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New Weight Loss Before/After thread! Pics ahoy!


Yeah, but as an example, my first meal today was mixed greens with some broccoli and cauliflower (not much), chicken tossed in buffalo sauce (0g carb sauce), and a couple tablespoons of ranch. 11g carb, 3g fiber.

I would've thrown in more chicken, but the Kroger stuff I bought in a rush last night has 2g carb for some reason. Gotta just go with non-frozen in the future.

I'll figure it out, just a bit disheartening that a salad, of all things, would eat up almost 1/3rd of my daily net carbs.

Eggs were my savior when I was going strict on cutting carbs. I completely ignored my doctor's advice on their dangers. I would consume at least 4 a day. Acquiring a taste for avocado also helped a lot as they are full of everything you should be eating and are quite filling as well. Not only are they great on their own, but they can easily be added to salads without changing the flavor much.
I really need to learn to like Avocado. It was never really in my culinary realm growing up.

Hell, I am not sure I have ever even tried it.


What is a good way to sample them for someone not accustom to that style of cuisine?

While this isn't exactly low carb or no sugar, I make smoothies with them every night.

1 banana
1 avocado
1 7oz. Fage Total yogurt
Almond milk and a touch of honey.

You will not even notice them in the smoothie aside from the slight green tint. Granted, this will not introduce you to their flavor, but it's a great way to reap their benefits without eating them as is.


Eggs were my savior when I was going strict on cutting carbs. I completely ignored my doctor's advice on their dangers. I would consume at least 4 a day. Acquiring a taste for avocado also helped a lot as they are full of everything you should be eating and are quite filling as well. Not only are they great on their own, but they can easily be added to salads without changing the flavor much.
From Texas, so I eat avocado more than probably any other fruit/vegetable. Love it. Best way to try it is on a burger, imo. You'll get a slight taste of it, but not as much as you would eating it in a salad or especially in guacamole.

Since starting CBL two days ago, I've dropped 5.8 pounds. If nothing else, it really helped to suck that water weight out.


You're doing "Schlep's Carb Back Loading" if you go with that. It may work, but I wouldn't recommend it, at least at first.

I've never really found it difficult to stay under 30g. I just make sure most of my meals are comprised of things that have 0 carbs. Almost all of my carbs come from fibrous vegetables and that's it.

meat, fish, eggs, cheese, vegetables

What vegetables do you normally eat everyday? Do you eat potatoes too?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What vegetables do you normally eat everyday? Do you eat potatoes too?

I eat sweet potatoes when I want to carb up, but that's once a week at most. Otherwise I avoid 'em.

Spinach is really my go-to vegetable. I eat it with almost every meal. Good source of micronutrients and fiber. Kale seems like it might be better, but I'm not always a huge fan of the taste. I still eat it every once in a while.

Other than that are things like bell peppers, mushrooms, onions (not a ton), various types of lettuce, sometimes small amounts of carrots, small amounts of tomatoes, some brussel sprouts, etc.

I also like avocado a lot, but that's a fruit.


I eat sweet potatoes when I want to carb up, but that's once a week at most. Otherwise I avoid 'em.

Spinach is really my go-to vegetable. I eat it with almost every meal. Good source of micronutrients and fiber. Kale seems like it might be better, but I'm not always a huge fan of the taste. I still eat it every once in a while.

Other than that are things like bell peppers, mushrooms, onions (not a ton), various types of lettuce, sometimes small amounts of carrots, small amounts of tomatoes, some brussel sprouts, etc.

I also like avocado a lot, but that's a fruit.

How many pound do you lose per week and do you have cheat days?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
How many pound do you lose per week and do you have cheat days?

Once every week or two I'll do a big carb refeed night, which involves a large meal and maybe a dessert that are very carb heavy. I only do this immediately after a heavy (for me) weight training session. The goal is to spike insulin to help aid in recovery, refill some muscle glycogen stores, and just generally reset some of the hormones that can down-regulate after going ketogenic for a long period of time.

