Next Battlefield "one of most ambitious projects in our history"


Jim Carrey Ok GIF

How many good Games were released by EA in the last years?


I Dont Believe You Will Ferrell GIF


Writes a lot, says very little
Didnt realize Vince Z was in charge of this now.
I have high hopes. Would be nice to get back to WW2.

WW2 is the Battlefield what MW is to COD.

Could be, if they are saying its like some reimagining, it could be 1942 remake. (or it could be Bad Company 3)
No body wants gunplay from BF1 lmao.

If anything people want it from BFV.

I personally want it to feel like BF3.

This is why they don't make anything good. Because we all want something different.
lol I didn't like the gunplay in BF1, but that is the best selling BF title, so...who knows, maybe a lot really like that gun play, but I agree with you.

BFV had amazing gun play ,same with BF3/BF4.
Anything they put out will be better than the horse shit, pew-pew, Nikki Minaj vomit stew that CoD has been churning out the last few years.
Even the worse Battlefield is still getting played more by me then any COD lol
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