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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix

I have to admit I've done a complete 180 in regards to parenting. I was never really into the idea until my fiancee fell pregnant, and even then I had my doubts. But after you hold that little human and see part of you in their face and mannerisms - it just triggers something inside.


Agree. I think women fall in love with them as soon as they find out they are pregnant, but us men we don't get that feeling until we actually see and hold them


I have to admit I've done a complete 180 in regards to parenting. I was never really into the idea until my fiancee fell pregnant, and even then I had my doubts. But after you hold that little human and see part of you in their face and mannerisms - it just triggers something inside.


Agree. I think women fall in love with them as soon as they find out they are pregnant, but us men we don't get that feeling until we actually see and hold them

Having your own also makes other kids slightly more tolerable.


It also makes me look at new parents and think "You poor bastards."

Though I'm still trying to catch up on sleep from having a colicky baby, and she's three now.

My kid doesn't like to nap. We'll put her to bed at 9 and she'll wake up consistently at 4:45 or 5...and then on some random day she'll sleep like 16+ hours. It's weird.

My wife and I are wondering if we should be putting her to bed sooner.

The shitty part of that is, we both get home from work at 6...which means we'd only get to spend an hour or 2 with her since we both work.


My kid doesn't like to nap. We'll put her to bed at 9 and she'll wake up consistently at 4:45 or 5...and then on some random day she'll sleep like 16+ hours. It's weird.

My wife and I are wondering if we should be putting her to bed sooner.

The shitty part of that is, we both get home from work at 6...which means we'd only get to spend an hour or 2 with her since we both work.

Our daughter has always slept weird too. The last six months have been particularly bad as she rarely naps during the day. Half the time this results in her napping at around 5, and half the time she doesn't nap at all and actually goes to bed at a proper 9 or so. She'll usually sleep until 7 in those cases.

But those other times the late nap throws her off, she's up until 10 or 11 and still up by 7.

Her sister is better about napping but she's also only ten months old.


Having your own also makes other kids slightly more tolerable.

This is so true! I teach kids ranging in age from 3 to 10 year old, and I'm finding my job a lot better now. Plus I've got something in common with the parents too.

I'm really missing my little girl. I only got to spend 2.5 days with her and my wife before I had to leave and come back to work. I'm kind of worried that I'm missing out on stuff, but Nook (wife's name) says its just a constant cycle of sleep, breast feeding, shitting and crying.

I'm going back in June for 3 weeks and then they are moving here at the end of the year, so I guess that's not too bad. I stayed up till 3am playing the new Bioshock and then slept in till midday yesterday. I don't think that's going to happen much after the baby gets here!


This is so true! I teach kids ranging in age from 3 to 10 year old, and I'm finding my job a lot better now. Plus I've got something in common with the parents too.

I'm really missing my little girl. I only got to spend 2.5 days with her and my wife before I had to leave and come back to work. I'm kind of worried that I'm missing out on stuff, but Nook (wife's name) says its just a constant cycle of sleep, breast feeding, shitting and crying.

I'm going back in June for 3 weeks and then they are moving here at the end of the year, so I guess that's not too bad. I stayed up till 3am playing the new Bioshock and then slept in till midday yesterday. I don't think that's going to happen much after the baby gets here!

No...I haven't gamed since my girl has been born. There's just too much to do.


A baby takes up a lot of time. Typical weekday after work: I commute home, train, take the wee lad for 1-2 hours until we all eat dinner together, spend time with family a bit more and if he goes to sleep early it's either a)spending time with my wife or b)playing video games for a bit before bed. Rinse & repeat 5x/week.

Gaming time averages 4-6 hours/week. At least 2-3 hours of that is Saturday morning when I wake up before anyone else. It's given me a much more discriminating taste for what games spend my time on.
No...I haven't gamed since my girl has been born. There's just too much to do.

Really? I find there's much more chance to game in the first year than there is the second year. If you're already not finding time, oh man you're going to have even less when they become a toddler.


Anyone else get additional bills from the hospital when you're baby's six months old? I've already given them a couple thousand, apparently I owe them another grand.


Anyone else get additional bills from the hospital when you're baby's six months old? I've already given them a couple thousand, apparently I owe them another grand.

My baby was born exactly 5 months to the day and we haven't gotten a single bill yet.

We think our co-pay is supposed to be $500 for the hospital stay and another $100-200 for the anesthesiologist based on our health care at the time.
hoo boy, my wife seems to think this baby may be coming fairly soon. She says she thinks part of the mucus plug thing in her cervix started coming out today (or so she thinks). She also downloaded some app on her phone to help her time contractions. I don'tthink she's had any real contractions yet but she's definitely been having more of those braxton hicks contractions more frequently. Anyody have any comment on the whole mucus plug thing and how long it was until laor after it came out?