I'm not really actively losing weight right now, as I'm trying to build muscle. I actually bulked up from around 165 to 180 over a couple of months eating carb-heavy meals at night. I put on some muscle, but also a decent amount of flab doing that. I'm back down to around 175 now, but I can already tell my body composition is in a better spot than when I was 165.

The lowest I got focusing strictly on weight loss with a very low-carb diet was around 148 lbs. from my max of around 225 lbs. I wasn't training for strength at all at the time and my physical activity was very low, so I didn't look great even at 148. Definitely had the skinny fat thing going. Going from my max to my minimum took around a year, I'd say. I didn't check the scale every day, but I'd say that fat loss was sporadic after the initial drop. There were definitely multiple plateaus for up to a couple of weeks at a time.


Zefah: did you ever post pics in the other thread?

When I started CBL today, my body acted like I was getting water after days in a desert. Interesting feeling.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Zefah: did you ever post pics in the other thread?

When I started CBL today, my body acted like I was getting water after days in a desert. Interesting feeling.


I figure I'll post pics once I'm sufficiently muscled up and down to around 12% body fat or so. I hope to be there around this time next year.


This is probably my last 'daily update' for a while as I've been corrupting the thread lol.

I have to say, so far anyway, carb backloading is some sort of black magic. It's only been three days, so this could just be coincidence and I'll need a few more weeks to really say whether it's worked or not. That said...

Yesterday after working back from 3-4p, I got a teriyaki bowl from Panda Express. Maybe a couple hours later had three slices of Jet's grilled chicken pizza and half a box of cinnamon sticks (like 8-9). Then a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich. After a bit, got hungry again, so had a bit over half of a snack box from Albertson's that was crackers, chicken salad, grapes, and cheese. Decided to cap the night off with another ice cream sandwich.

Not exact stats, but close enough:
2700 cal
397g carb
19g fiber
101g sugar
75g fat
106g protein

After all of that, down .2 of a pound this morning.

I had been sticking to around 1900-2100 calories per day, focusing more on keeping carbs under 75g on off days, and under 150g on lifting days. Following that, I had gone up 6-7 lbs since starting at the end of June.

I'll probably stick out another week of doing this really dirty, just to prove a point to myself. If all goes well, I'll see if I can make the worst things I eat on a CBL day be white rice and sweet potatoes.


Wow so many carbs. :O I definitely try to eat "clean" for the most part, but on the weekends I'm not afraid to get down and dirty with some ice cream (usually stuff like the Skinny Cow things you mentioned) or whatever as long as it works in my macros. For example, tonight I'm gonna have some brownie brittle with my Fiber One cereal.


haha yeah, I didn't realize it was almost 400g myself. Funny thing is I couldn't really care less about eating ice cream or pizza or whatnot. I gravitate more towards Asian rice dishes, Mexican food (mostly tacos and fajitas), and simply meat and vegetables. Nothing but good whole foods in all that.

It's the traditional bodybuilding/low-fat meals that make me want to vomit. Tried it all last week, and without getting too grotesque, my body doesn't care for a high protein, high carb, high fiber, low fat diet. It about went on strike.
Looks like the State of Michigan is cutting off of my health insurance starting September 1st.. because I'm not under 21, pregnant, over 65, blind, or disabled, so I won't be able to get any surgery done and any of my blood pressure/cholesterol/etc medicine.. I'm so fucking depressed..

I'm fucking done.

Edit:Crisis averted. There was mistake on DHS's end and things are all okay. I was understandably upset.

At a 35 pound weight loss so far!

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I just finished the first month of my diet and 10 minute trainer (doing only 1 exercise per day) and I can't believe I'm going to say this but I lost 6lbs, and a bunch of inches. I have been fat all my life and I have never lost weight when I've tried and I've always given up but this has motivated me to keep going. I will try to do 2 exercises on the 10 minute trainer program for this month and see how it goes.
I just finished the first month of my diet and 10 minute trainer (doing only 1 exercise per day) and I can't believe I'm going to say this but I lost 6lbs, and a bunch of inches. I have been fat all my life and I have never lost weight when I've tried and I've always given up but this has motivated me to keep going. I will try to do 2 exercises on the 10 minute trainer program for this month and see how it goes.

