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FURIOSA: A MAD MAX Saga | Review Thread (It's Another Masterpiece)


The Movie is good , but my theater was almost empty, maybe around 25 people for a 200 seats place.

Liked the setting , the guy from Thor acts like a drunk Thor most of time..that character should be different more darker.

For me is the main problem of the movie , the tone feels like a comedy movie a Lot of times instead of an action one. Furiosa feels just angry not crazy angry like Elly from TLOU2 by example

But overall is a good movie. Would watch again.


We are seeing it tomorrow now that both of our covid tests are negative so hopefully it will be good. If it is hopefully is has some legs.


Suffers with mild autism
my semi-contrarian take on all of it:

- I hate movies that look or feel like video games. For example, I *despise* 300 and consider it a historic low point for the medium
- Anja whatever has the "cute and needs protection look" lol, she's not a power protagonist, bizarre casting
- "all out revenge action with extreme gore or torture elements" is boring as hell now anyway, I'm falling asleep just thinking about it


Gold Member
It was decent. The middle part with the big rig was wonderful, they continue to innovate ways to attack trucks on a single lane straight road that impress me. The amount of "car mechanics" stuff was also good, the bikes sounded great and the variety if vehicles was good.

I'm less sold on ATJ as any kind of bad
ass, ashiot as she is, she is just a tiny waif without the physical presence of Charlise Theron. I would have actually preferred it if they massively truncated the first act with little furiosa watching men talk and spent waaaaay more time with her and Mad Max lite learning the ropes of the Wasteland. Instead she started off bad ass and just kinda stayed that way. With little apparent training or even opportunity no less.

Chris Hemsworth seemed to be having fun, but they gave him far too much attention and let his scenes go on too long.


During a certain very quiet part of the movie, several women decided to get up and thump their feet out of the theater. Not sure why it’s so hard to walk without making noise
my semi-contrarian take on all of it:

- I hate movies that look or feel like video games. For example, I *despise* 300 and consider it a historic low point for the medium
This was the immediate turn-off for me when I saw the trailer.

I go to the cinemas religiously with a group of friends but none of us had any interest in watching this.

I don't want Mad Max to look like a video game. I have video games for that.


The reason the movie under performed is because it just isn't all that appealing. Maybe this could have done better if they had a better angle for the marketing than just backstory of the side character.

Also prequels usually underperform as well, even if they are good. Solo and BumbleBee for example were profitable every prequel did roughly half of the previous film.

Movie TitleOpening Weekend RevenueRelease Year
Transformers: The Last Knight$44.7 million2017
Bumblebee$21.7 million2018
Star Wars: The Last Jedi$220 million2017
Solo: A Star Wars Story$84.4 million2018
Mad Max: Fury Road$45.4 million2015
Furiosa (hypothetical)$26 million2024
Bombs but also reaches Number 1?
What else released in theaters that's high profile?



I enjoyed fury road but the never understood why Furiosa was chosen as the protagonist for this movie. From the moment it was announced I was kind of not interested. I have nothing against Furiosa but I was never thinking during Fury Road that I really want a movie about her.

Not sure why they didn’t make another Mad Max movie with Tom Hardy.



Bombs but also reaches Number 1? How messed up is the cinema at the moment?

Nothing unprecedented here
3 10 to Yuma opened to 17 million in 2007, both number one and a flop
The dark tower in 2017 opened to 19 million #1 and a flop
A spin off prequel in an unpopular genre (mad maxes are basically westerns) just isn't going to be an earth shaker
Garfield was great. Took my kid. No woke garbage. Great father son story. 10/10

There was nothing 'woke' about Furiosa, like at all.

She's well-written, has various flaws, gets the shit kicked out of her nearly the entire film, and teams up with a competent, likable male character for a large part of the film.

It's by no means a perfect film, but calling it 'woke' makes no sense here.


