rumbling that the Single-Player game would allow you to switch between characters? Just something I vaguely recall.


The cloud Mario game looked awesome. And Metroid Hunters looks close to the Cube version IMO. I will own it.


Anybody know what the second screen is used for in the 2D mario game? Haters need to STFU because it looked awesome.
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