Vyse The Legend
Auto-brightness is definitely too aggressive. I sit near a large window at work, and it had the screen brightness jacked up way too high. Hopefully, it gets tweaked in the first patch.
As this will be my first Android phone, I'm curious as to what customisation options are available? I'm aware Android is much user-orientated than iOS in terms of changing the overall look and feel of the OS, but how limited are the options? Could anyone post a screenshot of their Nexus homescreens? Maybe it could be a 'thing' in this thread...
Got mine!
Theres no sign of death pixel and stuff. I hesitated to take out the black sticker on the back, I though it would leave a mess lol
Anyways, loving how fast is it, compared to my old Desire HD. Gotta say at first I missed r the sync with your numbers and facebook accounts (for calendar and stuff) that my old Desi did automatically, but other than that the phone is awesome!
Now I need a case. Hope Google buts theirs soon on the store...
As this will be my first Android phone, I'm curious as to what customisation options are available? I'm aware Android is much user-orientated than iOS in terms of changing the overall look and feel of the OS, but how limited are the options? Could anyone post a screenshot of their Nexus homescreens? Maybe it could be a 'thing' in this thread...
Caseless is the one true way. Too beautiful to cover up.
I'm pretty sure this is a, "to each his own" situation. I also had a bulky case for my GS3, took it off a few months ago and mine still looks new. I also don't care about resale. Not everyone needs or doesn't need a case. You gotta weigh the options.I would've agreed with you a few months ago but not today. My Galaxy S3 came with an Otterbox case that protected the phone very well, but make it a lot bulkier than I liked. Went caseless, but now the phone has significant wear (from simple daily travel and use) that will affect resale value. Being that this is a no-contract phone, a lot of us will sell off the Nexus 5 in about a year when the 6 arrives. Good advice is to at least get a slim case to protect from inevitable daily wear and tear.
I'm pretty sure this is a, "to each his own" situation. I also had a bulky case for my GS3, took it off a few months ago and mine still looks new. I also don't care about resale. Not everyone needs or doesn't need a case. You gotta weigh the options.
Also I really like the back of this phone. It's a royal shame that a case has to cover up the Nexus logo. Part of the reason I won't bother. Flip cover, maybe, but mostly because I like having a microfiber flip cover to deal with fingerprints.
Despite those improvements, Google Now still feels more deeply integrated in the Moto X. That phone sports a processor thats always listening to your voice commands, allowing you to shout Google Now queries even when its in standby. Though the Moto X sports much slower hardware than the Nexus 5, that phones voice integration and unique gesture features (you can flick it twice to launch the camera) give us a far better glimpse of Androids future.
I hear ya, I would actually consider a case if I had the black model, there are a lot of nice black cases, but not any white ones I can find that look good.Definitely. I absolutely would not use a case on my GNex, and it worked until a few months ago. Cracked the screen, and then cracked the replacement's screen in the span of two weeks. I felt like I learned my lesson, and ordered a case for my Nexus 5.
MY BRO!Can't wait till I get home. Already have the xda pages open to root and unlock the bootloader.
Doesnt this need a new OT?
I hear ya, I would actually consider a case if I had the black model, there are a lot of nice black cases, but not any white ones I can find that look good.
MY BRO!I'm doing the same as soon as mine arrives.
How so?
In the works. Could use subtitle suggestions though.
I hear ya, I would actually consider a case if I had the black model, there are a lot of nice black cases, but not any white ones I can find that look good.
MY BRO!I'm doing the same as soon as mine arrives.
TouchWiz is an abomination, and slow OS updates are hell.
The camera on the Nexus 5 is abysmal and the screen is washed out and it has an average battery.
Josh, is that you?
Jokes aside, those two points are 100% untrue.
Josh, is that you?
Jokes aside, those two points are 100% untrue.
I don't know who to trust, you or The Verge
You don't get to simply quote a review as the end all fact concerning the quality of a phone. Sorry.
I don't know who to trust, you or The Verge
Enjoy your Note.
I can testify to the screen not being washed out. I have no idea why anyone would say that. I have it right next to my HTC One on my desk with the same wallpaper and they are both extremely similar. If anything, the Nexus 5's screen is warmer, but just as vibrant.
Oh good, somebody that has the HTC One. Please, can you comment on the sound production of the N5 on headphones when compared to the HTC One? I mean; sound quality, loudness, bass etc. I would really appreciate it.
Oh good, somebody that has the HTC One. Please, can you comment on the sound production of the N5 on headphones when compared to the HTC One? I mean; sound quality, loudness, bass etc. I would really appreciate it.
I've found that many Android phones have a problem with higher headphone volume (not ear splitting, but even a comfortable setting).
My contract is up in May. Like you, I need a new phone since my galaxy nexus is on its last legs and I would like to stay contract free for the forseeable future.This is what I am doing. I need a new phone and my contract is up in July. So thankfully the N5 has all bands and supports Sprint. So I am activating on Sprint and will decide to move elsewhere after. After several years being contract free, I hopped on a contract for my GN. Never again, I will be staying contract free from here on out.
Oh good, somebody that has the HTC One. Please, can you comment on the sound production of the N5 on headphones when compared to the HTC One? I mean; sound quality, loudness, bass etc. I would really appreciate it.
I'd like to know this too please.
i don't understand, too loud or too soft? My GNEX had a surprisingly good DAC, one of the few things it does well.
Ok so I just tested both phones listening to 3 different songs (with the same headphones obviously). I actually hadn't listened to music on the N5 yet so I had no idea what to expect. I actually think the Nexus 5 produces better audio output. The most noticeable difference was the clarity.
Now, two disclaimers: (1) I'm not an audiophile. Both sound very good to my ears (certainly much better than the Galaxy Nexus I had a few months ago). (2) I'm running the Google Play Experience ROM on my HTC One. Now Beats audio is supposed to be supported on it (and the option in the Sound settings has it enabled), but I'm not 100% sure that audio sounds as good on this ROM as it does on the stock Sense ROM. Just wanted to mention that detail.
But yes, to my ears, the Nexus 5 sounds better. The speakers are another story entirely obviously.
Thanks for The info! if everything goes well tomorrow I will be able to perform the same test. I am not audiophile but anyway a lover of hi-fidelity sound, will test with Audio Technica and some god JVC earphones and headphones.
I can testify to the screen not being washed out. I have no idea why anyone would say that. I have it right next to my HTC One on my desk with the same wallpaper and they are both extremely similar. If anything, the Nexus 5's screen is warmer, but just as vibrant.
Caseless is the one true way. Too beautiful to cover up.
Doesn't the s800 support always-listening once the phone is on? The point seems slightly moot.