Awesome work, man!

I ran 5 10k's this week and FINALLY got over the 210 hump. 209. :p

I should really lay off the Stromboli and icecream.


Hello sweetie pies! I just was reminded that we actually have a weight loss thread as well. I will do an awful cross post, since I have also been active at FitGAF thread.

Original posts are in here and here, if you want to read the background information as well.

But without a further ado here are couple comparison pics.

Left ones are from late January 2014 and right ones are from early June 2014.



Left one is from late January 2014 and right one is from somewhat early August 2014.

I work out generally 5 times a week, have a low carbs, moderate good fats, high protein diet and I am planning to still lose around 20 kilos / 44 pounds or so. ^_^
So I used a treadmill for the first time last night, three miles in an hour. Once I got off I was really dizzy (almost fell off the treadmill and ran into a door frame), then for a half-hour after felt very nauseous until throwing up five times. I don't think it was because I over did it, I regularly walk one to two hours at a 3+ mile pace and never felt like that. I think it was just the ground moving under me rather than me moving over the ground, if you know what I mean. Anyone else ever experience this? Does it go away in time? Does one get this from ellipticals? I've briefly used a rowing machine and a cycle and never had this issue (which makes sense if it is the moving ground thing, as those don't have the same issue).


Full werewolf off the buckle
Hello sweetie pies! I just was reminded that we actually have a weight loss thread as well. I will do an awful cross post, since I have also been active at FitGAF thread.

Original posts are in here and here, if you want to read the background information as well.

But without a further ado here are couple comparison pics.

Left ones are from late January 2014 and right ones are from early June 2014.



Left one is from late January 2014 and right one is from somewhat early August 2014.

I work out generally 5 times a week, have a low carbs, moderate good fats, high protein diet and I am planning to still lose around 20 kilos / 44 pounds or so. ^_^

Really amazing stuff here. If memory serves you started lifting on the recommendation of FitGAF, right? I'd say that's definitely had a tremendous effect on your transformation.

I'm intending to join a gym sometime this fall after I buy a new vehicle. I've got a good buddy who lifts and I'm hoping he'll show me the ropes. I've seen nothing but amazing pics here on Gaf so I've got confidence that this might be the key to me losing that last 25-30 pounds and really changing my composition.

Again, terrific work. I'm sure it's been a lot of effort.


Really amazing stuff here. If memory serves you started lifting on the recommendation of FitGAF, right? I'd say that's definitely had a tremendous effect on your transformation.

I'm intending to join a gym sometime this fall after I buy a new vehicle. I've got a good buddy who lifts and I'm hoping he'll show me the ropes. I've seen nothing but amazing pics here on Gaf so I've got confidence that this might be the key to me losing that last 25-30 pounds and really changing my composition.

Again, terrific work. I'm sure it's been a lot of effort.
Awww, sweetie, thank you for all the nice words!

I have been somewhat active in FitGAF, but I actually started to work out and go to gym because my physiotherapist recommended it. I have basicly just done everything she have ever asked me to do. I have had huge problems with my back and I am at the moment in the progress of healing it. So far so good. :D

FitGAF has offered me the motivation and supportive environment I have been needing and I have had many good tips and loads of information from there as well, especially what comes to my diet. With all honesty this has been so much easier than I thought it could ever be. Hahah, I even think that the food I eat nowadays tastes better than the crap I used to eat. :)

If you are planning to start to work out and join the gym - awesome! Do it! It might be one of the best decisions in your life. Your buddy will definitely help you out, but I also recommend to pop in to FitGAF thread. In the OP you can find information of what kind of program you could perhaps start. Also bare in mind that losing fat is at least 80 % based on your diet and only the rest is from working out. I still warmly recommend joining the gym since if you really want to change your body composition and gain more muscle, there isn't really a way to around it.

