The people of Era are representative of the most spineless, placating, groveling, militantly patronizing creatures in the history of the planet. They thrive on debasing themselves and take pride in being able to out-self-flagellate each other. They are the quintessential, most demonstrative icon of self-destruction. They would cheer with glee at being decapitated as long as it was the right demographic sawing their heads off. They are the cancer of the white race; truly, abnormal and grotesque cells- the most disgusting of humanity, the waste of the Earth. They are more foul to me than a bowl of shit left unflushed for weeks. I am as ashamed of them as they probably are of themselves. It would be too generous to call them the appendix of a species, for they offer nothing but the plea of their own uselessness. I would say I pity them but humanity is a prerequisite and they don't qualify. They are in actuality the victims of mental disease, for which there is no cure. The world would be better without them