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What's going on in your area?

Here's some interesting goings on from Glasgow, Scotland

Some 2,500 phone lines are still on the blink in Glasgow after telephone cables were cut by vandals over the weekend.

The perpetrators struck on Saturday afternoon after they lifted a manhole cover and snipped eight copper cables and a fibre optic cable. A BT spokesman said it was an act of "wanton vandalism".

Around 5,000 phone lines linked to homes and businesses were wiped out by the damage. Half were repaired within hours of the cable-cutting. The rest should be restored by the end of today.

Police are investigating.



Smegging smeg of a smeg!
BOSTON -- The number of homicides in Boston reached its highest point for this date since 1996 with the killing of a 19-year-old man over the weekend, but criminologists say the number of slayings is below the level of the early 1990s, when gang violence raged in the city.

"We obviously should take seriously that we have a cluster of homicides of young people, particularly young men," said James Alan Fox, a criminal justice professor at Northeastern University, as Boston recorded its 29th homicide early Sunday.

"To some extent perhaps, we have let down our guard," said Fox, co-author of "The Will to Kill: Making Sense of Senseless Murder, due out next month. "We did a wonderful job with the last generation of teenagers, but there are other kids who followed in their footsteps, and unfortunately the message is not necessarily passed on from one generation to another."

Boston homicides fell last year to 41 murders, compared with 60 in 2002. From 1994 to 2003, the murder rate in Boston dropped by more than 65 percent.

As of June 20 last year, the city had recorded 17 homicides.


Blood at bachelor party

WINNIPEG, MB - A bachelor party turned violent on the weekend, leaving a 32-year-old man in critical condition with a deep knife wound to his face and another male beaten on the head with a hockey stick, police say. Police learned of the incident outside a Stranmillis Avenue home about 3 a.m. yesterday but are still piecing together information about what triggered the assaults.

Only local news other than a really tiresome mayoral election to coincide with the national elections. It's literally only about 6 blocks away from my work here, but across a river. A fairly nice area, 95% of our stabbings are done outside booze cans in the ghetto, near my place. :p


Scary Euro Man
Man duped and robbed by car gang
A gang of thieves beat up and robbed a man of several thousand pounds after luring him to a rural lane under the pretence of buying a car.

The 44-year-old agreed a cash price for a Land Rover, but when the seller arrived to deliver it he claimed he had left papers at an office in Reading.

On the way there the driver stopped the Land Rover as another car containing three men stopped behind them.

They dragged the victim out, punched and kicked him and stole the cash.

Then another car, a white Vauxhall Cavalier, stopped to pick up the gang and drove off up Reading Road, Padworth Common.

Car burnt out

The victim was not seriously hurt in Saturday's attack and walked to a nearby pub to raise the alarm.

Police have already received a call from one motorist who saw the attack but say they believe there are more people who probably witnessed it.

The gang are all white and aged in their early 20s.

Two of them had dark spiky hair and one spoke with an Irish accent.

The white Cavalier was found burnt out in Tadley, Hampshire, later on Saturday.

Teenager charged over van crash

An 18-year-old has been charged after a woman was badly hurt when a van hit a parked car and flipped on to its roof.

Daniel Lingwood, from Highdown Hill in Emmer Green, Reading, is charged with dangerous driving, failing to stop and driving without insurance.


Police questioned two men who were in the van on Thursday, but another fled the scene in Grove Road, Emmer Green.

Mr Lingwood was arrested at the front counter of Reading police station on Friday afternoon.

He has been released on bail and will appear before Reading Magistrates' Court on Tuesday.

Witnesses described seeing the van flip on to its roof in the crash, in which the 27-year-old woman pedestrian was left with multiple fractures to her legs.

She was taken to the Royal Berkshire Hospital, where her condition was described as serious but stable.


Hearing for Suspected Bomber

June 21 - The change of venue hearing for Eric Rudolph is scheduled to begin Tuesday in the federal courthouse in downtown Huntsville.

The defense is requesting the changes because they don't believe Rudolph will have a fair trial in Birmingham.

Friday, prosecutors officially filed a motion disputing this claim. Rudolph has been in the Madison County jail for more that a week. We're told he has his own cell on the eight floor and is not housed with the general population of inmates.