Luckily we finally got our carseat today and some other few last minute important things. Her due date isn't actually until April 21st, but her doctor was saying that since our baby is small, she wanted to induce a few days before her due date if there were any signs at all of her cervix thinning out or dilating or something just in case there were any sort of complications due to its size. I'm fine with going by the doctors orders, but it just seems counter-intuitive to me to take it out early if its small. Wouldn't you want to let it stay in a little longer and grow a bit more? (not that that would make it any easier to push out)


She also downloaded some app on her phone to help her time contractions.

i did the same and it was scary as hell how mouch the contractions where on time - it startet wih every 10 minutes, then 7, then 5 (here we raced to the hospital)

i had the phone with the timer and could say - you are going to get a contraction in 3.2.1*AAARGGHGHAHAHA*
My daughter made her first steps this morning. :D

She's growing way too fast lol
Mine took her first steps during the Super Bowl. In two weeks you will be both excited and regretful that her legs function. And if she is anything like mine, she will no longer want to be carried anywhere. It's a great feeling though.


My daughter made her first steps this morning. :D

She's growing way too fast lol
How old? And congratulations to her, her first taste of independence. Commiserations to you though, you'll be chasing after her non stop from now on.

Did anyone here suffer from their child - especially a daughter - being clingy to the mother and/or almost hating your presence?

It was difficult enough when my daughter was pre-walking age, but understandable because she was being weaned from breastfeeding. Since then we've established a great relationship and I've become an equal to my wife in my daughter's eyes. But in the last few days she won't give me a kiss, insists on her mum playing with her even when I'm the one available, saying "Mummy" constantly even if I'm there too and yesterday she cried her eyes out when I put her in the bath and called for her mum, after which she was happy.

It's really getting me down. Now she's 18 months old and much more intelligent it feels like such a rejection.


She's almost 10 months old and yeah I'm sure I'll remember fondly the days when I could look away from her for 30s and not have her disapear.

It's really getting me down. Now she's 18 months old and much more intelligent it feels like such a rejection.

Ouch. That must suck.
Also, any recommendations for a functional diaper bag? You guys always have some good recommendations.

I'm also looking something like that or the ultimate diaper genie. HELP

It's really getting me down. Now she's 18 months old and much more intelligent it feels like such a rejection.

Oedipus phase (and before) is very very complex for little girls. I wouldn't worry too much about it. You might be surprised one day when she becomes clingy to you and explicitely wants rid of her mother...
Well.....we're about there the doc had us schedule induction on Monday, so at the most I have this weekend unil I'm a dad and maybe even sooner than that. We've done so much to prepare for this yet I don't feel prepared at all. Shit is about to get REAL.
Well.....we're about there the doc had us schedule induction on Monday, so at the most I have this weekend unil I'm a dad and maybe even sooner than that. We've done so much to prepare for this yet I don't feel prepared at all. Shit is about to get REAL.

Exciting stuff!

Sounds like you guys will be good parents.


Well.....we're about there the doc had us schedule induction on Monday, so at the most I have this weekend unil I'm a dad and maybe even sooner than that. We've done so much to prepare for this yet I don't feel prepared at all. Shit is about to get REAL.

You'll be fine...my wife went into labor 10 days early and we didn't have our "go bags" packed....lol.

We had to shove a bunch of shit into bags in between contractions. Was awful.


Also, any recommendations for a functional diaper bag? You guys always have some good recommendations.

My wife says petunia pickle bottom... But she is kind of a bag slut. :p

She also says she never uses it anymore and just puts everything in her enormous purse. If you don't mind having "last seasons" diaper bag shoot me a PM and I can send you a pic of it.

Also: new guy is 1 month old! Time is just an illusion now, I remember when I had 1 child and thought I had no time... Ha!



My wife is closing in on the home stretch, 2 months to go. She's had a good pregnancy so far, from what I hear, it's our first. She hasn't had any nausea and has had very few issues besides being tired/winded which I think is expected. The nursery is complete. We got a baby monitor in the mail yesterday, can't wait to try it out on the dog, lol. Car seat/stroller are about the only major items we have left to get.


Update on our noodle.

She's 10 days old at this point. She sleeps for three hours at time, wakes up like clock work for diaper changes, and hardly ever cries. The second go around has been easy compared to our first child.


aw she so cute and just begging for a cuddle congrats man


Ok. Maybe you guys can help me find this specific baby gate.