All the best to your journey!
At my heaviest back around March/April, I was a slightly staggering 314 pounds. I know it caught me off guard, and I figure after that was when I started working on it. Walking as much as I could and then in June starting to track my eating in My Fitness Pal (where I'm past day 75 of consecutive log-ins). I got back to campus today for my final year of undergrad and got to the fitness center. Weighed in and saw that since spring, I've potentially dropped around 25 pounds, which equates to about 5 a month, or 1 pound a week.

Yup, I felt pretty awesome about it. And I feel even more motivated to keep going.


At my heaviest back around March/April, I was a slightly staggering 314 pounds. I know it caught me off guard, and I figure after that was when I started working on it. Walking as much as I could and then in June starting to track my eating in My Fitness Pal (where I'm past day 75 of consecutive log-ins). I got back to campus today for my final year of undergrad and got to the fitness center. Weighed in and saw that since spring, I've potentially dropped around 25 pounds, which equates to about 5 a month, or 1 pound a week.

Yup, I felt pretty awesome about it. And I feel even more motivated to keep going.
That is absolutely splendid work honey! Just keep at it and keep us updated as well! :D

Also remember to take photos once in a while since I have noticed that it is easiest for oneself to actually see the changes with comparison pics of how you were and how you are now. :)
At my heaviest back around March/April, I was a slightly staggering 314 pounds. I know it caught me off guard, and I figure after that was when I started working on it. Walking as much as I could and then in June starting to track my eating in My Fitness Pal (where I'm past day 75 of consecutive log-ins). I got back to campus today for my final year of undergrad and got to the fitness center. Weighed in and saw that since spring, I've potentially dropped around 25 pounds, which equates to about 5 a month, or 1 pound a week.

Yup, I felt pretty awesome about it. And I feel even more motivated to keep going.

Dropping below 300 was a HUGE boost for me. CONGRATS!


At my heaviest back around March/April, I was a slightly staggering 314 pounds. I know it caught me off guard, and I figure after that was when I started working on it. Walking as much as I could and then in June starting to track my eating in My Fitness Pal (where I'm past day 75 of consecutive log-ins). I got back to campus today for my final year of undergrad and got to the fitness center. Weighed in and saw that since spring, I've potentially dropped around 25 pounds, which equates to about 5 a month, or 1 pound a week.

Yup, I felt pretty awesome about it. And I feel even more motivated to keep going.

Nice work! It really is that easy once you find the proper motivation. Consistent exercise and an eye on the diet will produce great results.
Nice work! It really is that easy once you find the proper motivation. Consistent exercise and an eye on the diet will produce great results.

This is the biggest problem I'm having at the moment which is simply the diet. I just need to remind myself that I don't need all this food either, especially the rice.

Chris R

Not exercising at all and eating/drinking terribly pushed me close to the original weight I was at a few years ago before I started keto. Worst thing was that all the clothes I bought when I lost the weight started to get tight on me. So it's time to actually do shit for a change (again I guess)

Not sure if I'm going to go 100% keto yet, but for now I've just cut out the crap and started to exercise. The scale said 265 this morning, hoping for 250 by thanksgiving and 240 by the end of the year.
Thanks for the support, guys. I definitely have been taking more photos of myself for Facebook and Instagram lately. Still a bit off from wearing smaller clothes but it's a steady process. One bright side is that I am very close to moving to the last notch on my belt. And I've been well under my daily requirement most days on MFP. I'm not depriving myself, in fact most days I eat upwards of 3,000 calories but do at least 700 calories of walking. Tiring and made harder by the heat in Mesa, but it does feel very nice.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Thanks for the support, guys. I definitely have been taking more photos of myself for Facebook and Instagram lately. Still a bit off from wearing smaller clothes but it's a steady process. One bright side is that I am very close to moving to the last notch on my belt. And I've been well under my daily requirement most days on MFP. I'm not depriving myself, in fact most days I eat upwards of 3,000 calories but do at least 700 calories of walking. Tiring and made harder by the heat in Mesa, but it does feel very nice.