Rudolph is charged with bombing a Birmingham abortion clinic that killed a security guard and seriously injured a nurse.

The trial is scheduled for August 2nd in Birmingham. Authorities say they have a plan in place to get Rudolph from the 8th floor of the jail, to the federal courthouse. It involves a number of security measures, plus a detour downtown.

There is round-the-clock surveillance on this high profile inmate and the downtown square, until the hearing comes to a close.

Several streets downtown will be closed for the hearing. Sections of Jefferson Street and Holmes Avenue will shut down starting at 8:00 Monday night until 6:00 Wednesday night.


"Flickor i Borlänge missnöjda med utseendet

[Borlänge] Borlänge
Blond, slank och bystig.
Det är idealet för utvikningsbruden i Playboy och liknade tidningar. Men det är också idealet för allt fler unga tonårstjejer. Och klarar man inte normen känner man sig misslyckad.

Unga tonårsflickor i Borlänge är missnöjda med sitt utseende. Det visar en undersökning på Internet som LunarStorm genomfört i landet och som besvarats av över 100000 ungdomar. 41 procent av tjejerna i Borlänge uppgav att de är missnöjda med utseendet. Mest i landet.
Inom ramen för projektet FLICKA har diskussionsforumet ”Flicka-klubben” startats på LunarStorm. Flera av de frågor som tas upp där har tagits fram i samarbete med Socialdepartementet.
Projektet är initierat av barn- och familjeminister Berit Andnor mot bakgrund av att samhället blivit alltmer präglats av utseendefixering, kommersialisering och sexualisering.
Styr självbilden
Barnpolitiken i Sverige utgår från FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter som ålägger staten att skydda barn mot information och material som är till skada för barns välfärd.
Massmedia, reklam och nöjesindustrin styr mycket av unga flickors självbild. Blond, slank är budskapet som kommersiella medier trumpetar ut.
I Borlänge startades nyligen FLICKA och i projektet arbetar olika grupper och föreningar som når ut till ungdomen. Målsättningen är att slå hål på myter om lycka och framgång och öka flickor och pojkars självkänsla för att genomskåda medias falska bild av verkligheten.
LunarStorms undersökning om utseende, media, bantning och ätstörningar visar hur allvarligt problemet är.
Fyra av tio tonårstjejer är missnöjda med sitt utseende. Endast ett fåtal anser att de är opåverkade av den bild media sprider. En tredjedel av tjejerna som svarade uppgav att de har bantat och en fjärdedel att de haft någon form av ätstörning.
Bland de undersökta orterna är det unga tjejer i Borlänge, Örebro och Umeå som är mest missnöjda med sitt utseende. "

It's basically about a survey taken by young girls in Sweden, concerning their looks, if they're happy with how they look or not.
It shows that Borlänge, the town where I live, is one of the three towns in Sweden where girls are the most dissatisfied with their looks (41% of the girls asked).

El Papa

Chinatown Uses Its Noodle, Draws Crowd

In the parking lot of the shuttered Little Joe's Italian restaurant in Chinatown, noodles were celebrated in innumerable ways.

They were being handmade, boiled, fried and slurped-up by hundreds of people at the first Chinese Food Festival, which transformed the corner of Broadway and College Street into an epicurean Eden.

"There's nothing like fresh pasta," said Roj Brandston, a chef from New York who said he attended because, "I love Chinese food."

Twenty-two vendors in makeshift stalls offered a diverse taste of Chinese cuisine, including Cantonese roast meats and fluffy Mandarin dumplings. The event, organized by the Chinatown Business Improvement District, was billed as a tribute to the neighborhood's history and its significance to the Chinese community in the Los Angeles area.

more here.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
GREENSBORO -- A southbound freight train struck and killed a man Friday morning near the intersection of Yanceyville and 16th streets, police said.

The Norfolk Southern train struck the man at 7:55 a.m., tying up rail traffic for hours. Engineers pulled away shortly before 11 a.m., company officials said.

Friday's victim was the fifth pedestrian in as many years to be killed by a train in Greensboro, police said. Three other pedestrians were hit by trains in that time but lived.

Police were still working to identify the victim and notify next of kin late Friday night.

