How I see it.I guess Rubio cares now because his party was likely attacked.
That fuckin' tribalism.
How I see it.I guess Rubio cares now because his party was likely attacked.
That fuckin' tribalism.
Well one will happen before the otherWhynotboth.gif
Despite the fact that the Trump team may be found guilty at some point of collusion, people still willfully believed in the propaganda machine the Russians were running despite the fact that there were multiple intelligence agencies saying that Russia was coordinating attack. We just didn't care.
I just don't buy an explanation this simple.
Sure, behind the day-to-day machinations were European teens looking to make some money. But that alone doesn't explain how targeted the attacks were.
They were getting instructions from somewhere.
Despite the fact that the Trump team may be found guilty at some point of collusion, people still willfully believed in the propaganda machine the Russians were running despite the fact that there were multiple intelligence agencies saying that Russia was coordinating attack. We just didn't care.
I could see Putin (lets just use Putin as a stand in for whoever) seeing the teens making money doing this already and then nudging them in that direction, or employing it themselves.
2 things I really hate about this conversation in the media is: 1.this isn't new to 2016, these kinds of shitty fake news sites have been around for a few years now, and 2. "real" media sites are riddled with fake news links just below their real links yet they never seem to mention this.
By extension, doesn't that make Russia... enemies of the state?
The stats we have make it very unlikely mass rigging was going on because rural areas were showing the exact same voting trends nationwide.[x] invades Crimea;
[x] massive money laundering schemes;
[x] global hacking operations, targeting soft political targets with 'fake news', online trolls, massive twitter harassment, etc;
[x] clearly flips fired Michael Flynn way before Trump gets nomination;
[x] clearly gets Paul Manafort onto Trump's team;
[x] clearly behind massive hacks targeting DNC;
[x] clearly hacking both Rep and Dem primaries (we know now);
[x] clearly behind timely wikileaks dumps;
[ ] but fucking around with just a few voting machines in target states to flip 30K-70Kish votes? no, that's crazy.
What a world.
If you told me Rubio would admit the depths of hacks and where Ted Cruz knows more about automation than the President of the United States just a year ago, I would have called you crazy.
When did we dip into an alt-universe?
[x] invades Crimea;
[x] massive money laundering schemes;
[x] global hacking operations, targeting soft political targets with 'fake news', online trolls, massive twitter harassment, etc;
[x] clearly flips fired Michael Flynn way before Trump gets nomination;
[x] clearly gets Paul Manafort onto Trump's team;
[x] clearly behind massive hacks targeting DNC;
[x] clearly hacking both Rep and Dem primaries (we know now);
[x] clearly behind timely wikileaks dumps;
[ ] but fucking around with just a few voting machines in target states to flip 30K-70Kish votes? no, that's crazy.
Only one problem I have if Trump ever gets arrested for colluding with Russia. The alt-right nutters have already shown themselves that they want their hate to stay public.
Losing their main man in pushing their racist agenda might cause them to start forming terror cells and pull off terrorist attacks until they get another guy like him in the White House.
[x] invades Crimea;
[x] massive money laundering schemes;
[x] global hacking operations, targeting soft political targets with 'fake news', online trolls, massive twitter harassment, etc;
[x] clearly flips fired Michael Flynn way before Trump gets nomination;
[x] clearly gets Paul Manafort onto Trump's team;
[x] clearly behind massive hacks targeting DNC;
[x] clearly hacking both Rep and Dem primaries (we know now);
[x] clearly behind timely wikileaks dumps;
[ ] but fucking around with just a few voting machines in target states to flip 30K-70Kish votes? no, that's crazy.
Open, free elections still took place.
They are politicians lol
Need IC to come through
[x] invades Crimea;
[x] massive money laundering schemes;
[x] global hacking operations, targeting soft political targets with 'fake news', online trolls, massive twitter harassment, etc;
[x] clearly flips fired Michael Flynn way before Trump gets nomination;
[x] clearly gets Paul Manafort onto Trump's team;
[x] clearly behind massive hacks targeting DNC;
[x] clearly hacking both Rep and Dem primaries (we know now);
[x] clearly behind timely wikileaks dumps;
[ ] but fucking around with just a few voting machines in target states to flip 30K-70Kish votes? no, that's crazy.
Despite how it may feel, the alt-right is still a fringe group. Restoring to violence would get them stamped out, which is why they'll likely stick to cyber warfare.Only one problem I have if Trump ever gets arrested for colluding with Russia. The alt-right nutters have already shown themselves that they want their hate to stay public.
Losing their main man in pushing their racist agenda might cause them to start forming terror cells and pull off terrorist attacks until they get another guy like him in the White House.
Despite how it may feel, the alt-right is still a fringe group. Restoring to violence would get them stamped out, which is why they'll likely stick to cyber warfare.
Republicans, third party supporters, Bernie hardcores, everyone... you all got played like a full orchestra with encore performance.
Companies like Twitter need to be held accountable. They knowingly allow these massive Online operations to occur via their services because they benefit from it financially.
The Twitter Bot army is beyond ridiculous
Unfortunately there's no evidence of that last one, probably because it's too hard to actually do. The affected states aren't digital yet so there's no place to hack it, rigging those ballots would require boots on the ground and a paper trail a mile long. That'd be the one thing that would be impossible to cover up, we'd have known within a week.
They totally fucked with both sides of the election though, that much we can say for sure. There's too much smoke to say otherwise.
Yeah, I believe a lot of the people speaking to the senate wanted to say that.
