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Next 'Mad Max' movie will be prequel about Furiosa, Charlize Theron will not reprise role


At long last, it seems like George Miller’s follow-up to his 2015 masterpiece Mad Max: Fury Road is underway. In an interview with the New York Times, Miller confirmed that he was working on a prequel focused on Furiosa, the character played by Charlize Theron in Fury Road.

However, Theron won’t be back: Miller is looking for a younger actress to fill in Furiosa’s back story, and has reportedly already begun auditions. (Notably rumored to be in the running: The Witch and Split’s Anya Taylor-Joy.) Though Miller had considered using de-aging technology to keep Theron in the role, he said the technology just isn’t as good as he needs it to be: “Everyone is on the verge of solving it, particular Japanese video-game designers, but there’s still a pretty wide valley, I believe.”

Miller revealed that the idea had been in the works for a while, as coming up with character details in the lead-up to Fury Road had tapped a well of inspiration when it came to Furiosa. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, who played Splendid, said that the script had already been written by the time Fury Road was shooting, and that she’d gotten to read it after being cast. “It’s genius,” she said.

Fury Road production designer Colin Gibson and cinematographer John Seale are set to return for the film, which promises to be even bigger and badder than the one that inspired it.

Mediocre me if old
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Doesn't sound all that good but Fury Road was really damn good so I don't really have a good reason to be skeptical.

And that's way too many uses of "good" for one sentence but I'm not changing it.
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Fury Road is the greatest action movie of all time, and a sequel/prequel has been rumored for years. I'll believe it when it actually starts production.

Fury Road was a miracle movie: a big-budget, intelligent, original, creative movie that followed none of the conventions of modern-day action movies and depended almost entirely on old-school stunt work. The direction, acting, editing were all top-notch, and there was a lot more depth to the story and characters that appears at first glance.

It was such a miracle that I don't expect any follow-up/spin-off to be half as good, because it was a once-in-a-blue-moon situation where every decision was the right one, and none of the outside influences that could have ruined the film (from studio suits to SJWs) were allowed a say.


I guess if that's what Miller wants to do then cool I'll watch it. But I can't say that a prequel is too interesting to me. I kinda like how that series introduces a new setting each film and then moves on from it


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
It was such a miracle that I don't expect any follow-up/spin-off to be half as good, because it was a once-in-a-blue-moon situation where every decision was the right one, and none of the outside influences that could have ruined the film (from studio suits to SJWs) were allowed a say.

lol wut. Fury Road was called SJW a lot online when it came out.

You can find a dozen of these. The culture war was already in full retard mode by 2015.


Gold Member
Wonder if it's gonna match the same energy of fury road my heart was beating fast through most of the film there weren't a lot of breathers. I'll give this one a look, but I probably won't count on it being as intense.
Bummer about Theron but I guess not having her is better than having her with de-aging tech.

I don't think this has anything to do with age. It's been heavily rumored that Theron was absolute bitch to work with while filming Fury Road.

Supposedly it got real bad.

edit: The rumor was she was not comfortable with one of the fight scenes with Hardy and they couldn't use a double and things just deteriorated from there. There was some incidental contact and she got really upset over it. If I recall it was the fight scene where Hardy and Theron were outside the tanker while it was stopped.

It's just a rumor though so I have no idea if it's true.

ET actually did an article not too long ago and Theron, Hardy talked about it but didn't get into detail.

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or at least it starts off that way

mel gibson vs hugh jackman

but then shit gets hairy and they have to help each other against someone else (think pulp fiction gimp scene, but not exactly)
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are in a big trouble
For those that don't know she and tom hardy were constantly fighting on set and it was causing massive delays.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Its only been five years.. I'm sure Theron would do fine.

I‘m sure she would too, but the production of Fury Road was notoriously long and difficult and the actors may not want to go through a similar ordeal.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
For all of the virtues of Fury Road, the character of Max really got the short of end of the stick. In the sequel maybe they should just write him out; name the franchise something else going forward.

In Mad Max 1-3, Max was actually developed to the point you could empathize with him, maybe not trust him, but empathize with his pain and understand his reasons.
Fury Road being a restart, had a lot of ground to cover with regards to Max, and it barely showed some shades of the character.
I understand the director didn't want to develop Max once again, but then he should have at least kept the flashbacks more true to the original.
Mad Max fury road is a great action film, but not a great addition to the Mad Max franchise.
Also, the antagonist sucks in Fury Road, he is a fucking nobody in comparison to lord Humongous or Tina Turner.
as long as Miller is making it as awesome as Fury Road, I'm fine with a prequel of Furiosa. no Theron does hurt a little but hopefully they can find a capable young actress to take up the role. thou I do agree they shouldn't call it Mad Max. maybe just go with "Fury Road: something something".


Gold Member
No thanks, the genius of Mad Max is that its a spaghetti Western, the man with no name...the legend who you hear tales about about. Fuck having a straight continuity. Matter fact bring back tHugh Keas Byrne to play a brand new character...bring back gyrocopter guy and boomerang kid as new characters too...
I can understand all of these arguments (not enough Max, no good entry in the universe, etc), but Fury Road has been one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen, so I don't give a shit.

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