Trains hit cars in Greensboro about once every two months, according to police, resulting mostly in minor accidents.

The 103-car train was traveling 45 miles per hour en route from Roanoke, Va., to Linwood, N.C., said Whitney Price, assistant transportation manager with Norfolk Southern.

Capt. Bill Ingold said Greensboro police plan to begin an educational campaign about the dangers trains pose to motorists and pedestrians.

The campaign is unrelated to Friday's accident and has been planned for some time. Initiatives include increased enforcement at train crossings and educational programming on Channel 13.

Such initiatives are common in North Carolina, said officials at the North Carolina Department of Transportation.

"Trains have a lot of mass. They're large, they're weighty, and when they're traveling with any speed at all there's no way to stop them in a short distance," Patrick Simmons, director of the transportation department's rail division, said. "Whether it's a pedestrian or a motorist, you always lose."

Greensboro police began collecting data about wrecks involving trains after the department learned speed limits for passenger trains would increase in March along one of the city's main rails, Ingold said.

Speed limits for passenger trains increased to 45 mph from 20 mph between South Elm and South Dudley streets and to 79 mph from 50 mph outside downtown.

Four Amtrak trains use that rail each day. The changes came after workers installed new computerized crossing signals that detect how fast a train is moving, Ingold said.

The changes did not affect the train line used by the freight train that hit Friday's victim.

Ingold said most wrecks involving cars and trains happen when someone drives around a barrier at a train crossing and tries to cross in front of the train.

"You're trying to judge the speed of a massive object that's coming straight at you," Ingold said. "That's the worst place to try to judge speed from."

A train strikes someone every three hours in the United States, according to the Federal Railroad Administration. More than 500 people died in 2003 after being hit by trains.

Twenty-two pedestrians were struck by trains in North Carolina in 2003.
Fort William, Scotland

Fort shinty club calls foul over field
Published on: June 18, 2004

Fort William Shinty Club has had to cancel a top level match against Kilmallie because the An Aird pitch was in such a ‘dreadful’ condition. Now the club is calling for Highland Council to make sure the pitch is maintained and the ground is made secure.

Big happenings eh?!


Knows the Score
Vermisster Rheinschwimmer tot

Ein seit zehn Tagen vermisster Rheinschwimmer ist tot aufgefunden worden.

Seine Leiche wurde am (gestrigen) Sonntagmorgen beim Canal d'Alsace in Rosenau kurz vor dem Kraftwerk Kembs entdeckt, wie das Polizei- und Militärdepartement am Montag mitteilte. Bei der Leiche handelt es sich um einen 43-jährigen Schweizer, der zehn Tage zuvor auf der Höhe des Rheinbades Breite untergegangen und nicht mehr aufgetaucht war.
Melbourne, Australia

This was our headline news today:

An unimaginable loss

THE sole survivor of a Bendigo family killed in a shocking highway crash was last night struggling to come to terms with her unimaginable loss.

Corinne Ervin, 20, lost her father, mother and two sisters when their car ploughed into a truck during a family outing on Sunday.
Richard Ervin, 45, his wife Anne, 46, daughters Brooke, 17, and Jade, 14, and French exchange student Elisabeth Chambon, 15, all died.

Counsellors were called in to help 2000 students and staff at Bendigo Senior Secondary College overcome with sorrow at the deaths of Brooke and Elisabeth.

The family was on its way home from a day trip to Daylesford when the accident happened on the Midland Highway in Campbells Creek about 4.45pm.

Learner driver Brooke, 17, lost control of the late model V8 Holden Commodore in the wet conditions, veered into a rut then swerved into an oncoming truck. more »

In sport:

AFL: Ayres feels betrayed by Crows sacking

GARY Ayres yesterday walked out of the Adelaide Football Club without even a handshake, but with a sense of betrayal.

Four days after the Adelaide board decided Ayres' time was up, but did not tell him, the longest-serving Crows coach was told at 8.30am yesterday he had no future at the club.
He left his meeting with Adelaide chairman Bill Sanders without shaking hands and rejected the option to finish the season.

Ayres met his players 90 minutes later to tell them of his demise and the promotion of assistant coach Neil Craig, who is the frontrunner to keep the job next season. more »

And finally, tomorrow's (well, today's) weather forecast for Melbourne:

Fine apart from local morning fog. A partly cloudy day with light to moderate
north to northwesterly wind.

