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New Yorker "journalist" resigns after after wrongly accusing ex Marine now ICE worker of Nazi tattoo




Talia Lavin, whose tweet about a Pasco veteran’s tattoo implied he was a Nazi, has apologized to him and resigned from her position as a fact-checker at the New Yorker magazine.

But in another tweet, Thursday evening, Lavin also lashed out at the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, saying it unfairly targeted her in its own tweet about combat-wounded veteran Justin Gaertner.

"This has been a wild and difficult week," Lavin said in the tweet. "I owe ICE agent Justin Gaertner a sincere apology for spreading an rumor about his tattoo. However, I do not think it is acceptable for a federal agency to target a private citizen for a good faith, hastily rectified error."

A Twitter storm erupted last weekend after Lavin’s tweet about a cross-shaped tattoo on Gaertner’s elbow drew a response from ICE saying she had "essentially labeled him a Nazi."

Later, Lavin tweeted, "I had become a weapon used to discredit my colleagues and the vital work they do holding power to account. As a result, I have resigned after three years at the New Yorker."

But she also insisted that ICE misled people about her role in the controversy.

"ICE also lied about me, saying I originated the scrutiny of Gaertner’s tattoo," she said in a tweet.

Lavin, 28, of Brooklyn, said she was unfairly targeted by ICE because her former publication has been critical of the agency, caught up debate over the Trump administration’s policy of separating children from families illegally entering the United States — a policy enforced by ICE.

"I wasn’t the genesis of this rumor; there are tweets still up with tens of thousands of likes explicitly calling the tattoo ‘Nazi,’" Lavin said in a message to the Tampa Bay Times. "My own tweet was responsive to extant scrutiny, and I deleted it and issued a correction within 15 minutes, long before ICE could have been aware of it. I was targeted because I was part of a news organization critical of ICE."

Lavin said she "was also a useful foil: a fat Jewish feminist with a Harvard education. ICE said I ‘baselessly slandered an American hero,’ artificially pitted me against a disabled veteran, and engineered a conservative news cycle in which I was a villain."

ICE officials declined comment Friday. The New Yorker did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Tampa Bay Times. Earlier this week, the magazine apologized for the original Lavin tweet.

ICE officials deny Gaertner is associated with Nazis. In a tweet earlier this week, ICE described the tattoo as a Titan 2, symbol of his platoon, and not a Nazi-associated Iron Cross.

Gaertner is a medically discharged Marine who lost both legs to an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan in 2011. He has been featured in news stories about a public-private program to investigate pedophiles, called the Human Exploitation Rescue Operative Child-Rescue Corps or HERO.

The program, sponsored in part by ICE, trains wounded, ill and injured commandos in computer forensics and law enforcement skills to help in the fight against online child sexual exploitation. ICE originally included Gaertner’s image in a recruitment tweet.

This is what happens when everything starts to become a Nazi. The guy is a double amputee Marine vet and the tattoo was the symbol of his Marine platoon he served with in Afghanistan. The fact this lady has a Harvard degree is scary.
Honestly, if a reporter has nothing better to report on than tattooes on private citizens, they are not a real journalist in the first place. They should just work at the National Enquirer and write stories about bigfoot knocking up Stormy Daniels. Same level of critical commentary, sort of like this 🙄 gem:


Also, this story has the same pattern as always - she says somehing designed to harm a guy, stirred up the tiny amount of white supremacist internet trolls (she has a bunch of pictures on her Twitter profile of Andrew Anglin articles i.e. one loser and a bunch of Twitter trolls), and now she is the real victim even though she stirred up the same sort of (oppositely polarized) extremists that people like her stirred up against the guy she helped to slander.

How many death threats did the ICE agent receive? How will he explain all the cries of him being a Nazi when he applies for a job and HR does a social media check?
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Reading the article it makes ICE sound like a bunch of snowflakes. They should be defunded 100%. Send them to the un employment line.


Reading the article it makes ICE sound like a bunch of snowflakes. They should be defunded 100%. Send them to the un employment line.
So I guess you are black right? Guess I then can call you a criminal and gang memeber then with no evidence or truth to it and then publish it on a article millions of people read.
So I guess you are black right? Guess I then can call you a criminal and gang memeber then with no evidence or truth to it and then publish it on a article millions of people read.

