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New Nintendo DS news from Nintendo Dream


olimario said:
I just have to say that the Peach's Castle Special Course song ROCKS!
If you download one, get it.

Just started listening to that one a few minutes ago...AWESOME remix of the castle theme.


olimario said:
The Luigi's Mansion remix is pretty damnded good, too.

Wario's is pretty damn good as well...

Also, by titles, it seems like there is a Gimmick Tournament, a Masters Tournament, and two other normal tournaments.

Sounds so damn promising.


The Donkey Kong one is cool, but the orchestrated version is much better.
I should upload that... What a great song.

EDIT: Delfic Isle Theme is good, too. This CD rocks.
For shame at anyone who HASN'T played Mario Golf, easily one of the greatest games of last year. Ultimate replay value, humor and awesome music. If this is your first time hearing this stuff, then I'm vomitting on the ground right now. Ugh, blood is mixed in with it too.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Boo, I downloaded from that mirror with the zip file and the zip is damaged.

Olimario saves the day
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