R rando14 Member Nov 10, 2014 #8,654 Greg said: it's 2014... Click to expand... Says Mr. Flip phone!!
H harSon Banned Nov 10, 2014 #8,655 I was winning convincingly but I have Forte and Bennett playing, and my opponent had Rodgers and Nelson. Fuck my life.
I was winning convincingly but I have Forte and Bennett playing, and my opponent had Rodgers and Nelson. Fuck my life.
V VeryGooster Banned Nov 10, 2014 #8,657 WedgeX said: Lets not go back to walkie-talkie lady. Click to expand... Probably gets fined because it's not Bose.
WedgeX said: Lets not go back to walkie-talkie lady. Click to expand... Probably gets fined because it's not Bose.
G Greg Member Nov 10, 2014 #8,662 rando14 said: Says Mr. Flip phone!! Click to expand... DAMNIT well-played, Rando
J jmdajr Member Nov 10, 2014 #8,666 What a fucking joke! Lol Edit: oh shit that was a pass. More points for me!
B brentech Member Nov 10, 2014 #8,677 Lacy is so good on the screen or short passes. God damn. I love this development
S skLaFarebear Member Nov 10, 2014 #8,679 I have an extremely hard time believing that Eddie Lacy can outrun every player on the Bears D. They gave up.
I have an extremely hard time believing that Eddie Lacy can outrun every player on the Bears D. They gave up.
C ConradCervantes Banned Nov 10, 2014 #8,683 Michaels is starting to sound bored. Rodgers' fantasy owners are cumming in their pants right about now.
Michaels is starting to sound bored. Rodgers' fantasy owners are cumming in their pants right about now.
ramuh Member Nov 10, 2014 #8,684 That 56 Lacy run! Roll Tide Alumni! Also, Bear's are complete total shit team. They should shoot for 1st pick.
That 56 Lacy run! Roll Tide Alumni! Also, Bear's are complete total shit team. They should shoot for 1st pick.
D djplaeskool Member Nov 10, 2014 #8,687 :jnc Hope you all have Packers personnel in your fantasy squads.
A Agent Icebeezy Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde! Nov 10, 2014 #8,695 They've quit on Trestman, they had to have done that.