Gold Member
Saw it yesterday. It was really good and better than most shit coming out, but I would put it behind Fury Road and Mad Max 2. Pacing was a bit too slow, the music was forgettable, and the action scenes don't come close to reaching the heights of Fury Road. Sucks that this will probably be the last Mad Max film we'll ever get.

Her big anime eyes trigger the chimp part of my brain. I think she's stunning, and a really good actress. Sadly she's not a box office draw, but you can say that about 99% of actors today. Nobody goes to movies to see actors anymore.

Imo she looks way better with darker hairs.


There was nothing 'woke' about Furiosa, like at all.

She's well-written, has various flaws, gets the shit kicked out of her nearly the entire film, and teams up with a competent, likable male character for a large part of the film.

It's by no means a perfect film, but calling it 'woke' makes no sense here.

The movie wasn't woke... but it was another case of a male dominated franchise having its main male protagonist replaced by a female, to poor box office results. 72% of the audience who did actually bother to see the film were men. But there weren't that many of them. Women just aren't interested in this kind of movie, and it was fucking stupid to make a woman the protagonist. Makes zero financial or creative sense.

Hopefully this will be the last case of Hollywood doing this idiotic swap out and being surprised when it fails.
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Given what happened to Mel Gibson, my gut feeling is that this was actually George Miller’s vision to go this direction. However, diversity quotas made the idea of a female action lead not special anymore since it was wasted on many lesser movies.


The movie is bombing not because it's woke or that Mad Max is not the star. The movie is bombing because Mad Max is simply not a popular franchise with mass appeal.

I'm pretty sure if Mad Max was the lead character then it would have done almost the exact same numbers and also bombed. Fury Road released when movies were doing way better then they are now and it also dramatically underperformed. If it wasn't for it being strong on blu ray then this movie would not have been made at all.


There was nothing 'woke' about Furiosa, like at all.

She's well-written, has various flaws, gets the shit kicked out of her nearly the entire film, and teams up with a competent, likable male character for a large part of the film.

It's by no means a perfect film, but calling it 'woke' makes no sense here.
I didn’t !!!! I haven’t even seen it!
I’m glad it isn’t, but fool me 100X .. shame on me. Audiences would be insane not to expect it at this point. And that’s why Garfield surprised me. If you’re right about Furiosa that’ll surprise me too.

Loved Fury Road and will see this at home.


Gold Member
The movie is bombing not because it's woke or that Mad Max is not the star. The movie is bombing because Mad Max is simply not a popular franchise with mass appeal.

I'm pretty sure if Mad Max was the lead character then it would have done almost the exact same numbers and also bombed. Fury Road released when movies were doing way better then they are now and it also dramatically underperformed. If it wasn't for it being strong on blu ray then this movie would not have been made at all.
I dunno, a more charismatic male lead might have boosted it a bit. Hell, if they had just called it "Dementus: A Mad Max Saga" and focused more on his character with a more recognizable Chris Hemsworth, mighta squeezed out another 50 mill. Female fronting it was a HUGE gamble, as history shows time and time again, over and over, yet Hollywood seems determined to try to crack that nut.

The movie has a vague, unfocused plot in an attempt to shoehorn Furiosa into a plot that neither requires her nor advances her story. She is a trinket for the first half and only serves to give a bit of news in the second half. Nothing about her macguffin star map pays off, no one really seems to care about her much, the one relationship that DID matter is just dragged off without much fanfare.

Seems clear to me the interest and excitement was for a dynamic between the three towns and Dementus. The mythologizing of these characters and places with a bit of unreliable narrator effect gives it a surreal quality. I don't think he quite pulled it off but he was close. But the Furiosa stuff really fell flat for me.