Min 9ºC Max 15ºC

Apparent suicide shuts L

About 20,000 CTA customers were affected Friday when service along part of the Blue Line subway in the Loop was shut down during the afternoon rush hour when a train hit a man. Witnesses reported seeing a man take a running jump into the path of a train about 3:15 p.m., authorities said. Initially, power to the line was shut off northbound, while southbound trains continued on the line but did not stop at the closed Dearborn and Washington station. Southbound trains eventually were stopped at that point as well. Customers were shuttled by buses to open stations. Service was restored about 5:30.


This was a weird experience. I get on the L where this happened. Tons of fire trucks, police cars, an ambulence. Reporters all congregating on the corner. They eventually fed us into a shuttle bus that took us to the Grand L stop. A nearly 45 minute bus ride for what amounts to two stops on the L (5 minutes maybe).

I don't know why this guy killed himself this way. To be "remembered"? The funny thing is that no news place has given his name and everything was back to normal in less than two hours. Talk about forgettable.


Posted on Mon, Jun. 21, 2004

Arrest made in nightclub shooting

Police continue search for suspect in second, fatal incident

By Kelly Marshall

The Sun News

Myrtle Beach police arrested a 20-year-old man Saturday in connection with a shooting and assault that left three people injured at Club Atlantis on U.S. 501.

Byron Spivey, 20, of Myrtle Beach, was charged with assault and battery with intent to kill, assault with intent to kill, and armed robbery after his arrest around 4 a.m. at Club Atlantis, said Selena Mann, an investigator with the Myrtle Beach Police Department.

Jeremy Geathers of Andrews was shot once in the leg, Mann said.

He was treated and released Saturday from Conway Medical Center. Another man had a gun fired in his direction, while another person was robbed and punched, Mann said.

"It all happened simultaneously," she said.

Other people could be arrested in connection with the shooting, Mann said.

Meanwhile, police continued searching Sunday for a Myrtle Beach man accused of a fatal shooting near Mr. Joe White Avenue and Gray Street early Saturday morning.

Police said investigations are continuing into both shootings and they do not know if they are related.

William Danyell Finkley, 21, whose last known address is on Canal Street, was being sought in the shooting of Tyrone Gore, 30, of Loris, around 5 a.m., near the Jet Age Cafe, according to police.

Finkley was released on bond from J. Reuben Long Detention Center two months ago after being charged with killing his girlfriend two years ago.

He was awaiting trial in connection with the shooting death of Vanessa E. Nelson, 18, of Myrtle Beach.

Her body was found in a ditch along a dirt road near Christie McAullife Boulevard, just outside Myrtle Beach city limits.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
OK, I had to go back in time a little because not a whole lot happens in my sleepy little college town.

OPD looks into suspected con artist's local activity

As David McElwee sat and drank his cold beer at Parrish's Bar two and a half weeks ago, he would soon receive a brand new Cadillac Escalade and the opportunity to live in the largest house in Mississippi.

It sounded too good to be true, and the sad fact is that it was.

A man calling himself Andy Matos was first identified in Oxford the Thursday before the Louisiana-Monroe game, willing to spend the billions of dollars he apparently did not have.

McElwee met Matos at Parrish's and started a conversation with the stranger. McElwee said Matos claimed to be a child prodigy who graduated from Harvard at age 14 and then received two doctorates from Johns Hopkins University by the time he was 18.

Talk with McElwee and his roommate, bartender Adam Dilly, turned to Matos' unlimited bank account, which he said made over $300,000 a day in interest alone.

"I mean I was amazed that this 24-year-old man was a billionaire," McElwee said. "He had a bank statement to prove it."

McElwee said he saw two bank statements, both looking authentic. One was a Bank of America statement with $4.5 billion, and the other was a Deshutz account with almost $10 billion.

Standard policy for any purchase is to see proof that one can pay.

Proof is exactly what was shown to Mike Harris, sales manager for Grisanti Rebel Motors.

"We don't let anyone just have Escalades," Harris said. "He showed me a Bank of America bank statement with debits and credits on it that looked exactly like a true statement.

