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Next Generation/EDGE 1995 article on Saturn 2


for those interested in the Saturn 2, aka Pluto (or Mercury), and also probably unofficially known as the 'Eclipse' as well as sometimes referred to unaffectionately as the '64X', this is the 1995 Next Generation & EDGE article that was probably directly responsible for a very great deal of discussions & arguements on various message boards as well as usenet newsgroups, from 1995 to 1997-98 about exactly what would be on the inside of Sega's sucessor to Saturn, be it an upgrade for the existing Saturn and/or an entirely new console.

I appologize in advance for the the blurriness of these photos which I had to take since I do not own a scanner.

the Saturn2 article from Next Generation magazine Nov 1995 page 12-14:
(seen in EDGE a month or two prior)






Man can you imagine if Sega had released that upgrade cart in 1997 with VF3? It would've been an amazing jump at the time... Genki's DC port of VF3tb even used AM2's Saturn codework as a base to get it done for launch iirc.


Man can you imagine if Sega had released that upgrade cart in 1997 with VF3? It would've been an amazing jump at the time... Genki's DC port of VF3tb even used AM2's Saturn codework as a base to get it done for launch iirc.

well as you probably know, this was made. an upgrade cart for Saturn, with either Real3D GPU+PowerPC CPU or just a Real3D GPU, or perhaps even something other than Real3D like maybe PowerVR, but more than likely, Real3D. Virtua Fighter 3 was the prime game made for it. I believe this is the same upgrade that ran the 3D upgraded Tomb Raider 1 or TR 2 for Saturn (Saturn plus 3D upgrade cart I mean).


How did Lockheed Martin come from being a significant player in real-time 3D graphics to basically becoming a nonfactor nowadays? Did they just not invest much into that area after a while?


doncale said:
I believe this is the same upgrade that ran the 3D upgraded Tomb Raider 1 or TR 2 for Saturn (Saturn plus 3D upgrade cart I mean).
It was Tomb Raider II that was planned to use the cart (Core revealed it in a GameFan interview iirc, they were huge Sega fans). Sonic Adventure (then Sonic RPG) started out as a Saturn/Eclipse project also and no doubt had it happened there'd have been more Model 3 ports (maybe even Super GT)...


The ghost of Dreamcast past
The article talks about their goal being polygons, polygons, and more polygons, but the Florida team was also keenly observant of proper 3D display in actuality. Even when they were early on the market with dedicated T&L back in the N64/Voodoo1 days, they made sure to balance the more complex imagery with class support for edge AA and texture filtering which still stand up to today's consoles.

They couldn't integrate it all into a low-enough cost solution for SEGA's next console, so SEGA had to start considering other options later in 1996. Lockheed Martin Marietta eventually got out of the whole industry later after the Intel deal.


I have the October 1995 issue of Edge and a scanner if anyone wants better scans I can make it happen.


It was Tomb Raider II that was planned to use the cart (Core revealed it in a GameFan interview iirc, they were huge Sega fans).

the GameFan interview is the exact source I was thinking of, Jarrod, thx man :)
GIR said:
I have the October 1995 issue of Edge and a scanner if anyone wants better scans I can make it happen.

I also have the Oct. '95 issue and a scanner. I can scan it in about an hour or two if needed.
I remember when Sega was Core's best friend. They did some game for the Sega CD which I recall Gamefan going nuts over (I never played them myself). My how Tomb Raider changed all that...


FortNinety said:
I remember when Sega was Core's best friend. They did some game for the Sega CD which I recall Gamefan going nuts over (I never played them myself). My how Tomb Raider changed all that...
WonderDog, Soulstar, ThunderHawk, BC Racers, Chuck Rock, Heimdall... Core loved MD/MCD. :)

And Tomb Raider started life as a Saturn exclusive... Sega was stupid not to buy up Core back when they had the chance (same goes for Lobotomy & Scavenger).


jarrod said:
WonderDog, Soulstar, ThunderHawk, BC Racers, Chuck Rock, Heimdall... Core loved MD/MCD. :)

And Tomb Raider started life as a Saturn exclusive... Sega was stupid not to buy up Core back when they had the chance (same goes for Lobotomy & Scavenger).

Soulstar is the best Core game and makes the best use of the scaling/rotation chip in the Sega CD. Great music too.

And it even had 2 player co-op!


snapty00 said:
How did Lockheed Martin come from being a significant player in real-time 3D graphics to basically becoming a nonfactor nowadays? Did they just not invest much into that area after a while?

Intel bought them
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