I do not have a problem with female protagonists. Some of my all time favorite movies have female leads. For me, I never liked Furiosa in Fury Road. As a side character, she was tolerable. But as a main? No thanks. I still want to see the movie, but I am not rushing out to see it in theaters. If it comes out on streaming, I will watch it. I will not buy the Blu Ray unless I am blown away when I finally do see it. It does come out during a time where Hollywood goes out of it's way to replace white men as main characters, so that is why people are reluctant to see it or consider it to be woke. Had this movie actually came out before Fury Road with Mad Max doing at least a cameo, it may have done better. Rewatching Fury Road now, after everything that Hollywood has been doing recently, and I can see they were pushing some of the message in that movie. Men bad, women good, Mad Max is a dick, Furiosa left in charge at the end, etc. What I loved about the movie when it came out was the real effects and the cars. It sounds like this movie has less of that. So my interest is minimal.


Gold Member
Unless I missed something....yeah.

You can't tell me anyone else is looking for it, most have no idea it exists. You can't tell me it would even help anyone, as the 'stars' aren't gonna change for shit in the couple hundred mile difference between The Citadel and the Oasis, I'm not sure the stars are any different from one side of Australia to the other. And you can't tell me Furiosa NEEDS that map, it's been on her arm for what....10+ YEARS? She could recreate it easily from memory. It would be different if it was on her scalp (like Cutthroat Island) or back (like the kid in Waterworld), where SHE couldn't see it easily, but on her arm? It isn't even a cypher or code ort anything, she already seemed to know where to go after Bullettown in order to get close enough that the stars ain't gonna pinpoint anything like GPS

Anyway, it ended up being an empty symbol.
I didn’t !!!! I haven’t even seen it!
I’m glad it isn’t, but fool me 100X .. shame on me. Audiences would be insane not to expect it at this point. And that’s why Garfield surprised me. If you’re right about Furiosa that’ll surprise me too.

Loved Fury Road and will see this at home.

No worries, I get it. Glad you had a good time with Garfield (y)


We have tickets to see it tonight and I hope it is good. If the reason it is not doing well is really because of a female lead then that is a damn shame.

As much as I criticize the SJWs some of this girl boss stuff I have been seeing from you tubers honestly makes me sympathize with them a little but.

I can enjoy a good story no matter what the gender of the lead is.
watched it over the weekend. not terrible but definitely not as good as Fury Road. it has some high points and ATJ's performance is good overall. the problem for me is that the whole ending just feels like it kinda suddenly ended. oh well, I did have a fun time for the most part so I'm not complaining.


World’s Biggest Weeb
The movie wasn't woke... but it was another case of a male dominated franchise having its main male protagonist replaced by a female, to poor box office results. 72% of the audience who did actually bother to see the film were men. But there weren't that many of them. Women just aren't interested in this kind of movie, and it was fucking stupid to make a woman the protagonist. Makes zero financial or creative sense.

Hopefully this will be the last case of Hollywood doing this idiotic swap out and being surprised when it fails.
I think think this is exactly it. 20-30 years ago this would’ve been a really interesting creative decision. But in 2024, with Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Star Trek, and countless other gender swaps/0-charisma girlboss characters in recent memory, it’s like the most unappealing direction they could’ve gone with the follow up to Fury Road.

That news was enough to make me put it in the “maybe I’ll watch it when it comes to streaming” category instead of the “oh shit I gotta see this on the big screen” category, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

That’s saying nothing about the quality of the film itself, just the feeling among audiences at the time of release.
Now that you all saw it can we finally admit Kojima is just a hack and sucks up to movie stars? He called this better than Fury Road lmao.
Unless I missed something....yeah.

You can't tell me anyone else is looking for it, most have no idea it exists. You can't tell me it would even help anyone, as the 'stars' aren't gonna change for shit in the couple hundred mile difference between The Citadel and the Oasis, I'm not sure the stars are any different from one side of Australia to the other. And you can't tell me Furiosa NEEDS that map, it's been on her arm for what....10+ YEARS? She could recreate it easily from memory. It would be different if it was on her scalp (like Cutthroat Island) or back (like the kid in Waterworld), where SHE couldn't see it easily, but on her arm? It isn't even a cypher or code ort anything, she already seemed to know where to go after Bullettown in order to get close enough that the stars ain't gonna pinpoint anything like GPS

Anyway, it ended up being an empty symbol.