It's not permanently mounted to the wall it's a pressure mount. It has a handle right in the middle on the top with two buttons on the top and a handle. The two buttons on the top perform the same function and you push one of them with your thumb to unlock the handle that you pull with your fingers. This retracts the pads that provide the pressure to the wall and you can just remove the whole gate from the wall. I have looked and looked and can't seem to find this. My mom used to have a couple and my daughters daycare has them.
Ok. Maybe you guys can help me find this specific baby gate.

It's not permanently mounted to the wall it's a pressure mount. It has a handle right in the middle on the top with two buttons on the top and a handle. The two buttons on the top perform the same function and you push one of them with your thumb to unlock the handle that you pull with your fingers. This retracts the pads that provide the pressure to the wall and you can just remove the whole gate from the wall. I have looked and looked and can't seem to find this. My mom used to have a couple and my daughters daycare has them.

This one? We have it and still use it for our dogs, it's really solid.



My wife's water broke about 1.5 hours ago and the baby will be here really soon. I'm in the hall while she gets an epidural.


Scary Euro Man
7 month old is down with chicken pox (caught from 3 year old) right now. Last night was a horrible cycle of them waking each other up. As soon as one of them was settled, the other one would start crying, or demanding water, or complaining that they'd lost Tigger. Must have lost a good couple of hours of sleep.

This morning I was taking 3yo to nursery, and told him that daddy was tired. "Oh," he said, and thought for a moment. "You should have slept more last night."
Emagene Aster, born 4/21 at 3:36pm. 7 lb 12 oz. That was the most intense exhausting thing I've ever been through. I have no idea how my wife was able to do it. She is the most precious thing I have ever held in my hands.



7 month old is down with chicken pox (caught from 3 year old) right now. Last night was a horrible cycle of them waking each other up. As soon as one of them was settled, the other one would start crying, or demanding water, or complaining that they'd lost Tigger. Must have lost a good couple of hours of sleep.

This morning I was taking 3yo to nursery, and told him that daddy was tired. "Oh," he said, and thought for a moment. "You should have slept more last night."

Lol that's precious!

Chicken pox at 7 months? Harsh! Was your 3yo vaccinated?
Man i almost wish I had boobs so I could at least try and help with the feeding process. We're having a hell of a time getting her to latch and feed and she's hardly had anything to eat the past day and a half since she was born. I feel so helpless not being able to help with the whole process. So far I've changed diapers, swadled her, comforted her and about everything I can do, but theres just not really anything I can do here to help.


7 month old is down with chicken pox (caught from 3 year old) right now. Last night was a horrible cycle of them waking each other up. As soon as one of them was settled, the other one would start crying, or demanding water, or complaining that they'd lost Tigger. Must have lost a good couple of hours of sleep.

This morning I was taking 3yo to nursery, and told him that daddy was tired. "Oh," he said, and thought for a moment. "You should have slept more last night."

Oh man....that's rough. Mine just got her Chicken Pox vaccine today at her 1 year shots.
Man i almost wish I had boobs so I could at least try and help with the feeding process. We're having a hell of a time getting her to latch and feed and she's hardly had anything to eat the past day and a half since she was born. I feel so helpless not being able to help with the whole process. So far I've changed diapers, swadled her, comforted her and about everything I can do, but theres just not really anything I can do here to help.

It does seem really tough for both mom and dad. I just came back from my niece's birth and the breast feeding part has been incredibly trying for my sister. The baby was induced a month early and is having that latching problem too because she's so small/weaker. But, if your partner is pumping in between feedings to help encourage the flow/store milk like my sis is, then you can definitely start helping with the feeding that way using what she's able to get. That's what her husband does and it gives her a break for sure. Have you guys discussed that?

And because this is the baby thread: My pimp niece. She tolerated my 'care' in good form. :)



NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Man i almost wish I had boobs so I could at least try and help with the feeding process. We're having a hell of a time getting her to latch and feed and she's hardly had anything to eat the past day and a half since she was born. I feel so helpless not being able to help with the whole process. So far I've changed diapers, swadled her, comforted her and about everything I can do, but theres just not really anything I can do here to help.

Understand that - had the same thing with the grand-daughter-ish. Eventually it just didn't work and we had to go onto bottlefeeds. It's a real shame to have to, but if that's what works then that's what works. Doesn't have the same intimacy as breastfeeding, but at least you can share in it and do some of the work.


