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New Prince of Persia: WW impressions (IGN)


The controversial part:
Though the majority of Warrior Within equals and at times betters Sands of Time, I have two areas of concern while awaiting the final review code. First, the sound. So far 95% of the music consists of guitar rock. While it may fit in the battles, it's a little much to be so constant. The sound seems to be one of the last pieces of the Warrior Within puzzle. Not all of the music or sound effects are in, so it's hard to judge. For now, I'm a little wary.

Aside from the sound, one design choice has left me a bit bummed. The puzzles of Sands of Time have been removed. Remember the Observatory? The mirror puzzle? Through half of Warrior Within, I've found none. The closest is inside of a giant piece of archaic machinery, where the Prince must toggle various levels to get through. However, this isn't a puzzle so much as just going from point to point.

I was one of the people wishing for more puzzles, not less. But, unless the second half suddenly emerges with loads of puzzles, it would seem Warrior Within has none. That's a bit of a let-down personally, though I can understand how some were not fans of the puzzles, which did slow down the game's flow.


I didn't really like the puzzles, so I don't mind them being removed. What I did like was the platforming, and time control. And if the fighting has been really improved, then that should be fun, too. Too bad about the music, though. The Middle Eastern music in the first one was one of the game's highlights.


The puzzles in PoP were annoying. Glad to know they're gone. I've seen the Prince use machinery in some WW videos, though.


awh phooey.
here's some of the positive commments from this hands-on:

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within is once again a relatively even mixture of platforming and combat. The Prince runs along walls, scoots around traps, slides down banners, swings on poles, making his way deeper and deeper into the Island of Time. When not avoiding traps and ascending seemingly unscalable walls, the Prince combats a half-dozen enemies at a time.

While the platform elements haven't seen any refinement, that's okay because there were never broken. There are a lot more timing-based stunts to pull and the Slow Down power will be more necessary than ever. If you've already mastered bouncing against walls to ascend upwards, swinging on bars and then launching off a wall to get to the next bar, then you will have no trouble acclimating to Warrior Within.

Combat is a different story. POP 2 introduces a new free-form combat system that is more advanced than Sands of Time. Being about to dual-wield is a blessing, but for my money, there's nothing better than having a single-sword, grabbing an enemy from behind, and strangling them.


Why is he bitching about puzzles if he's only halfway into the game? I don't remember there being any puzzles in the first half of Sands of Time.
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