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New Prince of Persia 2 screens + artwork


works for Gamestop (lol)









StrikerObi said:
Too much combat, too much angst.

Give me platforming and beautiful storytelling, not this shill.

couldn't agree more. I really hope they will keep some of the ICO-like environment design style and the platforming of PoP1...


I don't know shit about shit
They're trying too hard with this art style. But I'm sure some 12-year-old goth wannabe nerd loser somewhere is loving every minute of this.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't like the in-game look ("hey, let's ditch everything that made the first game cool"), but that artwork is pretty damn cool, especially that first image of the prince.


Looks more European than Arabian.

Im ok with the new change, but the environments looks a little too dull, with a hint of generic. Im sure it'll play well though


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Prine said:
Looks more European than Arabian.

Im ok with the new change, but the environments looks a little too dull, with a hint of generic. Im sure it'll play well though

Well, if we're nitpicking Persian Culture =! Arabian culture


I think I might email UBI and tell them to change the name...

Prince Of Darkness: The search for sales

seems fitting.


I'll always wonder how the prince got so evil after the happy-happy ending of PoP.

Hopefully, PoP2 will tell me.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It's not really that he turned "evil". It's that he's been getting hunted and he can't fucking escape the thing that's after him, so he's kind of going mad.


suikodan said:
I'll always wonder how the prince got so evil after the happy-happy ending of PoP.

Hopefully, PoP2 will tell me.

You never read the Game Informer article.
Basically, at the end of the first Prince of Persia, the Prince was supposed to die. Since he didn't, fate created a monster to track him down and kill him. The monster is virtually unbeatable, so the Prince is on the run. The Prince has basically spent a few years constantly on the run, studying different fighting styles in order to find some way to beat the creature, while at the same time not staying in one spot too long for fear of being found.
Thats why you see the bags under his eyes in all the artwork. I think they've nailed what they're going for.


Needs more platforming, less action. I don't understand why they're addressing complaints about the combat in PoP by beefing up the system in the sequel, and making it more important. Seems kinda stupid.


I think it looks great.

Message to the retards: there's plenty of platformming in this game. Stop complaining that there's none. :p


jett said:
I think it looks great.

Message to the retards: there's plenty of platformming in this game. Stop complaining that there's none. :p

I didn't complain that there isn't any. But if you look at the recent sequel article in EGM, even the director and producer of the game say it's taking a backseat to the action. PoP didn't win Game of the Year awards because of its combat, it won them DESPITE IT. Are they just trying to prove they can make it fun? Maybe that's not what people who liked the first one want.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
So what's the secret ending to this one? The Prince finds out that he's the lovechild of Viggo Mortensen and Orlando Bloom?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Soul4ger said:
I didn't complain that there isn't any. But if you look at the recent sequel article in EGM, even the director and producer of the game say it's taking a backseat to the action. PoP didn't win Game of the Year awards because of its combat, it won them DESPITE IT. Are they just trying to prove they can make it fun? Maybe that's not what people who liked the first one want.

I wouldn't be so quick to judge the game based purely on those comments...

There seems to be more platforming than you think in the game, but the combat is now integrated INTO those segments. SoT divided the combat and platforming scenes whereas the sequel will bring them together. It seems that you won't be "trapped" in a room with a certain number of enemies to kill anymore...you simply encounter them as you move through the world.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Prospero said:
I've sworn off bitching about this game until I see some video. Preferably, video of platforming.

There is a 20-30 minute video of the game with a lengthy platforming section. I'm not certain if this is available on the net, howver...

The only segment that seemed to focus almost entirely on combat was that pirate ship. The other areas had plenty of platforming...


If they release just two or three shots of the Prince running along a wall or doing Prince-type gymnastics, that'd remove one of my two potential reasons for not liking this game.

(The only other reason being that the aesthetic style looks like something an alienated high school kid would draw in his notebook during study hall--but I said I'd sworn off bitching about this game, and I'm trying my best.)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Prospero said:
If they release just two or three shots of the Prince running along a wall or doing Prince-type gymnastics, that'd remove one of my two potential reasons for not liking this game.