Man i almost wish I had boobs so I could at least try and help with the feeding process. We're having a hell of a time getting her to latch and feed and she's hardly had anything to eat the past day and a half since she was born. I feel so helpless not being able to help with the whole process. So far I've changed diapers, swadled her, comforted her and about everything I can do, but theres just not really anything I can do here to help.
Well I know it's not same but when our son was born last may, my Gf was was having trouble making milk at first. So I had to help by sticking a tiny little tube in his mouth attached to a syringe full of formula whenever he latched on. We did this mainly so he would not get nipple confusion and know that the boob is meals on wheels. I would sometimes just stick the tube in his mouth and feed him that way if she was sleeping or something to give her a break and it worked fine.


Man i almost wish I had boobs so I could at least try and help with the feeding process. We're having a hell of a time getting her to latch and feed and she's hardly had anything to eat the past day and a half since she was born. I feel so helpless not being able to help with the whole process. So far I've changed diapers, swadled her, comforted her and about everything I can do, but theres just not really anything I can do here to help.

We went through exactly the same issue.

feels awful, doesn't it...

A few notes...

1. You can try droppers full of formula in the corner of your child's mouth while trying to latch to see if you can entice them.

2. Your wife may feel incredibly guilty for latching problems...this is NOT her fault. The baby doesn't have the coordination yet to latch properly. It's incredibly frustrating. Let her know this.

3. You should have access to in-home lactation nurses...they can come and help, it's a small co-pay if you have health insurance.

4. Please consider supplementing with formula to keep baby's weight up...it's critical to not let their weight drop too much from under feeding.

Ultimately after 3-4 weeks of fighting with our daughter (she wouldn't latch...would either push off and get irritated or fall asleep at the breast), my wife and I decided it would be best for her to pump exclusively and bottle feed. It's worked for us great.

Good luck.
We went through exactly the same issue.

feels awful, doesn't it...

A few notes...

1. You can try droppers full of formula in the corner of your child's mouth while trying to latch to see if you can entice them.

2. Your wife may feel incredibly guilty for latching problems...this is NOT her fault. The baby doesn't have the coordination yet to latch properly. It's incredibly frustrating. Let her know this.

3. You should have access to in-home lactation nurses...they can come and help, it's a small co-pay if you have health insurance.

4. Please consider supplementing with formula to keep baby's weight up...it's critical to not let their weight drop too much from under feeding.

Ultimately after 3-4 weeks of fighting with our daughter (she wouldn't latch...would either push off and get irritated or fall asleep at the breast), my wife and I decided it would be best for her to pump exclusively and bottle feed. It's worked for us great.

Good luck.
Very good advice. There's quite the breast feeding evangelist community out there but some babies (and women) have a hard time with it. It's not the mother's fault or the babies fault, it's just the way it is. We ended up going to formula for our son but our daughter latched fine.
We went through exactly the same issue.

feels awful, doesn't it...

A few notes...

1. You can try droppers full of formula in the corner of your child's mouth while trying to latch to see if you can entice them.

2. Your wife may feel incredibly guilty for latching problems...this is NOT her fault. The baby doesn't have the coordination yet to latch properly. It's incredibly frustrating. Let her know this.

3. You should have access to in-home lactation nurses...they can come and help, it's a small co-pay if you have health insurance.

4. Please consider supplementing with formula to keep baby's weight up...it's critical to not let their weight drop too much from under feeding.

Ultimately after 3-4 weeks of fighting with our daughter (she wouldn't latch...would either push off and get irritated or fall asleep at the breast), my wife and I decided it would be best for her to pump exclusively and bottle feed. It's worked for us great.

Good luck.
Thank you all for the advice. We've tried a few of these things already. There's a lactation nurse here at the hospital thats currently helping right now. She does latch but only for like 5 minutes at a time and then she either gets frustrated and worked up or falls asleep at the breast. We gave her a little formula to help get her some calories and get her energy back up. Luckily she's still at the bottom in terms of average expected weight loss. It sound like the plan is to start pumping to help get her milk to come in and get something for her to eat at the moment and then supplement with formula as a last resort
Very good advice. There's quite the breast feeding evangelist community out there but some babies (and women) have a hard time with it. It's not the mother's fault or the babies fault, it's just the way it is. We ended up going to formula for our son but our daughter latched fine.

Same here. The lactation consultants were going a bit overboard, and we ended up having to supplement with formula. My wife just couldn't produce enough milk for each feeding.


Same here. The lactation consultants were going a bit overboard, and we ended up having to supplement with formula. My wife just couldn't produce enough milk for each feeding.

It takes a week or two for it to fully come in, and even then there can still be latching problems.

If you live in America there's something called Mother's Milk tea which is just a fenugreek tea that promotes milk production.
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