Consolation: it would still fuck over the Steelers.
WTF new punter guy.
Punishment: Losing to the Ravens at home in the playoffs.
Consolation: it would still fuck over the Steelers.
WTF new punter guy.
Huh. Mulumba starting over Perry
Punishment: Losing to the Ravens at home in the playoffs.
Maybe if you east coast bureaucrats would get the fuck out of their way they would. Instead you jerk off to the notion that you can make their lives as meaningless and pathetic as yours.
Thanks Obummer.
Why the Giants not giving Nassib some play, everyone knows what Painter offers
ugh Fox is broadcasting the Redskins vs Giants game here in the North East.
LOL like why? what's the point?
That's a fumble
Hot damn, the AFC North is worse than the NFC North.
My dreams are coming true!BRAD JONES INACTIVE!!!
He's inactive. Can't play.
He wasn't touched. Clear Fumble.
I don't think they planned on having Painter play at all.Should of made him active instead of that shitstain painter. Doesnt make a lot of sense to me giving Painter any playing time
Did you get a Ted Cruz coloring book for xmas?