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News Flash: Video Games are easier than Sports


From The Pioneer Press

When O.J. Simpson complains that he can't get his son to go out for football because he's glued to the couch playing video games, you know our nation has a problem.

With all due respect to O.J.'s sleuthing abilities, let's see if we can figure out why. What does it take to be successful at each pursuit?

Football: Two-a-day practices in the hot summer sun.

Golf: Rising before dawn to hit bucket after bucket of practice balls.

Video games: Pushing a button to save your game when you're stuck so you can go on the Internet and find a cheat code.

Football: Blazing speed and/or brute strength.

Golf: Strong legs, supple arms and wrists.

Video games: Opposable thumbs.

Football: Intelligent coaching and great teamwork.

Golf: Dogged determination and resiliency in the face of adversity.

Video games: Ample support pillows and an end table large enough to hold a soft drink and a bag of chips.

Football: A desire to get to the end zone and hear the cheers.

Golf: A desire to get the ball in the hole and hear the cheers.

Video games: A desire to get to the end of the game before it has to be returned to the rental store.

I think we've found the answer. Compared to physical pursuits like football or golf, video games are easier.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i play a lot of games, yes, but nothing tops the thrill of owning everyone at physical sports :D


DopeyFish said:
i play a lot of games, yes, but nothing tops the thrill of owning everyone at physical sports :D

I was never really good at sports, but recently I discovered that I'm better at rollerskating than pretty much all of my friends. It felt pretty damn good.
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