That's awesome. Really awesome. Don't worry about new clothes yet, and enjoy the many selfies! I haven't walked by a vaguely reflective surface in years without checking myself out. I'll be honest, often I still see me at 350+. The important thing to remember is that you can't trust your own opinion. Your mind is biased and will fool you. Stick to your plans no matter what and you'll be fine!

lol I was wearing size 48 pants far, FAR too long. I looked like M.C. Hammer.


That's awesome. Really awesome. Don't worry about new clothes yet, and enjoy the many selfies! I haven't walked by a vaguely reflective surface in years without checking myself out. I'll be honest, often I still see me at 350+. The important thing to remember is that you can't trust your own opinion. Your mind is biased and will fool you. Stick to your plans no matter what and you'll be fine!

lol I was wearing size 48 pants far, FAR too long. I looked like M.C. Hammer.
Hahah, I know this feeling. I am not where I want to be, but during the last seven months I have still managed to lost
-11 cm / 4,4 inches from the widest point on the chest
-22,5 cm / 8,9 inches from the slimmest point on the waist
-10 cm / 3,9 inches from the widest point on the hips.

And yet when I go shopping clothes I go to the same sizes as I used to and then I am genuinely surprised that they are extremely loose and do me no favours.


So not worth it
Today was a good day, I finally went out and got some new clothes after losing 16kg (~35lbs). Still losing a few more after this, but here's a before and after:

Went from XXL to buying an L shirt today. Felt so great.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Today was a good day, I finally went out and got some new clothes after losing 16kg (~35lbs). Still losing a few more after this, but here's a before and after:

Went from XXL to buying an L shirt today. Felt so great.
Looking good, man. It's amazing how some new duds can make you feel.


Lost some serious weight recently due to a change in medication, better diet and regular exercise.

On 6th August 2014 I was 90.3kg, 36" waist and a BMI of very overweight

best photo I can find to show that is this:

Now I am 80.4kg, 34" waist (had to buy new jeans and even these have a good amount of room) and right in the middle of normal BMI. Taken today:

haircut helps too of course
Carrying on with running/weights to keep myself at this level. feels good man. 10kg in less than a month, fuck me
Great progress Rich and Aiii!

I fell off the wagon HARD this summer. Stepped on the scale for the first time in a long while today, and was pleasantly surprised to find that I only gained about 6 lbs. I am going to start working again.... we will see how it goes.



So today is the day I am going to start losing weight.

My weight gain all started at the age of 17 (I am now 24) when I finished school. Back then my weight was about 169 lbs ( 79KG) at 6' 5 so yes was was skinny. I stayed at this weight I think because of how active I was back then at school like all 5 days would play basketball and even play at the weekends too but after leaving this stopped. So the weight started going up.

So 2 years later me and my ex gf broke up and when I stepped on the scale i was at about 245 lbs (101KG). I lost maybe 12 lbs after the brake up. So now over the year from there I have now made it all the way up to 281 lbs ( 127KG) due to really bad eating. In this time I have been to the gym and stuff which I still do but not as much as I used to.

So after stepping on the scale last night and seeing this weigh of 281 lbs I know that I must change this. So weight loss journey starts today here. After seeing so meny people achieve great thing in this thred this is why I post so that I to can achieve what I want. My target weight is between 200 lbs - 215 lbs as I feel this weight would be good for my high. I am going to be getting a rowing machine within the next week so I can do cardio when I can make it to the gym and will hope to get to the gym 3 times a week. I understand that I must change my diet and drop drink the ammount of soda I drink. This starts today for me and I hope to post one day in here that I have reached my target weight.

If anyone has any advice in regards to maybe not falling off the horse or anything at all that would be great.

Thanks GAF.


Full werewolf off the buckle

So today is the day I am going to start losing weight.

My weight gain all started at the age of 17 (I am now 24) when I finished school. Back then my weight was about 169 lbs ( 79KG) at 6' 5 so yes was was skinny. I stayed at this weight I think because of how active I was back then at school like all 5 days would play basketball and even play at the weekends too but after leaving this stopped. So the weight started going up.