(The only other reason being that the aesthetic style looks like something an alienated high school kid would draw in his notebook during study hall--but I said I'd sworn off bitching about this game, and I'm trying my best.)

I don't know why they have failed to release shots, but like I said, there was a lengthy segment with classic SoT platforming throughout in that video.
What really doesn't make any sense to me is that what the producers are saying about the game, and what is actually being shown seem to be two different things. The IGN demonstration video shows lots of acrobatics as dark and I found out earlier. Some of the environments are really breathtaking too. One of them really reminded me of a next-generation Castlevania done right.

Seriously, the videos re-kindled my hope for the game. I'm just curious as to why all the producers and production members are down-playing the acrobatics in the game when they are not only still there, but now smoothly integrated with the combat side. It's seriously more like Ninja Gaiden with insane acrobatics now (and minus Ninjas).
"Seriously, the videos re-kindled my hope for the game. I'm just curious as to why all the producers and production members are down-playing the acrobatics in the game when they are not only still there, but now smoothly integrated with the combat side. It's seriously more like Ninja Gaiden with insane acrobatics now (and minus Ninjas)."

They're downplaying that aspect because it's likely what hurt the original games sales. Really heavy action packed adventure games like this sell so they're trying to put it into that genre even if there is still alot of platforming to be done.
SolidSnakex said:
"Seriously, the videos re-kindled my hope for the game. I'm just curious as to why all the producers and production members are down-playing the acrobatics in the game when they are not only still there, but now smoothly integrated with the combat side. It's seriously more like Ninja Gaiden with insane acrobatics now (and minus Ninjas)."

They're downplaying that aspect because it's likely what hurt the original games sales. Really heavy action packed adventure games like this sell so they're trying to put it into that genre even if there is still alot of platforming to be done.

That doesn't make a lot of sense though. I mean, changing the actual genre for a sequel is a pretty ridiculous move, especially if so many people enjoyed the original. The odd thing is that the end product looks to be more of an all-around adventure now that everything seems to be integrated smoothly. He'll run into a room, jump off a wall, slice some baddie, use a rope to swing, swing off a pole to take out a couple more guys, and then use the drapes to get himself to the area below. That's a lot better than what Yannis Mallat was saying earlier. He just kept saying "genre shift!" while dodging any questions relating to platforming.
"That doesn't make a lot of sense though. I mean, changing the actual genre for a sequel is a pretty ridiculous move, especially if so many people enjoyed the original. "

They're switching it to a bigger genre. The 2 biggest selling games in that genre (DMC and NG) both outsold PoP (although not if you combine PoP's sales). All they're trying to do is make it seem like it's in a different genre to try to capture more attention. It'll likely be more action packed but still have alot of adventure elements to please those that liked the original. What they're doing is smart because it will cause more people to be interested in it.
SolidSnakex said:
"That doesn't make a lot of sense though. I mean, changing the actual genre for a sequel is a pretty ridiculous move, especially if so many people enjoyed the original. "

They're switching it to a bigger genre. The 2 biggest selling games in that genre (DMC and NG) both outsold PoP (although not if you combine PoP's sales). All they're trying to do is make it seem like it's in a different genre to try to capture more attention. It'll likely be more action packed but still have alot of adventure elements to please those that liked the original. What they're doing is smart because it will cause more people to be interested in it.

What the game is doing is very smart (from what I just recently saw.) What the producers are doing is incredibly flawed. When I heard him talking about combat being the center of the game I instantly knock it off my "to buy" list. I'm not the only one, either. Graphics be damned, I don't need another "x-treme" fighting game. However, if the demo I saw was any indication of the break-down for the final product, then the producers seem to be delivering a misleading message.

So, yes, if the new approach is akin to the demo shown in the videos then the game is making a change for the better. The producers are doing a horrible job on their end when trying to convey the style of game to the public though.
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