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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix

Just wanted to say congrats to everyone. Especially you Cranky! No kid here, yet, we're slowly working towards a new permanent residence here. One thing that concerns me is my wife is weary, even anxious about visiting doctors. Especially OB/GYN and all that; she's quite healthy and a horse against sickness, but I don't want the stress of all that to make having a child harder.

Anyone have any issues like this? Just thought I'd get some insight, if there is any, after noticing the thread. For now the house hunting continues.


Feeling a bit stressed out about my first trip with my 6 month old daughter. We're going for 4 nights to visit my brother. Just worried about flying and how well she will sleep at my brother's place. I don't want to be a burden.

Being a "burden" comes with the territory. I know the feeling, wanting not to bother any one else because of YOUR baby - it's a reason why parents kind of become recluses. But yeah, it's family. If they invited you, it's just part of the deal now.

I travelled with out baby when she was about 7 months for a 5 hour car ride. Was kinda stressed, but she ended up sleeping most of the way down save for food and nappy change breaks. Wished she was like that every other day!

She was of course fussy for sleep in a new environment, but what are ya gonna do.

Travelling with her at 10 months on a 14 hour flight is another kettle of fish....

Plane rides have been successful when I've done them with little ones, but the pacifier/bottle advice from up top is good to have.

As for sleeping...I've always brought a play yard, or playard, I don't know the proper spelling. If you have one that boxes up nice, consider checking it and bringing with. It's safe, doesn't take up much space and affords some familiarity, which can help.

You lucky fucker! My son did that, but my 7 m/o daughter still wakes up at like 1 or 2, sometimes more. Can't WAIT for that to end...I want my bedroom back.

You gotta get active with the sleep over night thing. It might come naturally, it might not. Are you willing to risk that? I know people with 2 year olds that still don't sleep through the night as they're waiting for it to happen naturally.

We were active about it and started or routine at about 6-7 months? After a week she was sleeping through the night. Has only token that maybe a handful of times when she is teething or sick.


I'll be joining everyone here in the next week. My baby girl was due yesterday. No idea when she'll show up, but she has a 5/3 deadline.

So, my baby is 3 weeks old today... my wife took 2 full days to deliver, but all in all everything is going great except for having to be re-admitted to the hospital due to jaundice (caught it early and got it under control).

Here she is:



So, my baby is 3 weeks old today... my wife took 2 full days to deliver, but all in all everything is going great except for having to be re-admitted to the hospital due to jaundice (caught it early and got it under control).

Here she is:


She's beautiful!


My wife is 20 weeks pregnant with twins and she's just been diagnosed with low amniotic fluid on twin a and an enlarged abdomen on twin b, needless to say we are scared to death. Its fraternal twins so they are both not sharing a placenta or anything.

Anyone had similar experience and it turned out ok?


My wife is 20 weeks pregnant with twins and she's just been diagnosed with low amniotic fluid on twin a and an enlarged abdomen on twin b, needless to say we are scared to death. Its fraternal twins so they are both not sharing a placenta or anything.

Anyone had similar experience and it turned out ok?
No, but what did the doctors say?


No, but what did the doctors say?

The first doctor could barely speak English so we didn't get the full gist of it and we left thinking should we be concerned or not. My wife rang the midwife for clarification and we got called straight back to the hospital where another consultant, again with not the best English pretty much filled us full with dread and I wish I hadn't gone back.

Too low fluid can mean the lungs don't develop to survive outside of the womb, high risk of infection which can be a death sentence for both babies and bad for the mother and a sign of chromosomal problems. Growth can be restricted due to the baby not having enough room in the sack also, along with deformities arising from it. (Club feet etc etc.)

An enlarged abdomen can mean the baby has just drunk too much at that time or renal problems which again could mean chromosomal issues.

The good news is both measure the correct size for now with strong heartbeats.

Either way at 20 weeks she is now very high risk, but there's nothing really the docs will do until she hits 24 weeks and the pregnancy becomes classed as viable, between now and then its a ticking timebomb.

We have a level 2 ultrasound booked for tomorrow with a possible amniocentesis needed at the same time depending on what they find.

