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New Nintendo Screens - DK:JB, Donkey Konga, Star Fox, Mario Tennis (IGN)


Donkey Kong Jungle Beat



Star Fox



Donkey Konga



Mario Tennis



+1 Mario Tennis November Purchase, +1 DK:JB 2005 Purchase, +1 "Pissed I can't afford Donkey Konga" reaction.


The cutscenes in Starfox look like an animated cartoon now.

Jungle Beat is going to own... Could be the sleeper hit next year


If Jungle Beat impressions are as good as I think they're going to be (really good at E3), I'll give in and get Donkey Konga for the drums.

Then hate myself forever.


Socreges said:
If Jungle Beat impressions are as good as I think they're going to be (really good at E3), I'll give in and get Donkey Konga for the drums.

Then hate myself forever.

Don't like rhythm games?


TheGreenGiant said:
why do you keep saying no when everything else says/points to yes.

Because the guy I spoke to at E3 said that they wouldn't be coming with Jungle Beat. Also, I haven't seen anything pointing to "yes."


Miburou said:
Can someone tell me what kind of game Jungle Beat is?

It's a sidescrolling platformer. You don't NEED the drums, but they help. Tapping either side real fast will make DK run in that direction. Both at the same time makes him jump. Clapping makes DK clap, which does various things in the game.

We've only seen one boss fight so far, but it looks very reminiscent of Punch-Out, with each side controlling DK's respective arms.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Neat, but we could use some new screens of DS games right about now! @_@

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I don't trust a game where every new screen released is either a cutscene or a render. Hardly inspires confidence.


Tennis looks good, but will it have any lastability? Nintendo seems to randomly draw games from a hat to pick which is practicly barebones, and which will be "Smash Bros.ized".


+4 Nintendo purchases from me. Watched the Jungle Beat video on the newest demo tonight, and I can't believe how fast-paced it looks. Awesome stuff.


I was really tempted to use that Octopus picture...but I decided against it, as we've already seen some shots of the Octopus and the Luigi's Mansion portion of that court hasn't been seen from such an angle...yes, I actually think about these things.

Jungle Beat is definitely something I know I'll love, but I still can't see myself affording Donkey Konga at this point. If, for some reason, I spot a sale for $50 Canadian I'll be picking this up as an impulse buy. I know I'll likely love Donkey Konga, because I just think it looks damn fun, but at the same time I can't buy it knowing I haver other games to buy. I definitely won't be picking up the Bongos for $40 CDN when I'll be able to pick up the Game for $60. So, it almost makes me think "I'm getting Jungle Beat, might as well pick up Konga". My only concern is that their ship numbers won't take this audience into account.

And yeah, all of the Star Fox shots are renders...but the Mario Tennis shots are all replays too. And they all look pretty darn good. As long as we don't get Star Fox Adventures quality Voice Work and Story Work, I'm all good.

Deku Tree said:
I hope you can play as that big octopus.

Damn straight...it would simply kick ass if there was even a mode where each of the four players controlled one of the rackets, and tried to get the ball past a CPU controlled Mario. not sure how it would work, but it would rock.


Alex said:
Tennis looks good, but will it have any lastability? Nintendo seems to randomly draw games from a hat to pick which is practicly barebones, and which will be "Smash Bros.ized".

I played Mario Tennis 64 for hours on end. If Nintendo can at least match that with this new incarnation (So far everything points to yes), I'll be satisfied.



Running off of Custom Firmware
To that end, would should probaby expect Mario Tennis to follow the rest of Camelot's Mario Sports patterns... a rather barebones singleplayer and a kickass multiplayer experience on the console, and exactly the opposite on the handheld.

Musashi Wins!

Any word on any other possible drum games? I'm looking forward to the two, but even more would be appreciated. Everything else looks great except SF which I predict is going to suck it.


Musashi Wins! said:
Any word on any other possible drum games? I'm looking forward to the two, but even more would be appreciated. Everything else looks great except SF which I predict is going to suck it.

Odama uses the drum, and there is already a second Konga in Japan.

Li Mu Bai

DK:JB & Mario Tennis look better every time I see them. Smart move on Nintendo's part to inject this title (MT) into this holiday's lineup. I hope Namco/Nintendo listened & took the criticism to heart regarding SF2. Still, as it stands currently its better than the horrendous SFA.


Grandma's Chippy
Suprised nobody has mentioned that Mario Party 6 will use a microphone peripheral.

No idea how that is gonna play out, but it sounds cool enough...makes me want to fire up my DC and play Seaman.

Li Mu Bai

Mr Pockets said:
Suprised nobody has mentioned that Mario Party 6 will use a microphone peripheral.

No idea how that is gonna play out, but it sounds cool enough...makes me want to fire up my DC and play Seaman.

I agree Mr. P, it does open up some interesting possibilities.
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