So 2 years later me and my ex gf broke up and when I stepped on the scale i was at about 245 lbs (101KG). I lost maybe 12 lbs after the brake up. So now over the year from there I have now made it all the way up to 281 lbs ( 127KG) due to really bad eating. In this time I have been to the gym and stuff which I still do but not as much as I used to.

So after stepping on the scale last night and seeing this weigh of 281 lbs I know that I must change this. So weight loss journey starts today here. After seeing so meny people achieve great thing in this thred this is why I post so that I to can achieve what I want. My target weight is between 200 lbs - 215 lbs as I feel this weight would be good for my high. I am going to be getting a rowing machine within the next week so I can do cardio when I can make it to the gym and will hope to get to the gym 3 times a week. I understand that I must change my diet and drop drink the ammount of soda I drink. This starts today for me and I hope to post one day in here that I have reached my target weight.

If anyone has any advice in regards to maybe not falling off the horse or anything at all that would be great.

Thanks GAF.

The best advice I can offer is to pick yourself up if you do fall off that horse. One good day won't make you and one bad one won't ruin you.

It's a journey of many small, correct steps, buddy. Best of luck.

Great progress to everyone else, too!

I've found I've started losing again by going back to a vegetarian diet. I guess because it generally lets me eat so often I don't feel the need to cheat as much.


The best advice I can offer is to pick yourself up if you do fall off that horse. One good day won't make you and one bad one won't ruin you.

It's a journey of many small, correct steps, buddy. Best of luck.
Really good advice. I'd add that you have to fall in love with the process. I absolutely love going to the gym and lifting. The feeling from it afterwards, personal records, even the feeling of getting my mind right while driving there is great.

In completely unrelated news, I know a couple people were interested in CBL. In the past month since I started, I've lost 2.5 pounds, which isn't all that amazing or shocking. What did change drastically, though, is I've lost 1.25" on my waist and .75" on my hips. I'm also setting PRs every time I step in the gym, which is probably a combo of noob gains and CBL. All of this while taking in an inordinate amount of beer/alcohol this past month.

Most days when I lift, I get my carbs up to and over 400g while keeping fat pretty low <75g. Starting to become a firm believer in this for anyone who lifts.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Very cool, Schlep.

Seems to fall in line with the experience of a lot of other people I've seen who try CBL and lift heavy multiple times per week. Keep up the progress updates!
i don't know why i even buy different types of pants ( slim fit, straight fit, boot cut, skinny jeans, etc) it doesn't help when i'm trying to gauge if i'm losing inches or not when a 34 fits but another 34 doesn't LOL
I'm at 54.8 lbs weight loss since starting Weight Watchers in June and today is my 33rd birthday!

Still waiting for my custom shoes, though.


Just came back to Australia from a month in America...after indulging myself in delicious American food I have gained an insane 5lbs..

I find myself back in Australia with no rhyme or rhythm. I need to get back onto the weight loss train but I'm finding it incredibly difficult.

Someone kick my ass, please.
Minor update: today marks 100 straight days of logging into MFP, and I've lost a little bit more since my last weigh-in and I'm putting some strength training into my routine. And I can now officially move to the last notch on my belt. Feels very good.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Minor update: today marks 100 straight days of logging into MFP, and I've lost a little bit more since my last weigh-in and I'm putting some strength training into my routine. And I can now officially move to the last notch on my belt. Feels very good.

Congratulations! Sounds like a lot of little steps adding up to a big difference. Keep up the excellence!

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I'm down 14lbs in 2 months, at this pace I'll meet my goal on target, it's amazing the change in my body with just 14lbs. If it takes 1 year to undo 10 years of abuse I'm more than happy with that. Luckily I don't drink or smoke so once my weight is fixed I'll be fairly healthy.
I'm down 14lbs in 2 months, at this pace I'll meet my goal on target, it's amazing the change in my body with just 14lbs. If it takes 1 year to undo 10 years of abuse I'm more than happy with that. Luckily I don't drink or smoke so once my weight is fixed I'll be fairly healthy.

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