Shitting myself.


The first doctor could barely speak English so we didn't get the full gist of it and we left thinking should we be concerned or not. My wife rang the midwife for clarification and we got called straight back to the hospital where another consultant, again with not the best English pretty much filled us full with dread and I wish I hadn't gone back.

Too low fluid can mean the lungs don't develop to survive outside of the womb, high risk of infection which can be a death sentence for both babies and bad for the mother and a sign of chromosomal problems. Growth can be restricted due to the baby not having enough room in the sack also, along with deformities arising from it. (Club feet etc etc.)

An enlarged abdomen can mean the baby has just drunk too much at that time or renal problems which again could mean chromosomal issues.

The good news is both measure the correct size for now with strong heartbeats.

Either way at 20 weeks she is now very high risk, but there's nothing really the docs will do until she hits 24 weeks and the pregnancy becomes classed as viable, between now and then its a ticking timebomb.

We have a level 2 ultrasound booked for tomorrow with a possible amniocentesis needed at the same time depending on what they find.

Shitting myself.

Well, I'm sure they are worst case scenarios.

They have to tell you them, I suppose. Hopefully it all works out, and that identifying it now rather than later means that they can be better monitored and/or something done about it!

All the best!

The worst thing we had during pregnancy was that the length of the femur was bottom fifth percentile or something, but I think it just turned out to be a weird angle.

But yeah, all throughout pregnancy and labour every anxiety was multiplied 10-fold. "Do you want an epidural? It's up to you! But you have to decide in 2 minutes. And if you don't, it will hurt more. Bnd it can paralyse you. Please sign this waiver."


Well, I'm sure they are worst case scenarios.

They have to tell you them, I suppose. Hopefully it all works out, and that identifying it now rather than later means that they can be better monitored and/or something done about it!

All the best!

The worst thing we had during pregnancy was that the length of the femur was bottom fifth percentile or something, but I think it just turned out to be a weird angle.

But yeah, all throughout pregnancy and labour every anxiety was multiplied 10-fold. "Do you want an epidural? It's up to you! But you have to decide in 2 minutes. And if you don't, it will hurt more. Bnd it can paralyse you. Please sign this waiver."

I hope so. The damn doctor made it sound like a death sentence.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Shitting myself.
Don't have any experience with what you are going through but do know that doctors can be a little over the top with projecting worst case scenarios. Hope everything goes well for the 4 of you.


aka andydumi
My wife is 20 weeks pregnant with twins and she's just been diagnosed with low amniotic fluid on twin a and an enlarged abdomen on twin b, needless to say we are scared to death. Its fraternal twins so they are both not sharing a placenta or anything.

Anyone had similar experience and it turned out ok?

We have three month old twins and we also got quite a scare starting about week 22 or so. Jack was generally small, and his abdomen was very small, and they watched the fluid levels and his size very closely, twice weekly. He never strayed below the 5th percentile, although he was borderline a couple of times, and we made it to 37 weeks for delivery.

They are both doing great now.


Never saw this thread! Anyway, my wife gave birth to our daughter, Quinn, almost 6 weeks ago now. Natural birth and no real issues other than her tear duct having problems randomly. The one thing I am looking forward to is getting her to sleep longer than say 3-4 hours. When does this usually start? Also, when did you all first start putting your baby in the crib? My wife refuses and the baby hardly stops crying in there.

Pic of our baby:



So, my baby is 3 weeks old today... my wife took 2 full days to deliver, but all in all everything is going great except for having to be re-admitted to the hospital due to jaundice (caught it early and got it under control).

Here she is:


Awesome man; she looks beautiful.


We have three month old twins and we also got quite a scare starting about week 22 or so. Jack was generally small, and his abdomen was very small, and they watched the fluid levels and his size very closely, twice weekly. He never strayed below the 5th percentile, although he was borderline a couple of times, and we made it to 37 weeks for delivery.

They are both doing great now.

Did your doctor scare you with phrases like "Fingers crossed you get to 24 weeks" and "I'm sorry I know how much you want this."

