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New Prince of Persia 2 Screenies... looks VERY good


This game looks so much better than the first.
Thank goodness for Ubi.


aoi tsuki

Guess i'm in the minority here. Technical achievements aside, i like the look of the original. Also, i hate this trend towards making darker, more "mature" games. The original would've been better with a deeper combat system, not a gorier one.


I loved the dream-like glow that the first game projected, and the character art was very charming and well done. I'm not liking the badass Mortal Kombat-reject Prince all that much.

And what's with the transparent leg in the first shot?
aoi tsuki said:
Guess i'm in the minority here. Technical achievements aside, i like the look of the original. Also, i hate this trend towards making darker, more "mature" games. The original would've been better with a deeper combat system, not a gorier one.

They already had him looking kind of dark and mature in the original. They just seem to have made the world reflect that this time around.
The first game had a more dreamy, fanciful look. You had a level like the prison, which was dark and gritty, but you also had areas that looked dreamlike like the zoo. It was a nice mix.

Still looking forward to this one though. It does look more nightmare-ish so I'm hoping the switch is appropriate in all areas and not just a change in the look.


aoi tsuki said:
Guess i'm in the minority here. Technical achievements aside, i like the look of the original. Also, i hate this trend towards making darker, more "mature" games. The original would've been better with a deeper combat system, not a gorier one.


These screenshots look great, but it's a shame Ubi had to go and make the Prince all dark and brutal to try and attract more sales.

Hopefully, it will still be as fun as SoT despite the drastic change.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Looks great to me, I love the art style in these games. I guess Ubi Soft is going for an M rating, I mean I see a guy getting his head cut off and plenty of blood...personally I would rather see Ubi Soft take that out and make sure it gets a Teen rating so the sales will better. I don't really care if I can cut the guy's head off or not, doesn't matter either way to me.


I didn't like the look of the last one and I don't like the look of this one either. The blur vision cataracts visuals is done to mask low resolution textures and low poly characters. Now the game doesn't even look Persian at all. It looks like a generic brown dungeon crawling game for the PC.

Great character design too...


Not. Nice horns, ya buck tooth skull face.


]The blur vision cataracts visuals is done to mask low resolution textures and low poly characters.

Who cares? the most important is how it looks, no how they have done it.

I agree it looks great (but I had no problem about how looked the first one)
I hope they put as much care into all three versions as they did the first. I don't want this crap where the Xbox version gets the best version followed by the other two. I want to get it on my Cube, not my red-headed step-child Xbox.


Hey cool! A new Mortal Kombat Anthologies game!

Seriously though, sometimes I wish that instead of adding gore and rediculous ammounts of violence into every single game developed nowadays, we could just gather and inflict violence upon those who insist on making every game bloodier and gorier than the next!
It would be the perfect solution. Those with an absolute bloodlust could have their dark cravings peek in a beautiful combination of life meets game, and the rest of us would be free to enjoy a glorious technicolor gamescape where the color red isn't always indicative of a 'flawless victory'.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The blur vision cataracts visuals is done to mask low resolution textures and low poly characters.

Bullshit. I'm getting sick of people making these claims...


This game looks "mature," but absolutely humorless.

Based on the screenshots, it looks like:

PoP1 : PoP2 :: Raiders of the Lost Ark : Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
If I could see what the hell was going on, I'm sure it'd be wonderful. ;)
aoi tsuki said:
Guess i'm in the minority here. Technical achievements aside, i like the look of the original. Also, i hate this trend towards making darker, more "mature" games. The original would've been better with a deeper combat system, not a gorier one.

IAWTP. I got confirmation at E3 that Jordan Mechner isn't writing the story for this one, and I've managed to convince myself the game is going to suck (for the record PoP was my favorite game of 2003). I'm fucking sick of "teh mature" in videogames. The first game was a masterpiece and they're going to shit all over it with a crummy angist filled story and a gory (though possibly improved) combat system.

The story was the most important thing in the first game, and I have a feeling they're going to throw it away in favor of making blood most important in this sequel.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The story was the most important thing in the first game, and I have a feeling they're going to throw it away in favor of making blood most important in this sequel.

