What I hate about the NFL now a days ...... You take a quarterback in the 1st round they are expected to start right away; I don't know when the switch happened (With Peyton maybe?) but not many guys can do it, and will be labeled as busts just because they weren't ready.
Also it gives a horrible team (Like the Jaguars) a year or 2 to get their shit together for the young quarterback. Its like "Hey we're taking you the #1 pick meaning we're compltely devoid of talent ...... but go out and win for us please?"
They are cheap enough now that you can cycle through them faster. Under the older contracts, QBs/Rookies were more of an investment. Not sure how it will all play out long term, but I'd imagine teams will split with QBs faster because of less monetary obligations.
As far as Cutler, he was traded by Denver to Chicago. Orton -> Tebow -> Peyton. I think Cutler was ready physically for the job, but he was mentally immature when he was in Denver. There are stories out there about this, so I won't go into detail, but I definitely think he would have been a better QB long term if he would have sat, learned, and matured under Plummer. That didn't happen though.
Even with that said, he has seemed better as of late, and generally seems like he's a good guy. Maybe even a team guy, which is nice to see.