Ninja Scooter
Why dont' they play Sanchez and Tebow together? put them both behind center so that the defense doesn't know who it's going to get snapped to.
Dind't see the 49ers TD. It's Vernon?
omfg sanchez. you have to be kidding me.
Dunk on goal posts so hard that VD would be jealous
sjax turning 30 yard runs to 12 yard runs
Yeah, I don't get it either. If all you're gonna use him for is runs, then there was no point in trading for him. Any running back could do what they're using him for.back to back tears. Tebow fail. Sanchize pick.
At some point they have to let tebow throw though so the defense doesn't know it's a 100% run when Tebow comes in, right? That guy was just WAITING for tebow.
YesBrowns game fall through?
Why dont' they play Sanchez and Tebow together? put them both behind center so that the defense doesn't know who it's going to get snapped to.