"This guy was as smooth and suave as can be, I hope I never meet anyone better. He had an answer for every question with no second thoughts," Harris said.

That night the two new car owners and Matos celebrated their purchase and anticipated the excitement of getting the SUVs on Monday before heading back to Parrish's Bar.

"I guess word travels fast in a town like Oxford, because everyone was at the bar that night," McElwee said. "It was the busiest I had seen it in a long time. There was a huge crowd around him all night. It was pretty sad."



Pensioner hit by falling lamppost

The accident happened on Friday morning in Psalter Lane, Sharrow. The woman was taken to the Northern General Hospital, where she is "very poorly but stable".

A police spokeswoman said: "As the bus driver pulled up he heard a loud bang.

"A cast iron lamppost had toppled over and is believed to have struck the pensioner who fell to the ground."

After the accident, it was discovered that an information sign fixed to the lamppost had been turned round to point into the road.

South Yorkshire Police would like to hear from anyone who saw people tampering with the sign or lamppost.

An 83-year-old woman who was also struck by the lamppost escaped with minor injuries and did not need hospital treatment.


NORTH BEND, WASH. - The guest of honor at a family Father's Day party was killed along with his wife and two relatives when their car hit an elk.

A fifth relative was critically injured after Jesus P. Reyna swerved to avoid hitting one elk but hit another early Sunday on Interstate 90 about 40 miles east of Seattle, Lt. Colleen McIntyre said.

"The elk basically took the whole front end of the car and the windshield out and incapacitated the driver," McIntyre said. "It looks like the driver never had the opportunity to brake."

The car then tumbled over a 60-foot embankment and landed upside down on a road below the freeway.

Killed were Reyna, 26; his wife, Josefina Alvarez, described by relatives as in her early 20s; his uncle, Rafael S. Gonzalez, 42, and Gonzalez's son, Enrique Gonzalez-Reyna, 19, all of Mabton.

Leonardo Gonzalez-Reyna, 20, another son of Gonzalez, was thrown from the car and listed in serious condition early Monday.

Only Reyna and his wife were wearing seat belts, investigators said.

The elk was killed.

Local News - A teenage boy, diagnosed with a bipolar disorder and living under virtual house arrest since he went on a violent rampage at his high school last October, has been placed on probation for two years.

The teen, who can’t be named because he was 17 at the time of the incident, pleaded guilty in Kingston’s Youth Court to assault causing bodily harm to a schoolmate, assaulting a second, threatening several with death and damaging a vase and picture frames in a Loyalist Collegiate and Vocational Institute office.

He’s since had an adjustment made to his medications.

“I’m really sorry for everything I did,” the boy told Mr. Justice Rommel Masse. “I can’t remember it well.

“I can now recognize the signs when I’m not doing so well.”

The judge told the teenager, who has since turned 18: “It’s clear to me that at the time you were going through a psychotic episode.”

Assistant Crown attorney Janet O’Brien told the court that the youth rattled fellow students with his fascination with swords and blades and his talk of cutting people’s throats so they would bleed and die.

He expressed admiration for the killers at Columbine High School in Colorado, calling them heroes, and said that he was going to kill anyone who insulted him.

On Oct. 29, he approached a male schoolmate, told him he was going to kill him and described how his blood would be all over the floor.

On another occasion, he threatened to kill a female schoolmate after she told him she didn’t want him in the photographs she was taking of a group of students.

“He told her he wanted to stab her in the lungs and watch her blood flow out,” O’Brien said.

On the day of his rampage, the Crown said, he’d threatened to kill a female schoolmate and called her a “hooker.”

When another girl took him to task in the school hallway and asked him not to call her friend a prostitute, the youth called her “trash,” recited a graphic description of how he would kill her and punched her twice in the face, O’Brien told the court.

A boy intervened and caught a punch in the face, too. It knocked him out and left his jaw numb, sending him to hospital for treatment.

The young assailant was brought under control long enough for teachers to get him into one of the school offices. Police were then called.

By the time police arrived, the teen had cut himself and smeared his blood over the walls and door of the office. On catching sight of the officers, he bolted and ran out of the school.

O’Brien said the teen was caught after a brief foot chase.