It's a shame that you think that little of the devs after the original game. You really think they are going to simply focus on "gore"? Nonsense...
dark10x said:
It's a shame that you think that little of the devs after the original game. You really think they are going to simply focus on "gore"? Nonsense...

At E3 all they could talk about was how "dark and edgy and more mature" the prince was. The announcer guy demoing the game mentioned it like every 4 seconds. It's given me a very sour outlook on the game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
StrikerObi said:
At E3 all they could talk about was how "dark and edgy and more mature" the prince was. The announcer guy demoing the game mentioned it like every 4 seconds. It's given me a very sour outlook on the game.

Regardless of how they are trying to push the game, do you really believe that the same team responsible for the original will allow such a simple thing to ruin their game? I don't think so.

It is hard to garner sales these days, so if an "edgy" look is all that must be added to appeal to mainstream, so be it. While I prefer the original look, I really do like this new art style. It may be "mature" (rolleyes), but at least it actually looks very well designed.

If the gameplay is of top quality, does it really matter if everything is a little darker? I doubt they are going to completely change the type of plot presented or anything.


Unconfirmed Member
Eh, I'm kind of mixed on this. Certain things in each individual shot look pretty cool, but I can't say I care much for the overall look. I definitely think the absence of the bloom lighting from the first game is a major detriment to the game's visual appeal. The first game had a very distinctive and aesthetically pleasing art-style. This one just kind of screams "The first game didn't sell well enough! Make it look more generic so people will buy it!"

The game will still kick ass, though.

I hope.


Queen of Denmark
dark10x said:
Regardless of how they are trying to push the game, do you really believe that the same team responsible for the original will allow such a simple thing to ruin their game? I don't think so.

It is hard to garner sales these days, so if an "edgy" look is all that must be added to appeal to mainstream, so be it. While I prefer the original look, I really do like this new art style. It may be "mature" (rolleyes), but at least it actually looks very well designed.

If the gameplay is of top quality, does it really matter if everything is a little darker? I doubt they are going to completely change the type of plot presented or anything.
IAWTP. People who believe a game is going to suck because it's TEH MATURE are no better than those who judge games that look TEH KIDDIE.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher



Hmm, while I do believe that DMC3 looks nice...Prince is really looking quite a bit better. Just take a look at the background in that PoP shot. That is actually very skillfully designed and looks quite beautiful, I'd say. It actually seems to look somewhat similar to Metroid Prime (environment only). Then you look at the characters. I see nothing wrong with what PoP2 presents. This isn't like Sudeki or anything, where it just looks so bad it's painful. This actually is quite appealing. While I prefer the lighter atmosphere of the original, I think the actual design of the Prince in PoP2 is quite a bit better than the original.
No, it's not painful to look at. But every screenshot looks the same and the lighting is flat.
I'm not too happy with the character designs either.

DMC3 looks like a neo-classical work of art. While this looks like an alladin movie.


force push the doodoo rock
seismologist said:
No, it's not painful to look at. But every screenshot looks the same and the lighting is flat.
I'm not too happy with the character designs either.

DMC3 looks like a neo-classical work of art. While this looks like an alladin movie.

wouldnt go that far bro. DMC is okay, its color palette leaves a bitter taste though. theres nothing really wrong with the way pop2 looks (except that animation :/)
Dark: I realize that you are transfixed on the graphical element of this game, but I feel the graphics are the least of my worries. We all know the visuals will be appealing with either a dark or light theme, but the "we can be violent fighting game #489381" approach is really disheartening.

The worst part is that they really had something great going with the platforming elements in the first. While not perfect, they at least (to me) captured some of the spirit of Prince of Persia.

I mean, honestly...do we really need another fighting game? Sands of Time was somewhat original in that it had some of the most daring acrobatics used in a game. This just screams of the "me too" syndrome.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
seismologist said:
No, it's not painful to look at. But every screenshot looks the same and the lighting is flat.
I'm not too happy with the character designs either.

DMC3 looks like a neo-classical work of art. While this looks like an alladin movie.

Did you ever consider the source of these screens? DMC3's shots are obviously intended to show a wide range of locations (mostly present in the trailer). You would be hard pressed to find multiple shots from the same area. These PoP shots, on the other hand, really don't seem to be trying to show a wide range of locations.

