Redzone turnover and Lions only get three points. I smell a vintage 4th quarter implosion.
Million dollar athlete who has won 2 Super Bowls.
He's down in the dumps for sure.
Anyone that posts a customer's receipt online is a narcissistic asshole.
whats this in reference to?
A new OT thread?
I dare not check.
So, the server gave shitty service, abandoned the table and didn't bring Shady's friends their order? They then went to the media to shit on McCoy by posting the receipt online and publicly shit on their paying celebrity customer.
Those guys seem like assholes.
Anyone that posts a customer's receipt online is a narcissistic asshole.
Eli gives signal to change route, WR doesn't change route.. = INT.
My question is... Why do teams with shit receivers even have complicated shit like that in the first place? I mean Romo/Eli defenders always say "well it's the receiver fault" which very well might be true, but why are these offensive coordinators even putting these shit receivers into those situations.
Slowly but surely, this is getting "give up a late TD drive to lose" written all over it.
The miscommunications always happen to Randle or the new guys. That's on the coaches.
Haha fuck you Eli
Haha fuck you Eli
Eli has fallen off almost as much as TB12.
Eli has fallen off almost as much as TB12.
NopeGonna have to get over him not giving you a ring, man. This ain't healthy.
One late sticking point is that the league has received complaints and concerns from owners regarding possible reinstatement for recently suspended players such as Josh Gordon of the Cleveland Browns and Wes Welker of the Denver Broncos, who would not have been suspended under the proposed policy. Those owners were displeased that a new agreement would not necessarily alter the standing of their own suspended players.
At least Eli has a SB in the past decade.
what the fuck is this garbage?
Eli is way better than this. Who is their OC and why isnt he fired yet?
So does TomAt least Eli has a SB in the past decade.
Rooneys stalling already won them a game. Why still complain?
So does Tom