Let's be fair - she herself did not write the article. She is just another part of the ☑️ brigade that spreads this sort of "news" amongst journalists and activists until someone does write an article or the mob grabs their pitchforks.

Even now, in the replies to these Tweets, there are people claiming that it really is an Iron Cross and that he really is a Nazi.


So I guess you are black right? Guess I then can call you a criminal and gang memeber then with no evidence or truth to it and then publish it on a article millions of people read.
What are you on about? Did you read the article?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Fuck that lady and her bullshit. Fact check your ass to the unemployment line
all ICE workers are pieces of shit. they're a modern Gestapo. fuck them all

Less blind rage #fuckoff stuff applied any which way, a little more time allocated to cognition, please. Have some personal standards for what you're adding to the discussion.

Imagine the dutiful wheelchair-bound public servant war veteran guy and the conscientious Harvard-educated New Yorker writer girl are both here in the room with you face to face as people. You look down and I have your squishy parts in a bench vice and I'm asking politely. Does that help? Feel free to try again. Thanks. :goog_giggle:


Glad she resigned. Accusations like this are so harmful coming from anyone, let alone a reporter. Imagine being in that guys shoes
"I owe ICE agent Justin Gaertner a sincere apology for spreading a rumor about his tattoo. However"

Nope. You don't get to "however"
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Less blind rage #fuckoff stuff applied any which way, a little more time allocated to cognition, please. Have some personal standards for what you're adding to the discussion.

Imagine the dutiful wheelchair-bound public servant war veteran guy and the conscientious Harvard-educated New Yorker writer girl are both here in the room with you face to face as people. You look down and I have your squishy parts in a bench vice and I'm asking politely. Does that help? Feel free to try again. Thanks. :goog_giggle:

Sorry, I appear to have been outraged about outrage culture!
"This has been a wild and difficult week," Lavin said in the tweet. "I owe ICE agent Justin Gaertner a sincere apology for spreading an rumor about his tattoo. However, I do not think it is acceptable for a federal agency to target a private citizen for a good faith, hastily rectified error."

I think Lavin needs to fact check what "good faith" means before taking her next job. Good faith is seeing a tattoo like that, thinking "perhaps this isn't what everyone is saying" and then (ironically enough) fact checking the situation. It's assuming the best view of someone, given the facts at hand.

Lavin is perhaps a good person caught up in her passion to defend children and parents from the awful situation they've been put in over the last several weeks. She made a mistake, but hopefully she'll learn from the situation, and not hurt anyone like this ever again. That would be a good faith argument.

Nobody makes an accusation of someone being a neonazi, and does it in good faith. The "good faith" in question isn't supposed to be about you, it's supposed to be about them. That's the power of the concept, and why it's so important.
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Dr. Claus

What she did was deplorable and her lack of journalistic skill and integrity clearly showed. Honestly, I hope she learns from this incident and improves herself to do better in the future.


all ICE workers are pieces of shit. they're a modern Gestapo. fuck them all
Dude shut the f*** up, my friend works for ICE and does nothing but help immigrants with job counseling/placement and check ins so they don't violate parole. He is Dominican and is liberal. So please tell me how is he a piece of shit? I would love to tell him some guy on the internet thinks ICE is nothing but Gestapo. He will get a laugh out of that one. :ROFLMAO:

Edit: Bye Felecia
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Let's be fair - she herself did not write the article. She is just another part of the ☑️ brigade that spreads this sort of "news" amongst journalists and activists until someone does write an article or the mob grabs their pitchforks.

Even now, in the replies to these Tweets, there are people claiming that it really is an Iron Cross and that he really is a Nazi.

99% of what you said is true. However, I disagree with journalist and activist being separate. They are one and the same in today's media :p
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Scary how the left demonized ICE...and taking the side of illegal immigrants over law enforcement agents doing their job. Scary.


As a good Christian man I refuse to call people illegals. They are humans seeking a better life and I applaud them for it. I pray that every single one of them making that trek does it safely and finds refuge in America. Amen.


