Valkyri von Thanatos
The shading on the characters is way, way overdone. Knuckles is practically pink and all the characters have a desaturated plastic-y look that's gross and not particularly Sonic-esque.
I don't have a big issue with it, but I do agree it looks a little strange. I would prefer Sonic's and Knuckles' sprites to be a little darker blue and red, but it's mostly fine. What matters most of course is the gameplay, and the team has definitely gotten me excited about that, it really looks like they've nailed it.
If this is a launch game for Switch, I would be tempted to get it at launch. I would probably still wait for a more portable version of the Switch with a presumably better battery in 1 and a half or 2 years, but Sonic Mania would tempt me more than BotW since I have a Wii U I can still get a bit of more use out of. Metroid Prime 4 is about the only game that I can think of that'd 100% make me skip the wait and get the first version of the Switch, but that's getting beside the point.
I just have to say, Sonic Mania looks so good, and I hope it has enough success to make an entirely original sequel appealing to SEGA. Let's title that one Sonic 4 though
Oh yeah, it's cool Taxman has gotten to make the Dust Hill tribute he wanted to put in Sonic CD. I think a couple people here were guessing that'd be one of the new zones, and it looks like they were right?
I hope the Fall 2017 Sonic game just has Sonic Team stick to its strengths with Sonic Generations and not try to over reach. I'd like them to make the gameplay more open again, but a repeat of Generations would be great as well, even if the levels are really repetitive after a while because of the lack of freedom and reactivity.
I'm torn between wanting them to expand the formula, and not wanting them to stretch past their limit and make a game that experiments and fails like so many others before. I wonder if the Switch version of that game is the base version, and they are up-porting the game to XB1 and PS4.
I was thinking that since the Switch seems to have a very standard control scheme and a modern architecture that unlike the Wii, it could potentially get some third parties develop for it first and up-port the games to the other consoles, which would work out better than down-porting games made first for the other two. Sonic seems like a good fit for that strategy, since it doesn't really seem to need to be a super impressive graphical showcase, it just needs to run snappy.