The teen’s lawyer, Geoff Griffin, told the court that his client has difficulty recalling the details of that day because of his illness. Griffin assured the court that the teen has been following up with his treatment and pursuing his education at home.

The teen’s mother told the court that as a result of his October outburst her son has been expelled from every school in Ontario. They claim they don’t have the resources to meet his special needs, she explained.

She told Masse that she’ll be meeting with one of the Limestone District School Board officials for help in developing a program to address her son’s educational needs for next year.

Griffin also assured the court that his client has “insight into his problem” and is compliant with taking his medications.

“This is a significant turn of events in this young man’s life,” Griffin told the court, but observed that a doctor who assessed the teen found that even with bipolar disorder his “prognosis is quite favourable provided he takes the medications.”

While on probation, the teen has been ordered to continue to live with his parents, but Masse told him he needn’t observe a curfew unless his parents impose one and put it in writing.

Because of his illness, he’s prohibited from drinking alcohol, even after he turns 19. He must take any counselling or therapy ordered by his probation officer and must take any medications prescribed for him.

Masse made it a condition of the teen’s probation that he not initiate communication with any of the former schoolmates he threatened or assaulted, but didn’t impose an absolute non-communication order after learning that some still contact him by e-mail.

The teen was banned from entering LCVI or the school grounds.

I guess thats news


keep your strippers out of my American football
Good thread!

(6/20/04 - HOUSTON) — There were some tense moments at a southwest Houston Wal-mart when gunshots were exchanged between a shoplifting suspect and an off-duty Houston police officer.

Police tell us a man and a woman were in the store on Dunvale near Westheimer Saturday trying to steal a TV and VCR when they were spotted by the officer working a security job there. The uniformed officer took both of them to a security room where he tried to arrest them. The officer says the man pulled out a handgun even though he was handcuffed, and fired a shot.

One Wal-mart employee we talked to says she doesn’t feel safe anymore.

"You know, they come in here prepared. We go through this every weekend, just not this dramatic," the employee said. "I feel like we need more police. I don't feel safe now working here."

The officer was shot in the arm and is recovering. He shot the suspect three times in the torso. The suspect is hospitalized. His condition is unknown.

The district attorney will decide what charges the couple will face.


Unconfirmed Member
Security worker is assaulted

A nightclub doorman is recovering after he was knocked unconscious while on duty in Leicester.

The victim was attacked by a member of the public who was trying to gain entry to a club on Halford Street in the early hours of 6 June.

The suspect is described as a tall slim man who is in his late 30s.

This happened last night at one of the many venues I work at.

You'll be happy to hear the doorman is fine, if not a little bit embarrassed :p



keep your strippers out of my American football
Here is another from my violent town. This one is just sad.

(6/20/04 - HOUSTON) — A fight between neighbors on M.L.K. near Park Village escalated into a deadly confrontation. Now charges are pending for one of the men.

Police say neighbors, 37-year-old Anthony Williams and 27-year-old Harry Jones, got into a fist fight over two little girls who were running in the hallway. The three-year-old and four-year-old girls live with Williams.

Police say Williams took a knife to Jones' apartment and stabbed him to death in front of the girls. He then barricaded himself and the girls inside the apartment.

Williams is now in custody.


Paris, Kentucky

A girl that I went to highschool with was recently murdered and her body was found in a backyard in what we call 'slum/ghetto/trash-ville'. She was killed by her boyfriend.

Apparently she had been dead for 3 months, and police pinpointed her location because of the stench.

It's the first homicide in like 5 years for that little town, although drug deals are the highest in KY. :\



They follow the tracks of a missing brother.

In January 1944, in the middle of a burning war the Canadian pilot Walter Kroeker had to make an emergency landing with his burning bomber in a glade in the woods outside Nickebo.
Over 60 years later his sister, Laurine Waldner comes to visit the crash site.

The article goes on to say that the crew of six in the Avro Lancaster survived, but that her brother was killed later in a bombing raid in April 1945.


Laurine Waldner (Walters sister), Ingvar Bram (witnessed the crash) and Cheryl Korniski, Laurine's daughter.
Tritroid said:
Paris, Kentucky

A girl that I went to highschool with was recently murdered and her body was found in a backyard in what we call 'slum/ghetto/trash-ville'. She was killed by her boyfriend.

