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New Tales of Rebirth Screens


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Deepthroat said:
30fps d00med

Wha? Where did you even get that? Why would a 2D PS2 game run at 30 fps (well, unless you are talking Metal Slug ports...because all of those games ran at 30 fps to begin with)?


dark10x said:
Wha? Where did you even get that? Why would a 2D PS2 game run at 30 fps (well, unless you are talking Metal Slug ports...because all of those games ran at 30 fps to begin with)?

That was a joke. PS2's TOS is running at 30fps.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I certainly don't know if they have a clue or not... but given Namco's track record.

Well, at the least, it isn't very encouraging.
Mejilan said:
I certainly don't know if they have a clue or not... but given Namco's track record.

Well, at the least, it isn't very encouraging.

What track record? With something like ToD2 they don't seem to want to bring it over because of how the 2D games have performed. With ToS i've always thought they were going to do the exact same thing NAMCO of Japan did. Sit back and let ToS sell as much as it can on the GC and then bring out the PS2 version to take up the rest of the sales.


Running off of Custom Firmware
SolidSnakex said:
What track record? With something like ToD2 they don't seem to want to bring it over because of how the 2D games have performed. With ToS i've always thought they were going to do the exact same thing NAMCO of Japan did. Sit back and let ToS sell as much as it can on the GC and then bring out the PS2 version to take up the rest of the sales.

No ToP PSOne
No ToWhatever on the handhelds.
And still no ToR announced.

They've got a shitty track record for keeping Western gamers caught up in their Tales of set of games.


I think Symphonia PS2 has a decent chance of releasing here next year. It's doing very well on GameCube and the script's done... seems like a good opportunity. Hopefully strong western sales of Symphonia GC are good enough to greenlight the sequel (Legendia) too a la Xenosaga.

People hoping for Rebirth (or worse Destiny II) to come over need to face things and realize neither has a shot though. 2D console RPGs are just too niche for Namco Hometek consioering the localization effort demanded, it won't ever happen. If you want another console Tales this gen, better start hoping Legendia actually exists...
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