There's no reason to hack the actual physical voting infrastructure -- and nobody is seriously claiming that is what happened.
What the Russians discovered, and what we did not consider, is that is is so much cheaper and easier to affect the election results by affecting the information available to the voters.
People on this forum love to talk about how deep the ending of Metal Gear Solid 2 was, myself included. This is that world the Patriot's described.
People make their choices (such as who to vote for) based on their internal beliefs, and the information they have. The Patriots didn't engineer a system to enforce specific choices on people. They didn't engineer a system to directly change people's beliefs. They instead engineered a system to modify the information people had access to.
'Swing voters' in key states didn't flip to Trump because they were irrational, or that they were acting directly against their self interests -- they flipped because the totality of the information deluged upon them by November 8th was enough that, when filtered through their rational beliefs, they choice to vote Trump.
Their logic did not change, and their sanity did not change -- the information they used to come to their conclusion did, and the vast majority of that information was from Russian active-measure campaigns.
this is silly
Is it? How is it really that hard to believe that the the hailstorm of negative information 'Hillary is sick!' and 'Podesta Email #252522' that swirled around this election was enough to swing the votes?
Because then a bunch of people on the left need to admit that they're just as susceptible to the fake news bullshit that's destroying the right. Of course Alternet and USUNCUT aren't the same as Breitbart and the Blaze! The former tell us the truth we want to hear and the latter are just lies!
I should note how funny it is that USUNCUT disappeared right after the election ended. It's literally gone. Almost as if it fulfilled the purpose for which it was created.
this is silly
Because then a bunch of people on the left need to admit that they're just as susceptible to the fake news bullshit that's destroying the right. Of course Alternet and USUNCUT aren't the same as Breitbart and the Blaze! The former tell us the truth we want to hear and the latter are just lies!
I should note how funny it is that USUNCUT disappeared right after the election ended. It's literally gone. Almost as if it fulfilled the purpose for which it was created.
I think the correlation between falling for fake news and voter type, is educational level. All the surveys show the strongest correlation between lack of higher education and tendency to vote trump.
The fake news I am most familiar with - because my wife enjoys for some weird reason, belonging to Facebook groups that disseminate it so she can troll them - is the dumbest stuff you can imagine.
They only care about the headline
They barely click through
If they do they are besieged with adverts
They don't recognize photoshop jobs or edited videos
They don't know the difference between authoritative sources and random people and have no clue how to check.
They don't discuss the news. Just cheer it or boo it.
(I could go on)
There is a cognitive dissonance thing at work on the extreme left as well but it doesn't represent THAT many people, but the poorly educated who mostly know how to switch on Facebook are there in bulk, and they are predominately misled by false voices on the right telling them PC culture is sick and global warming is a hoax and you can't trust anything that isn't pro trump etc etc.
There has always been conspiracies that people fall into on both sides but what tilted this election is an artificially high number have sprouted in almost all right wing media, from fox onwards. Instead of conservatives trying to parse what Bill Kristol says or whatever they have stopped thinking and chased the easier but hollow ideas that confirm their prejudices, fears and so on.
There's plenty of smart people on the left who fell for the fake news shit. Hell, there's plenty of people on this very forum who fell for it. A lot of people on the left, for whatever reason, also embraced some of the conspiracy theories from the right because it suited their politics.
Both sides aren't equally affected, but both sides need to take the exact same steps to try and kill the problem. The primary was filled with fake news and I'm not talking about the Republican one. If we can't admit that basic fact then we've got no hope going forward.
This is the same thing has the "damning evidence" in the buzzfeed leak, its just blaming RT.
Its no different to China being upset washington newspapers endlessly post anti-china stories paid by lobby groups
This is the same thing has the "damning evidence" in the buzzfeed leak, its just blaming RT.
Its no different to China being upset washington newspapers endlessly post anti-china stories paid by lobby groups
Dr. Thomas rid
Russian in disguise.
Actually, yeah. That is a bridge too far. There's no evidence for it. Actually, evidence points to the contrary.
The election was influenced by Russia but the people still voted freely. It shows how fucked up American society actually is.
In the other thread someone is comparing people who voted for Trump via Russia's disinformation campaign to Native Americans who were killed by guns and disease.The American people still ended up electing a narcissistic, sexual predator in a FREE ELECTION.
The election was influenced by Russia but the people still voted freely. It shows how fucked up American society actually is.
It's actually quite different. An organized army of tens of thousands of bots, a network of shady news sites that are either explicitly on the Russian payroll or based in the Baltics with mysterious funding, organized state sponsored hacking and thousands of people paid to post and disrupt social media conversations. That is significantly fucking different from an Washington Post OpEd citing a think tank.
The Buzzfeed leak according the British Intel etc. has been mostly confirmed as accurate.
There is a world of difference between Intel gathered by Actual Intel assets and Random twitter bots in the tens of thousands that spam fake articles and create groupthink behind completely fake news.
Republicans, third party supporters, Bernie hardcores, everyone... you all got played like a full orchestra with encore performance.
Hey another thread with sweeping Bernie fan generalities. Im hardcore Bernie and I despise Clinton...yet I still voted for her rotten ass in the general. I didnt get "played."
I mean, what they're talking about here probably happens in every election right? I mean, in the latest Hardcore History it talks about Krushchev doing everything he could to influence the 1960 election in favour of Kennedy because he was seen as a rookie in geopolitics compared to Nixon.
The problem with Trump is the alleged collusion (and the hacking, which is a step further). But Russian media and sympathisers pushing narratives for their preferred candidate probably happens all the time.