Apparently she had been dead for 3 months, and police pinpointed her location because of the stench.

It's the first homicide in like 5 years for that little town, although drug deals are the highest in KY. :\

Ure in KY too? Damn we gotta lot of KY folks on this board, or at least more than I would've thought. I'm in Louisville... And that's fucked up what happened to that girl.
tracky_dacks said:
Melbourne, Australia

THE sole survivor of a Bendigo family killed in a shocking highway crash was last night struggling to come to terms with her unimaginable loss.

Corinne Ervin, 20, lost her father, mother and two sisters when their car ploughed into a truck during a family outing on Sunday.
Richard Ervin, 45, his wife Anne, 46, daughters Brooke, 17, and Jade, 14, and French exchange student Elisabeth Chambon, 15, all died.

Counsellors were called in to help 2000 students and staff at Bendigo Senior Secondary College overcome with sorrow at the deaths of Brooke and Elisabeth.

The family was on its way home from a day trip to Daylesford when the accident happened on the Midland Highway in Campbells Creek about 4.45pm.

Learner driver Brooke, 17, lost control of the late model V8 Holden Commodore in the wet conditions, veered into a rut then swerved into an oncoming truck.

By far the worst story I've seen so far... Man that girl must be going psychotic, that would be insane to have to deal with... I mean what exactly can you do/say?


JeffDowns said:
Ure in KY too? Damn we gotta lot of KY folks on this board, or at least more than I would've thought. I'm in Louisville... And that's fucked up what happened to that girl.
Hah that's cool, I thought I was the only guy here from KY. :p

I'm not really living in Paris anymore, that's just my hometown. I'm in Lexington now attending UK.

Are you going to UoL?


Ålesund, Norway

Publikum svikta latterfestivalen
Publikumstalet var til å le av under den første Skjemtegaukfestivalen i Ulsteinvik. Berre 36 betalande fekk med seg avslutningsshowet laurdag kveld.

Audience shys away from laughterfestival
The number of the audience was laughable during the first Laughterfestival in Ulsteinvik. Only 36 paying people saw the final show Saturday evening.


Åge Andrè og Geir Sindre Breivik måtte til slutt innsjå at publikumstalet ikkje vart slik dei hadde håp om. Fleire show per dag frå torsdag til laurdag samla berre rundt 150 tilskodarar. Dei vil likevel satse på ny festival neste år

Åge André and Geir Sindre Breivik had to realize, in the end, that the audience-number wasn't as high as they had hoped for. Several shows each day from Thursday to Saturday only saw around 150 people in the crowd. They want to start another festival next year anyway.

Kon Tiki

FE bridge search reveals U.S. killing

Local News - Saturday, June 19, 2004 @ 02:00

FORT ERIE – A routine inspection at the Peace Bridge crossing in Fort Erie yielded the most unexpected results Thursday night – a blood-spattered truck, a loaded handgun beneath the driver’s seat and, a short time later, a confession that the driver had killed a man in North Carolina.

A North Carolina man arrested at the Peace Bridge for weapons offences is now under investigation for murder.

A man driving a bloodied pickup truck crossed the Peace Bridge into Canada shortly before 9:30 p.m. Thursday.

Canada Customs officers referred the driver to secondary inspection where a search of the truck revealed a loaded handgun under the driver’s seat.

The NRP was called in and the man was arrested without incident, said NRP Staff Sgt. Joe Matthews.

The suspect was taken to the Fort Erie police station and questioned by detectives. During the interview, the man told police he had shot and killed a male acquaintance. He said the shooting took place Wednesday night in Lexington, N.C.

Niagara Automotive of Fort Erie towed the truck from the bridge to its yard. Owner Mike Hebbourn said the truck had what appeared to be blood on the exterior and interior. The truck is now in the hands of NRP forensic investigators.

Authorities with the Davidson County Sheriffs Department were contacted to determine if the man’s story was true.

Acting on information provided by the NRP, deputies and investigators launched an investigation and, within hours, the body of a man was discovered along the shoulder of a rural road in North Carolina.

The victim has been identified as Israel Arrowwood, 27, of Lexington, N.C. U.S. police say it appears he died from severe head trauma.