Of course, DMC3's theme allows the developers to display an incredibly large number of different looking areas without disturbing the flow of the game. That wouldn't work in Prince...at least not to the same degree.

I mean, honestly...do we really need another fighting game? Sands of Time was somewhat original in that it had some of the most daring acrobatics used in a game. This just screams of the "me too" syndrome.

I'm only focusing on what people are talking about.

You make it seem as if all platforming has been removed. Is there anything pointing to that? I was under the impression that they were simply attempting to IMPROVE the combat mechanics while still presenting plenty of acrobatic challenges. At the very least, they have removed the heavy focus on fighting scenarios (something I hated). In the original, an enemy encounter usually required you to fight until everyone was dead. With this new game, enemies are simply found along your path. It should allow combat to become more optional. Also, if the mystical elements are to be somewhat removed, I doubt tons of enemies will be spawning in and around you.

Do you have any actual statements mentioning the removal of platform elements, or are you simply inferring that from their focus on improving the fighting mechanics? That was the weakest aspect of the original, afterall, so it would only make sense that they would work on it.


Looks very good, but I prefer the look to the original.

Speaking of the original, it's amazing! I think I'm halfway through it, but the stuff I see is incredible! Great stuff.


Count me in as preferring the original theme of the game. And the lack of Jordan Mechner would be a sad blow as well.


Gold Member
aoi tsuki said:
Guess i'm in the minority here. Technical achievements aside, i like the look of the original. Also, i hate this trend towards making darker, more "mature" games. The original would've been better with a deeper combat system, not a gorier one.

I agree. The first one was beautiful. I loved the bright backgrounds, it had an arabian nights feeling to it. This new prince looks like a drug addict.
JasoNsider said:
Dark: I realize that you are transfixed on the graphical element of this game, but I feel the graphics are the least of my worries. We all know the visuals will be appealing with either a dark or light theme, but the "we can be violent fighting game #489381" approach is really disheartening.

The worst part is that they really had something great going with the platforming elements in the first. While not perfect, they at least (to me) captured some of the spirit of Prince of Persia.

I mean, honestly...do we really need another fighting game? Sands of Time was somewhat original in that it had some of the most daring acrobatics used in a game. This just screams of the "me too" syndrome.

IAWTP. This game is already being compared to Devil May Cry 3. That is a bad thing. The first game was an original and couldn't really be compared to anything. Why can't the second be original too (or at least follow the formula of PoP SoT instead of some other game)?

Sands of Time was a magical story of love and loss told with a fantastic art style and an unheard of level of story development for a videogame. When I say I'm pissed that the game is going to be "teh mature" I'm not talking just about graphics. Ubi keeps saying it's going to have a "darker, more mature story." This implies that the first didn't have a mature story. But it did. I had a better, more mature story than pretty much any game ever. It moved past that teen angst stage of maturity and went right on up to love and loss, which is a hell of a lot more "mature" than wanting to get revenge or some other generic "mature" videogame plotline.

It passed the "blow shit up" trap that so many mainstream movies get cought up in. It wasn't mature in a sense that there was violence and sex, but rather instead an adult storyline that was very enjoyable and brilliantly told.

They took a huge step forward with the story direction for the first game, and now they're taking two steps back for the sequel. That's why I don't like this game being "mature."


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
You don't KNOW what the story will be, though. Darker tones do not necessarily mean the story will be poorly directed.

Let us wait and see before judging so harshly. It isn't as if SoT presented much in the way of storyline to us prior to release. The in game dialog was very well done, but it was something I was not even aware of until the final game. They tried to talk SoT up as a rather casual game as well...but that didn't actually reflect back on the product itself.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yusaku said:
I hope there's less fighting, or the fighting is less retarded.

See, that is something I am unsure of. Unlike the original, they are no longer forcing you to complete lengthy fight sequences in order to progress (that is, once enemies appeared, you could not leave until all were defeated). Now, enemies are actually integrated into the levels and you will have to engage in combat as you progress. Combining that with other supposed improvments could seriously improve the quality of the combat.

I hope they place most of their focus on puzzles, though...but we'll see.
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