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New? Nintendo DS Gameplay Video


After using F-Zero music in that video, they have to make a game for it. It's a law, I tell you, a law!! Damn, AV/Sega needs to get on another GC/AC game, too...::whines::


DrLazy said:
Anybody know what the second screen is used for in the 2D mario game? Haters need to STFU because it looked awesome.

there's currently no use for the second screen for New Super Mario Bros., as you can see from the video and if you've seen any screenshots, its very very early, and quite lacking at the moment.
Soul4ger said:
After using F-Zero music in that video, they have to make a game for it. It's a law, I tell you, a law!! Damn, AV/Sega needs to get on another GC/AC game, too...::whines::

Absolutely, a track editor using the touchscreen would be heaven. Being able to swap your levels online would be a huge plus as well. It must be done.
Anybody know what the second screen is used for in the 2D mario game? Haters need to STFU because it looked awesome.

Oddly enough, the video shows the footage from one screen then another. Maybe when going in a pipe or in a castle, the bottom screen is used, while the top screen is the normal area. Just my thoughts.
TheUnknownForce said:
Oddly enough, the video shows the footage from one screen then another. Maybe when going in a pipe or in a castle, the bottom screen is used, while the top screen is the normal area. Just my thoughts.

So its like Pitfall.


TheUnknownForce said:
Oddly enough, the video shows the footage from one screen then another. Maybe when going in a pipe or in a castle, the bottom screen is used, while the top screen is the normal area. Just my thoughts.

only one of the two screens is used - the video shows it playing on both screen because they appear to be using a 'template' footage of the DS unit for all the games, showing what goes on in one screen, then the other, but in the case of NSMB, there's only one screen's used thus far, so they show that on both.



Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Alright I suppose this is the best place to ask this. People have been complaining about 3D glitchy PSX-esque graphics. So far in all of the media I've seen (I stress that by the way; I have in no way actually seen the DS in person as of yet) it seems very N64ish in terms of a stable 3D world and very unlike PSX.
The main issue of DS graphics, which you can't really see in these videos as they are blurry and not direct feed, is that it doesn't have (even) bilinear texture filtering, so textures look pixelated. In that way it reminds of PS1 or Saturn. It does not have jarring texture warping problems, so in that way it is much more like N64. Games like Mario 64x4 also run at 60FPS which is an improvement over Mario on N64. I am not sure at this point if DS does or does not have perspective correction. It could be that they tesselate polygons to avoid that - in direct feed videos perspective correction did look just a bit iffy, but nothing like in the majority od PS1 games.
huge mario bros fan here. But i don't like the new mario brothers looks - its like they decided that everything charming/fantastic and beautiful in the 2d mario bros is passee and ditched it.

Look at the bushes. How much more generic can you get. I sure hope the models in-game isn't running with that Nintendo philiosophy of standadizing models and using the same model for various SMB games (even though its been looking that way since Luigi's Mansion and the Smash Brothers game).

Mario is now like an actor appearing in different games. He always looks the same (thank god for paper mario)


I wouldn't be too worried about NewSMB just yet...the only thing likely to stay the same out of all of that is Mario himself. It seems like it literally was just a tech demo, showing off how they're basically making a 2D Mario Platformer that features a model similar to SMS and Mario 64's. It has different mechanics, and it seems like THAT is what they were showing there, not the whimsy and quality of the rest of the title.
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