Seriously, some of their management skills are horrendous.


aka andydumi
Never saw this thread! Anyway, my wife gave birth to our daughter, Quinn, almost 6 weeks ago now. Natural birth and no real issues other than her tear duct having problems randomly. The one thing I am looking forward to is getting her to sleep longer than say 3-4 hours. When does this usually start? Also, when did you all first start putting your baby in the crib? My wife refuses and the baby hardly stops crying in there.

The twins started sleeping from 9pm to about 3am at about 7-8 weeks. One day, they just would not wake up for the midnight feeding. Now, at nearly 12 weeks they sleep from 8:30pm to 4:00am reliably, and they are starting to not want to wake up at 4, so this weekend we will let them sleep until they wake us up, hopefully 5-6am.

Did your doctor scare you with phrases like "Fingers crossed you get to 24 weeks" and "I'm sorry I know how much you want this."

Seriously, some of their management skills are horrendous.

That is pretty accurate.

At about 18 weeks we knew he was trending small and they were watching closely. We were told to hope we make it to 23-24 as that would be a big milestone (viability). They told us starting at 22 weeks or so to keep a bag packed as any day we went in for a scan (twice a week) could be the day they take them out. So since December we had a suitcase packed in the trunk.

They also told us that if something happened before 27 weeks or so, there is a high chance Jack would not make it, and Elena could have issues from being out early. The doctors were honest and realistic and did not sugar coat anything, with survival percentages and all. The nurses expressed a lot of optimism though. In general we appreciated the honesty, albeit sometimes hard to hear, as we are both realistic and would not want to be told all is fine then one day have the whole thing collapse. It helps my wife is a human geneticist though, and she has a higher level of understanding of the various issues than the average patient.


Never saw this thread! Anyway, my wife gave birth to our daughter, Quinn, almost 6 weeks ago now. Natural birth and no real issues other than her tear duct having problems randomly. The one thing I am looking forward to is getting her to sleep longer than say 3-4 hours. When does this usually start? Also, when did you all first start putting your baby in the crib? My wife refuses and the baby hardly stops crying in there.

Sometime around 6 months if I remember correctly.
Beautiful kid btw, reminds me of my daughter.
She's 10 month now and starts standing up - oh dear...


Never saw this thread! Anyway, my wife gave birth to our daughter, Quinn, almost 6 weeks ago now. Natural birth and no real issues other than her tear duct having problems randomly. The one thing I am looking forward to is getting her to sleep longer than say 3-4 hours. When does this usually start? Also, when did you all first start putting your baby in the crib? My wife refuses and the baby hardly stops crying in there.

Pic of our baby:

Sometime around 6 months if I remember correctly.
Beautiful kid btw, reminds me of my daughter.
She's 10 month now and starts standing up - oh dear...

Thanks man; 6 months? Yikes.
Never saw this thread! Anyway, my wife gave birth to our daughter, Quinn, almost 6 weeks ago now. Natural birth and no real issues other than her tear duct having problems randomly. The one thing I am looking forward to is getting her to sleep longer than say 3-4 hours. When does this usually start? Also, when did you all first start putting your baby in the crib? My wife refuses and the baby hardly stops crying in there.

Depends really. Ours started to sleep 9 to 11 hours in a row at two.

Two months. : )


My dad does a lot of flying and seems to think that airlines are starting to do away with pre-boarding for children...what the crap is this all about?

That was something I was looking forward to having a kid.


My dad does a lot of flying and seems to think that airlines are starting to do away with pre-boarding for children...what the crap is this all about?

That was something I was looking forward to having a kid.

I fly quite a bit for work and they still allow pre-boarding, however each airline does it differently. Southwest does it after the "A" and before the "B" boarding group has already boarded while United still does it before all other passengers (minus first class).


I fly quite a bit for work and they still allow pre-boarding, however each airline does it differently. Southwest does it after the "A" and before the "B" boarding group has already boarded while United still does it before all other passengers (minus first class).

Well, she is a 6 month old who will be in our laps so I guess we really don't need extra time other than just folding up her stroller to gate check it. No biggie.

