The first one is definitely one of the better video game movies out there. It has some rough edges (showing THAT many members of The Order at once felt at clash with the ambience, there's a reason you never see more than 3 characters in any cut scene from the games) but the monsters, the sets and the music in particular were very well done.
The second is my most hated movie of all time. It's obviously not the worst movie of all time by a long shot (I think people labeling any blockbuster/franchise movie as "the worst" need to watch more Mystery Science Theater) but Silent Hill 3 is in my top 10 games of all time and I couldn't stand how they butchered it so heavily in the film "adaptation". Yeah, the first movie changed a lot, but it still told an interesting story and none of the changes felt particularly disrespectful. Not the case with the 2nd movie. I hated every single way the characters were handled, it just drove me crazy. And they clearly didn't have the right budget this time as the movie just felt very cheap-looking compared to the first.
I have much more hope for a third film if the first movie's director is returning. Wish he had done the second film, even if he had changed things I feel he would have changed them in ways that wouldn't have felt like such a slap in the face.