Charged with possession of an unregistered restricted weapon and possession of prohibited ammunition is Robert Gallant, 23, also of Lexington.

“He’s only answering to the gun charges here and we’ll wait to see what the fruits of the investigation are down there,” NRP Sgt. Cliff Sexton said.

Continued from Page A1

Sheriff David Grice, of the Davidson County Sheriff’s Department, told U.S. media there may be additional individuals involved in Arrowwood’s death.

Gallant, who made a brief appearance in a St. Catharines courtroom Friday, is also being held under the authority of a detention order issued by Canada Immigration.

Jean D’Amelio Swyer, of the Canadian Border Services Agency, praised the customs officers work that night.

“This is an excellent example of the important work our customs inspectors do to protect our citizens and keep our borders safe and secure,” she said.

D’Amelio Swyer said inspectors are trained to detect and handle firearms and to prevent illegal entry of the weapons into Canada.


A man driving a bloodied pickup truck crossed the Peace Bridge into Canada shortly before 9:30 p.m. Thursday.

Canada Customs officers referred the driver to secondary inspection where a search of the truck revealed a loaded handgun under the driver’s seat.

The suspect was taken to the Fort Erie police station and questioned by detectives. During the interview, the man told police he had shot and killed a male acquaintance. He said the shooting took place Wednesday night in Lexington, N.C.

I'm always sort of annoyed by criminals who just won't put even the slightest effort into not getting caught. I mean, you drive all the way from North Carolina, surely to god you have enough time to think about explaining ALL THE BLOOD INSIDE AND OUTSIDE your truck. Hell, a smarty-pants might even take the time to try to think of a better spot for the loaded pistol than under the seat. A true Napoleon of Crime might even try to wash the blood off somehow and get rid of the gun, but that's expecting a lot I know.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Wellington NZ

Peter Jackson has earned more than $US125 million ($NZ200 million) from his Lord of the Rings trilogy and is spending $US50 million of it expanding his Wellington studios, Forbes magazine has reported.

The American business magazine detailed the director's earnings in its annual Top 100 Celebrity List. Jackson's ranking – based on earnings, media attention and influence – jumped from No 27 last year to No 12, due to the success of the Oscar-winning The Return of the King.

"Jackson, 42, suddenly is one of the richest and most powerful people in the movie business," it said.

The director told the magazine a large part of his earnings were being spent on his studios in Miramar. "We just had this money coming in from Lord of the Rings, so we just turned it all around and put it into this."

It included $US35 million for the state-of-the-art post-production facility Park Road Post and $US7 million on a new sound stage in Stone St.

Jackson earned $US35 million in the past 12 months, partly from a 7.5 per cent cut of gross profits from DVD sales of The Two Towers and box-office earnings for Return of the King. That was on top of being paid $US20 million with Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens to make King Kong. He could not be reached for comment.
Tritroid said:
Hah that's cool, I thought I was the only guy here from KY. :p

I'm not really living in Paris anymore, that's just my hometown. I'm in Lexington now attending UK.

Are you going to UoL?

Nah, I graduated already, just workin now... :( fun fun!


Fairbanks, Alaska

Boundary Fire grows

Smokey conditions from a wildland fire 30 miles northeast of Fairbanks may cause the Department of Transportation to close the Steese Highway near 57 Mile.

The Boundary Fire, ignited by lightning June 13, doubled in size Saturday night to about 4,000 acres. The fire produced a large column of smoke visible in Fairbanks Sunday evening.

"It's been a warm, dry weekend," said Maggie Rodgers, spokesperson for Alaska Fire Service.

Rodgers said the Salcha Emergency Firefighting Crew was on site Sunday with a bulldozer and two fire engines and that two more emergency firefighting crews had been ordered from Fairbanks. Rodgers said landowners in the area were being contacted about protecting their structures.

"It's just a matter of communication between the guys in the field and the people that live there," Rodgers said.

DOT was advising motorists not to drive the area of the 57 Mile Steese unless necessary.

"The biggest advice I can give is drive carefully and be aware that smoky conditions can make dangerous driving conditions," Rodgers said.

People can contact Alaska Fire Service Information at 356-5511 or DOT at 511 for road closure information.
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