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NFL 2013 Week 4 IOTI - For a good time call Sweet Pea


I know you're just trying to get a rise out of FMT, but you know damn well it's way too early in his career to declare kapernick a gimmick QB. Unlike wilson, he has all the physical tools to succeed as a pocket passer. The running is just a bonus.

Don't you have some handicap people to yell at? Or some charity event to crash?


Bills offense is one dimensional and misuses its assets. Because the offensive line dominated the first half means you have to take advantage of the cheating LBs. Go over the fucking middle.


I know you're just trying to get a rise out of FMT, but you know damn well it's way too early in his career to declare kapernick a gimmick QB. Unlike wilson, he has all the physical tools to succeed as a pocket passer. The running is just a bonus.

6.6 qb rating when unde pressure


I'm more talking all these sports talk guys I follow on Twitter.

And Brenneman said it was a Lions fan throwing the bottle at the Bears WR.

If only there were other sports talk guys in the US who covered football, just a shame a handful of biased Chicago putzes filled all those positions...
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