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New Prince of Persia 2 gameplay video

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
i'm going to :lol if the fighting has become the focus of their PR campaign, and platforming is still a heavy element in the game. there's a good chance i'm wrong, but i really want to see the haters twitch.


eXxy said:
i'm going to :lol if the fighting has become the focus of their PR campaign, and platforming is still a heavy element in the game. there's a good chance i'm wrong, but i really want to see the haters twitch.

And what if suddenly PoP2 is a big commercial success because of all this stupid fighting PR?

Ranger X

From what i've seen so far looks like it's pretty much the same balance between fightning and platforming as before in there! Definetely looking forward to this game in the coming holiday.


Two new trailers at IGN.


I'm downloading them myself right now.





I haven't played the first one yet, but this definately appears to be a lot darker. I guess that's what they don't like.. It certainly looks fun to me.


Miburou said:
Looks even better than the first one. I don't know what the haters are on.
Word! I liked the look of the first one but this is much, much better.

IGN thinks the new look is better too :D

[About the undertitel Warrior Within] The official name reflects the Prince's growth from rather naive young fighter to a seasoned, darker warrior. Indeed, from all we've seen so far, the official sequel to The Sands of Time is much more moody and dark: a change in style we embrace heartily.


Holy shat. That was amazing! I loved that forest scene where it was a combination of green and black with those objects just floating in the air. Can't wait for this one!


DSN2K said:
I must admit, im beginning to like this game.....
Don't be afraid. Join the dark side :p

No but seriously. The look of this game made me buy the first one. I wouldn't buy a sequal unless I've played the first one in some form.
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