Probably don't really want her fussing in her seat anyway while waiting for everyone else to board.

We are flying United who I guess just got rid of children pre-boarding 1 year ago to the day....lol, go figure.

My dad does a lot of flying and seems to think that airlines are starting to do away with pre-boarding for children...what the crap is this all about?

That was something I was looking forward to having a kid.
Some airlines still do preboarding with children, but, yeah for the most part they are all doing away with it. It really sucks because you feel like you need to rush to get things set up as to not hold up the line behind you. Things just take longer when traveling with kids.


We just got a 3 week heads up that our daycare is closing and being consolidated with another. Of course, the new one is more expensive, and wait lists everywhere are in the "months" time frame. I feel worse for the teachers who didn't even get a month's notice though =(


We just got a 3 week heads up that our daycare is closing and being consolidated with another. Of course, the new one is more expensive, and wait lists everywhere are in the "months" time frame. I feel worse for the teachers who didn't even get a month's notice though =(

3 weeks is absolute bullshit...most wait lists for daycares are months.



Wife and I took an infant safety and CPR class last night. The CPR was mostly refresher for me. The safety part left me with the belief than our daughter (due June 23) will be lucky to survive with death looming in every corner of the house. Basically everything is a choking hazard, everything will fall on her when touched, we'll be lucky if she survives one night of sleeping in her crib, our dog will eat her, and she will fall out of every window/down every stairs if they're not blocked by steel plate at least one foot thick.
My daughter is 15 months old and we've yet to put a baby gate, still no stoppers on the cupboards, etc. She's doing great (knows how to safely go up and down stairs) and hasn't hurt herself or drank poison.


aka andydumi
3 weeks is absolute bullshit...most wait lists for daycares are months.


With our twins, daycare waits are over a year long. We lucked out that a great place was opening a new branch right near us so the roster was wide open to accommodate both of them.
Wife and I took an infant safety and CPR class last night. The CPR was mostly refresher for me. The safety part left me with the belief than our daughter (due June 23) will be lucky to survive with death looming in every corner of the house. Basically everything is a choking hazard, everything will fall on her when touched, we'll be lucky if she survives one night of sleeping in her crib, our dog will eat her, and she will fall out of every window/down every stairs if they're not blocked by steel plate at least one foot thick.
The first three months is basically suicide watch.

distantmantra said:
My daughter is 15 months old and we've yet to put a baby gate, still no stoppers on the cupboards, etc. She's doing great (knows how to safely go up and down stairs) and hasn't hurt herself or drank poison.
My son was pretty good about staying away from dangerous shit. We put up a gate around the entertainment center so he didn't mess around with the consoles and put a lock around the cabinet under the sink where we keep the cleaning supplies, but that was about it. He had full reign over the house and the worst thing he did was knock some dvds off the shelves.
My daughter is 15 months old and we've yet to put a baby gate, still no stoppers on the cupboards, etc. She's doing great (knows how to safely go up and down stairs) and hasn't hurt herself or drank poison.

It'll get worse as they get older. Don't think you're out of the woods or safe.

In reality, you want that to happen too.


The twins started sleeping from 9pm to about 3am at about 7-8 weeks. One day, they just would not wake up for the midnight feeding. Now, at nearly 12 weeks they sleep from 8:30pm to 4:00am reliably, and they are starting to not want to wake up at 4, so this weekend we will let them sleep until they wake us up, hopefully 5-6am.

That is pretty accurate.

At about 18 weeks we knew he was trending small and they were watching closely. We were told to hope we make it to 23-24 as that would be a big milestone (viability). They told us starting at 22 weeks or so to keep a bag packed as any day we went in for a scan (twice a week) could be the day they take them out. So since December we had a suitcase packed in the trunk.

They also told us that if something happened before 27 weeks or so, there is a high chance Jack would not make it, and Elena could have issues from being out early. The doctors were honest and realistic and did not sugar coat anything, with survival percentages and all. The nurses expressed a lot of optimism though. In general we appreciated the honesty, albeit sometimes hard to hear, as we are both realistic and would not want to be told all is fine then one day have the whole thing collapse. It helps my wife is a human geneticist though, and she has a higher level of understanding of the various issues than the average patient.

