Also the idea of Era getting canceled as a byproduct of cancel culture is poetry.
Do we call this "Cancelception"?
Also the idea of Era getting canceled as a byproduct of cancel culture is poetry.
Do we call this "Cancelception"?
Cancelled: Duration PendingDo we call this "Cancelception"?
I have one or two things in mind. One option would really truly fuck things up for Era and MOBA - potential dealbreaker - and the other is something fun for all of us.
"If we don't fight back, maybe they'll get tired of kicking us"I get that people are getting their laughs, but this reads like a cancel culture letter that would be sent to an org because they are "problematic." That's pretty low.
Here is another good reason why Era needs to go. banning people for asking for details or an outside link to substantiate claims of rape is INSANE.
What?Ya I can see the new owners who just paid 4.5M giving away equal shares of their new asset to all the mods. Sounds plausible.
Why do they always write novellas?
I mean, who knows? It could be a little bit of both. It’s going to take some planning, either way.
I got a reply back from one in LinkedIn (one of the board members) …she replied back in English and just said she will pass it onto someone who can give me more detailed infoBuyers are awfully quiet.
No entertainment.
I got a reply back from one in LinkedIn (one of the board members) …she replied back in English and just said she will pass it onto someone who can give me more detailed info
I basically went in and said I was a shareholder and was asking why the company was purchasing a site that is being run by people that allow users to attack people they don’t like on the internet and bully others to suicide and I linked some of the Hecht (admin) promoting doxxing and some of their greatest hits threads wishing death to politicians/celebrities in quiet a long message
I also mentioned they ban discussion of some of the games they promote and was debating selling my shares as I don’t support helping people with these sorts of views/behaviours
I’m guessing she has an assistant who replies back for all communications as it was a different name but as I said…board members generally reply back to emails/messages with people …I’ll post back the official response I get
they all have LinkedIns…get cracking people
Of course the company said they like the place.. everyone likes resetera until they get a perma ban for saying their favorite crayola crayon is blue
That's entirely possible, but from my POV it would be all the more reason for them to be wary of this acquisition and feel sold out. Wouldn't they want to bond stronger with the community then and help making plans to eventually abandon the ship in order to keep what little power they have?I agree with everything you say, except the part in bold. I don't think they're keeping it cool because they hope to profit out of it. I think they're being honest about not caring about the money and fundamentally not being able to complain since they're volunteering there.
I think they're simply in for power. Being moderators on Reset Era is probably the most powerful position they'll ever hold in life, and for them that is worth more than money. Overall, their entire ideology uses oppression as an excuse to gain power.
None at all. I'm just pointing out what I've seen. People have spiraled out of control when they do that and act like starving wolves waiting to pounce on the next target. I'm sure you have a level head on your shoulders.
This what I liked and joined NeoGaf for, we can all disagree and still have civil discussions. Cheers everyone!
Breath of the Wild is overrated.
I love you.I got a reply back from one in LinkedIn (one of the board members) …she replied back in English and just said she will pass it onto someone who can give me more detailed info
I basically went in and said I was a shareholder and was asking why the company was purchasing a site that is being run by people that allow users to attack people they don’t like on the internet and bully others to suicide and I linked some of the Hecht (admin) promoting doxxing and some of their greatest hits threads wishing death to politicians/celebrities in quiet a long message
I also mentioned they ban discussion of some of the games they promote and was debating selling my shares as I don’t support helping people with these sorts of views/behaviours
I’m guessing she has an assistant who replies back for all communications as it was a different name but as I said…board members generally reply back to emails/messages with people …I’ll post back the official response I get
they all have LinkedIns…get cracking people
User banned (permanent): Zeldaphobia, trolling about a sensible topicBreath of the Wild is overrated.
Why do they always write in novella format?
oh! Listen here you little shit!Breath of the Wild is overrated.
Oh they get gold from you!!! and all it took was to contact the new owners sent a load of screenshots and get a response.I love you.
Oh they get gold from you!!! and all it took was to contact the new owners sent a load of screenshots and get a response.
The only real difference is that this time the mods aren't egging them on, because they are shitting bricks about retaining their authority whilst quietly angling to see what juice (monetary or otherwise) they can squeeze out of the new management.
We need a movie of this stuff.captainraincoat
Maiden Voyage
I've had a sleep on in and realized that I've missed the wood for the trees guys when it comes to the retcon of the creation of Resetera and timeline mods are pushing
Even when there is detailed documented evidence of how it all went down (Kiwis around p196)
It's because that's the story they were telling to potential buyers and eventually MOBA. That sanitized story allows Cerium to avoid facing the uncomfortable truth that he was a ringleader in destabilizing GAF to get the userbase just for for his own financial gain. "We were already up and running, the GAF users just chose to come to us as we had a just and fair community with welcome arms". Now the mods have to stay on script.
Can someone quickly explain to me why there are 133 pages on this topic and why I should care?
Can someone quickly explain to me why there are 133 pages on this topic and why I should care?
Maiden Voyage
I've had a sleep on in and realized that I've missed the wood for the trees guys when it comes to the retcon of the creation of Resetera and timeline mods are pushing
Even when there is detailed documented evidence of how it all went down (Kiwis around p196)
It's because that's the story they were telling to potential buyers and eventually MOBA. That sanitized story allows Cerium to avoid facing the uncomfortable truth that he was a ringleader in destabilizing GAF to get the userbase just for for his own financial gain. "We were already up and running, the GAF users just chose to come to us as we had a just and fair community with welcome arms". Now the mods have to stay on script.
Short answer it’s been mostlyCan someone quickly explain to me why there are 133 pages on this topic and why I should care?
It really is tho.......Breath of the Wild is overrated.
Why would you want to stop the sell though? You stop the sell and give them something to unite behind. They feel like THEY did something to prevent the forums from going to the evil company.I got a reply back from one in LinkedIn (one of the board members) …she replied back in English and just said she will pass it onto someone who can give me more detailed info
I basically went in and said I was a shareholder and was asking why the company was purchasing a site that is being run by people that allow users to attack people they don’t like on the internet and bully others to suicide and I linked some of the Hecht (admin) promoting doxxing and some of their greatest hits threads wishing death to politicians/celebrities in quiet a long message
I also mentioned they ban discussion of some of the games they promote and was debating selling my shares as I don’t support helping people with these sorts of views/behaviours
I’m guessing she has an assistant who replies back for all communications as it was a different name but as I said…board members generally reply back to emails/messages with people …I’ll post back the official response I get
they all have LinkedIns…get cracking people
Can someone quickly explain to me why there are 133 pages on this topic and why I should care?
Love this topic! Used to be active here and went to resetera when things crashed down. But, I always walked on eggshells over there, because I could not share my opinion on anything. I just knew the banhammer was waving above me if I spoke out with my true opinions. That's why I quit posting there and just lurk the gaming forums.
Long story short: if you'll have me, I gladly return here GAF, I missed you guys.