The map is for her what the car is for Max. They can't let go of the one thing that ties them to their past. The physical status of the car and now arm reflects the mental status of the characters. Feral Max in Fury Road = shitty barely working car, armless Furiosa = she goes full Dementus, broken work in progress car dragged by animals in Thunderdome = Max forced out his comfort zone by the kids.

An external force (Dementus for Furiosa and Furiosa for Max) has to drag them out of that mental space. I assume Furiosa finds peace after Fury Road, but Max will rebuild the car for the third time and remain mentally broken. The logical end of the character is to return to his family's grave and make peace with the past.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter

Bombs but also reaches Number 1? How messed up is the cinema at the moment?

I wouldn't totally rule out this movie having decent legs due to word of mouth. Maybe people just wanted to go to the beach this weekend.


Gold Member
The map is for her what the car is for Max. They can't let go of the one thing that ties them to their past. The physical status of the car and now arm reflects the mental status of the characters. Feral Max in Fury Road = shitty barely working car, armless Furiosa = she goes full Dementus, broken work in progress car dragged by animals in Thunderdome = Max forced out his comfort zone by the kids.

An external force (Dementus for Furiosa and Furiosa for Max) has to drag them out of that mental space. I assume Furiosa finds peace after Fury Road, but Max will rebuild the car for the third time and remain mentally broken. The logical end of the character is to return to his family's grave and make peace with the past.
That's certainly an artistic take, but what actually shows ON SCREEN is almost none of that. Her cutting off that arm.has nothing to do with the map (which was already gone by then) but more to do with a feral desire to escape. She didn't even attempt to kill dementus before she fled, just damage the truck as the only thing that could follow her up the hill. So a transformation from "wanna get home cause I promised my mama" to "revenge at all costs" was so subtle as to be virtually nonexistent. It never seemed that difficult for her to score a ride, some gasoline, and a couple cabbage to just leave herself whenever she wanted. Dementus traveled with almost no supply train, so her oasis had to be close to the citadel.


Movie sounds fantastic. One of the few films I’ve been excited to see in a long time. Probably won’t see it for a bit though. Furiosa is a pretty cool character.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Garfield was great. Took my kid. No woke garbage. Great father son story. 10/10
You’re high out of your mind.

The worst kids movie ever made more like.

Uninspired, boring, phoned in voice acting, and barely memorable. 0 funny parts.

My son is 6 and liked it enough, but it’s no how to train your dragon or Spider-Man spider verse movies to hook him. He enjoyed super Mario and the sonic movies infinitely more.


You’re high out of your mind.

The worst kids movie ever made more like.

Uninspired, boring, phoned in voice acting, and barely memorable. 0 funny parts.

My son is 6 and liked it enough, but it’s no how to train your dragon or Spider-Man spider verse movies to hook him. He enjoyed super Mario and the sonic movies infinitely more.
My 4 year old nephew didn’t get a lot of the smart jokes either.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
This was great. My date, who is a very girly girl, also loved it. IMAX really makes a big fucking difference.

I don't feel bad for Hollywood. They did this to themselves

Hollywood is in a MUCH better place than the gaming industry right now, theres a new banger or 3 dropping every month right now.

I just saw Civil War, Planet of the Apes, The Omen and Furiosa all back to back and all were great. Looking forward to Twisters, Maxxxine, A Quiet Place: Day 1, Joker 2, Gladiator 2 and Alien: Romulus
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
My 4 year old nephew didn’t get a lot of the smart jokes either.
No I’m sure your 4 year old nephew got the “jokes” just fine, but jokes are meant to make people laugh so he likely got confused.
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