I mean yeah, she fucked up there and it's indicative of a problem in society that she jumped the gun like this. But if it's true that she already retracted the tweet before ICE responded, then yeah...that's fucked up.

Seems like a case where both sides are dicks...lots of that going around lately.


I mean yeah, she fucked up there and it's indicative of a problem in society that she jumped the gun like this. But if it's true that she already retracted the tweet before ICE responded, then yeah...that's fucked up.

Seems like a case where both sides are dicks...lots of that going around lately.

They/the guy who was accused were probably receiving threats or some shit from the angry social justice/social media mob this woman stirred up. Nah, screw that. This chick deserved all the stuff she got.


Hipster Princess
I mean yeah, she fucked up there and it's indicative of a problem in society that she jumped the gun like this. But if it's true that she already retracted the tweet before ICE responded, then yeah...that's fucked up.

It really isn't. With the amount of people who just read a headline and form their opinion from that and then spread it around to more even lesser informed people, careless and damaging headlines existing even for a few minutes is unacceptable.

Doubtless you will hear someone in person talking about the ICE worker with a nazi tattoo in the next month or so.


......she claimed to be targetted for being a 'fat jewish feminist with a Harvard degree'....that's an interesting defense.


What an unbearable person.
One sentence she mentions she has already apologized, goddamit.
Then a wall of text on woe her and how she is the real victim here.

The lack of self insight and lack of responsibility.
This is why so many loath millennial keyboard warriors.
99% of what you said is true. However, I disagree with journalist and activist being separate. They are one and the same in today's media :p

I do not mind a journalist being an activist if the cause is unbiased truth and let people make up their own minds.


I hope she never works in press again

Don't know why she would get job another fact checker job. This really shows she isn't that good at it. Its a pretty easy thing to fact check. The iron cross isn't necessarily a nazi symbol, and the nazi version had a swastika or other nazi symbol in the middle. You can tell from the picture that there isn't one. You could also take a second to search and find that the German military, the same country that banned all nazi symbols, use it today.
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Don't know why she would get job another fact checker job. This really shows she isn't that good at it. Its a pretty easy thing to fact check. The iron cross isn't necessarily a nazi symbol, and the nazi version had a swastika or other nazi symbol in the middle. You can tell from the picture that there isn't one. You could also take a second to search and find that the German military, the same country that banned all nazi symbols, use it today.
Yeah, it seems like she was stupid.


She corrected it within 15 minutes and resigned.
That's the difference between the New Yorker and "Alt" news sources people seem to be so enamored with.

This makes me trust them more. Not less.


She corrected it within 15 minutes and resigned.
That's the difference between the New Yorker and "Alt" news sources people seem to be so enamored with.

This makes me trust them more. Not less.
I just look at the cover of TIME and that's all I need to see. Whats an "alt" news source?


This is just kind of dumb. Stop giving the kooky left more hits and more steam. Most liberals are not clamoring nazi at something like this, can we stop with the revolving persecution complex? It’s just so tiresome on both sides.


I hope she never works in press again

That is pretty certain.
She called out a double amputee war hero that works with keeping children safe from online pedophiles a nazi and participated in online hate-mob.
She should be super grateful that they gave her the option to resign "voluntarily" and keep her unemployment benefits instead of getting fired for cause and not keep them.

But working in any reputable media again? Very unlikely.

That and also working as fact checker with a Harvard degree? That is even below working in the mail room.
Someone has done some seriously poor life choices.
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Ohh that’s right, you can just vaguely say you “don’t trust MSM” and neatly wipe away everything you don’t want to believe.
I don't really trust MSM. How could you after so many botched stories and false reports and leaks with no sources and clear biases? Still... Whats an "alt" news source?


I don't really trust MSM. How could you after so many botched stories and false reports and leaks with no sources and clear biases? Still... Whats an "alt" news source?

Because at some point you have to logically choose something to trust. The New York Times, NPR, The AP or the BBC World Service might occasionally get things wrong, but they are held to a journalistic standard and have a long history of accurate reporting.

Even Fox News and WSJ’s non editorial content tends to be accurate.

I mean...NPRs website was one of the first to report that the Time cover didn’t portray a kid that was separated from their parent.
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