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New "Sky Captain" Trailer

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thanks but I fear this movie...

I fear if it make huge amounts of money it will bring back this Art Deco Black and White Hollywood goes back to the golden ages wannabee clones, ummm nevermind I had too much to drink methinks


What a difference a halfway decent trailer makes. Still has 'box office bomb' written all over it tho.


looks like ID4 but with robots and crazy ass deco style inpiration. Its gonna kick my ass. I'm all up for something like this now.
God, I want to love this movie so bad, but I just can't.

It all looks so, so fake.

I'm fine with fake looking CG in videogame cutscenes, but I can't take it for a full length movie.
Mike Works said:
God, I want to love this movie so bad, but I just can't.

It all looks so, so fake.

I'm fine with fake looking CG in videogame cutscenes, but I can't take it for a full length movie.

kinda how I wanted to like the Thunderbirds but I could not get into the style


OMG they have a movie coming too
Yeah... it's just a combination I can't like. Sort of how I like a purely cell shaded game like Wind Waker, and I like a realistic looking game like Ocarina of Time (or the new one), but a cell shaded character in a gritty world just wouldn't mesh properly.

Just like how human actors in a purely CG world all the time just seem off.

I'm almost willing to say the Final Fantasy movie looks more natural.


naz said:
kinda how I wanted to like the Thunderbirds but I could not get into the style

OMG they have a movie coming too

Just wait till you see the spy kids like trailer, i hope it bombs it looks horrible bleak and overdone.
Holy God, I saw the trailer for Thunderbirds during the previews at Dodgeball... good God, that movie looks attrocious. Picture combining the worst aspects of;

Spy Kids

Lost in Space (the movie)

The Epcot Center



/pat Mike

its ok bro the horror will pass soon enough just like Spy Kids 3-D.

Am i the only one that actually liked Lost in Space the movie? but yeah i agree.

When does Sky Captain come out? All of these summer movies have me all confused as to when they will be coming out.
I did not mind Lost In Space the movie, I enjoyed it

I hated the series because it Haunted my Childhood

when I was a kid in Haiti I had to watch Lost in Space IN FRENCH...

that damn cowardly dude kept yelling for help in french just stayed with me...

and when I moved to the states, Lost in Space was on before my favorite Cartoons so I could not wait for that mess to go off... I just loved Cartoons


Trust me i was at a comic con (oh wow i feel geeky not to mention old) where they had the Doctor and the guy that was in the robot. Oh that and Buck from Battalstar Galatica. But i can agree the show was freaky when i was younger.

But this movie will be nothing like that. It will be a great movie. I've been looking forward to Captain for a long time now.


Cool trailer. My anticipation for this movie keeps growing. Angelina Jolie looks great in her role and the whole world itself is extremely cool. Sky Captain, let me touch you.


I can't wait for this movie. The setting alone is cool enough that I may see it regardless of what the critics say.
I'm getting more of an Episode I vibe, right down to the goofy, clunky title. Great cast, revolutionary computer generated special effects, pulpish sci-fi influences.... all gone awry due to a bland script and bewildered actors (sticking people on a greenscreen and having them act at nothing isn't typically a formula for great performances).

Prove me wrong, Hollywood. Prove me wrong.


The only person in this movie whom I wish was changed is Gwyneth Paltrow. I just don't like her at all. Otherwise, Jolie looks as sexy as ever, and Jude Law looks as cool as ever. Please don't suck, please don't suck...


I'm digging the olde timey meets new time feel.

This movie seems to be flying in under the radar, I never would have heard about it if it weren't for my roommate showing me a trailer online.
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