The moderators only care about preserving their little sphere of influence. The issue isn't about the unpaid volunteer moderation, but the owner of their forum selling out his own community and by extension the values it was founded upon. The moderators are deliberately reframing the discussion in order to deflect from the real issues at hand. Even worse, they are accepting their new corporate overlords with open arms, because they are afraid of loosing whatever online power they hold. They view their own members as nothing more than a means to an end, hence why they can so easily speak down to them. This is the community they created and what is happening to that place lies squarely on their shoulders, shitty leaders lead to shitty outcomes.
As with any dictatorship, those who are in power are unable to comprehend why the people don't love them. If only the proles would stop criticizing their leadership and be grateful for being berated and taken advantage of, a true utopia could finally be achieved. They have become everything they hated, opportunists in positions of power who are unwilling to listen and ready to defend evil in order to cling to their positions.
They have been sold, like slaves, to their new masters but instead of fighting for their independence and ideals they bow. They have betrayed themselves by joining rank with the faceless advertisement firm instead of listening to their own community so that they could draw a line in the sand. We all know what would be the right thing to do, instead we get to watch them squirm like little worms with their contortionist justifications.
It is not the community that is hurting them, but the slow realization that they have finally revealed themselves as the hypocrites they are and no amount of sophistry will ever amend that betrayal. They have become their masters' pets, the rats and weasels who would turn on their own people so they could keep feasting. As such, they have lost their ability to grandstand, to point fingers at others, to tell others to be better since they themselves have shown to be so so soooo much worse.
Their thread is the distilled echo of their community's righteous disappointment and the mods can't bear the sound of it.