We never got percentages, they said they weren't going to make it.

We had a scan at another specialist yesterday and he didn't know what they going on about as it turns out that the pregnancy is completely normal and we'd been worried for nothing.


We never got percentages, they said they weren't going to make it.

We had a scan at another specialist yesterday and he didn't know what they going on about as it turns out that the pregnancy is completely normal and we'd been worried for nothing.

That's good news! Happy for you guys.
Twins get!
They came a bit earlier than scheduled, (the c-section was scheduled for the 10th) but the babies are strong, big, (girl was 7 pounds 3 ounces boy was 6 pounds 12 ounces) and healthy. I haven't gotten any sleep last night but its worth it.
Just joined the club. The c-section was penciled in for tomorrow, but our little guy couldn't wait anymore and my wife's water broke at 8.20am. Who can blame him? It was getting awfully cramped in there.

Arrived at the hospital at 9am and by 10 I was a father! That's efficiency. Now I'm in the waiting room, waiting (obviously) for the doctors do to some tests. I'm not sure what exactly they're tests they're doing, as this is a Japanese hospital and while my language skills are fine for day to day life, new born baby procedures have not yet entered my vocabulary. Fingers crossed he's ok!


I'm sure he's fine, congrats! Enjoy your sleep for the first week or two while all he's doing is sleeping, that'll end soon enough.

Our 3 month old is starting his sleep regression. Kill me.


Ha. My 13 month old daughter had her first incident report from daycare. She fell outside and scraped her forehead. When my wife told me I figured she had bit the shit out of somebody....since she does that to us all the damn time.


aka andydumi
Ha. My 13 month old daughter had her first incident report from daycare. She fell outside and scraped her forehead. When my wife told me I figured she had bit the shit out of somebody....since she does that to us all the damn time.

I got a call a few days ago from day care that started like this "now this is going to sound weird but... there's a hair cutting off your daughter's fingers' circulation" "did you say a hair""yes...[silence]"

Our 3 month old had a hair wrapped around her middle and index fingers and it was cutting off circulation, embedding into her skin. And they aren't allowed do anything about it, so I had to drive there and see what's up. Well she had a strand of thick hair wrapped into a figure 8 around the 2 fingers, which had knotted with some lint in between. But they are not allowed to keep scissors or anything other than bandaids, so I had to get nail clippers and gently cut it off.

She had apparently grabbed the teacher's hair, as she loves to do, and yanked out a few, then probably twist and knead it until it tied itself up. And it was cutting into her skin and cutting off circulation. Hilarious, and of course everything is fine.


My wife is 40 weeks + 3 days.

We. Can't. Concentrate. On. Anything!

It's very surreal, being right on the precipice of your life changing forever, while still going through the motions of your everyday routines.

We can't wait to meet our baby, and my wife is now very big and uncomfortable. There's always an elbow or a knee or SOMETHING sticking out of her belly!

Anyway, must dash, I have to go and aimlessly pace around the house for no reason at all.
My wife is 40 weeks + 3 days.

We. Can't. Concentrate. On. Anything!

It's very surreal, being right on the precipice of your life changing forever, while still going through the motions of your everyday routines.

We can't wait to meet our baby, and my wife is now very big and uncomfortable. There's always an elbow or a knee or SOMETHING sticking out of her belly!

Anyway, must dash, I have to go and aimlessly pace around the house for no reason at all.

Haha, I remember those times, just waiting and you know that in a day or two everything will be different.

Good luck to you and the Mrs.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
My wife is 40 weeks + 3 days.

We. Can't. Concentrate. On. Anything!

It's very surreal, being right on the precipice of your life changing forever, while still going through the motions of your everyday routines.

We can't wait to meet our baby, and my wife is now very big and uncomfortable. There's always an elbow or a knee or SOMETHING sticking out of her belly!

Anyway, must dash, I have to go and aimlessly pace around the house for no reason at all.
Chili. Worked for my wife.
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