Ailes and now possibly O'Reilly
Who knew sexual harassment would be what finally may bring FoxNews to heel.
Fox News loyalists hate Shepard, they constantly ask for his firing.
Well he's certainly worried enough about what the IC might have on him that someone fooled him on Twitter.
Even with the loss of those particular advertisers i could stick O'Reilly in any slot held by some current right wing nutjob and still rake in more than im making now. If he wants a podcast id try to be the exclusive host of that shit. O'Reilly will still bring in money, bank on it.
But he has to sell more "Killing Whoever" books!
Sons James and Lachlan have been arguing that OReilly needs to go, say these sources, though their father, Rupert, has resisted that outcome.
Do it, Rupert. Do it.Another factor: the Murdochs pending $14 billion takeover of European pay-TV provider Sky. On May 16, the British media regulator Ofcom is set to judge whether the Murdochs are fit and proper to own such a large media property. Removing OReilly could appease critics and help close the Sky deal.
He's too old, but I could see him on the blaze.The crazy thing is I think Bill might get even bigger. He really does not need Fox News and will probably immediately start his own platform like Beck.
His replacement will be worse.
Do it, Rupert. Do it.
His replacement will be worse.
O'Reilly wasn't a fan of Trump at all. Or rather, that was during the election so maybe he changed his mind because $$$
Is this a joke?! Do people really believe shit like this?
Ted Cruz? Who could be worse then O'Reily?
He often criticized Trump. Very lightly, mind you, and still preferred him over Clinton any day of the week, but he wasn't slobbering all over his dick like certain other more rotund Fox News personalities.
O'Reilly wasn't a fan of Trump at all. Or rather, that was during the election so maybe he changed his mind because $$$
You drank the Kool-Aid, champ. "Fair and Balanced," right?
Couldn't have happened to a more worthless human being. Decades of sitting on high horses, pretending like he was just a flat out "better" person than those he targeted. He's the living embodiment of the Holier-than-thou conservative. And like many holier-than-thou conservatives, his private life is marred with heinous bullshit that leads him to project and throw stones from his glass house.
Very low energy.
sun damageHere's hoping there are more lawsuits and he has to pay out of the ass.
Why does his skin look like that? Liver spots? Evil bubbling to the surface?
I take it you didn't read my first post in this thread:
He often criticized Trump. Very lightly, mind you, and still preferred him over Clinton any day of the week, but he wasn't slobbering all over his dick like certain other more rotund Fox News personalities.
No, I read it. I was commenting on the post I quoted, which seemed to convey a belief that O'Reilly's interviews with Trump were something more than glorified puff pieces. Which is exactly what Fox wants its viewers to think so as to maintain an air of credibility while pushing Trump down their throats. That's the "Fair & Balanced" "Kool-Aid" I was referring to. You posted that O'Reilly "wasn't a fan of" and "often criticized" Trump, the first of which is patently untrue and the second of which is inaccurate and, to the extent it is true at all, was only done while tossing the most transparent of softballs his way to provide an unchallenged platform for some of Trump's most heinous positions. To my recollection, if O'Reilly ever openly challenged Trump on something, it was a hilariously unsubtle attempt to get him to clarify some unpopular position and thus leave the interview in better public shape than when he entered, i.e. "You know that isn't true, right?" "You weren't suggesting this, right?" "What you really meant is this, right?"(they weren't)
No, No, More...O'Reilly!
His replacement will be worse.
O'Reilly is saner than someone like Hannity perhaps, but that was his hustle. The viewers reach the same conclusions as watching Hannity, but the presentation is of a 'reasonable' man rather than Hannity's open bias. O'Reilly will be hard to replace in that regard.
They would probably move Hannity to his time spot, who, I find even worse.
Is this supposed to be to the tune of the O'Reilly Auto Parts radio ads?
oh please. PLEASE!
Now someone do Hannity next. Take that motherfucker down!
This is the network that employs Hannity so they will probably replace Bill with someone far worse.
I could see CNN offering him a job precisely because they're that awful.
If Fox News fires O'Reilly if i was a radio exec the first thing i would do is try to hire O'Reilly.
Wonder what job trump will give him
The only way to hurt someone like O'Reilly is in the pockets. Take as much from that piece of shit as possible.The report comes amid a separate claim by attorney Lisa Bloom that O'Reilly used to call a black woman who worked as a clerical worker at Fox News ”hot chocolate" during her time at the network in 2008. The television host would reportedly make her feel uncomfortable in other ways as well.
”He would never talk to her, not even hello, except to grunt at her like a wild boar," Bloom told The Hollywood Reporter. ”He would leer at her. He would always do this when no one else was around and she was scared."
Bloom, who said she verified the woman's story with three witnesses, claims the woman feared she would lose her job if she complained at the time. She added that the woman wants no money, but has registered a complaint with the Fox News hotline in light of recent news about the host ― a service that apparently many female employees at the network only recently came to learn about.
He often criticized Trump. Very lightly, mind you, and still preferred him over Clinton any day of the week, but he wasn't slobbering all over his dick like certain other more rotund Fox News personalities.
Breaking: Fox News is preparing to cut ties with Bill O'Reilly in wake of sexual-harassment allegations
This just dropped from the Wall Street Journal, owned by the Murdochs. Put a fork in him Jerry, he's done..
Good riddance.This just dropped from the Wall Street Journal, owned by the Murdochs. Put a fork in him Jerry, he's done..
This just dropped from the Wall Street Journal, owned by the Murdochs. Put a fork in him Jerry, he's done..