Godamnit Falcons.
Mike Smith is gone for sure now.
Mike Smith is gone for sure now.
McCarthy esque challenge. Just cause you don't like the call doesn't make it wrong.
Thanks for the extended breather Caldwell <3
Shades of Jets/Colts in 2010 or whatever
Doesn't matter he is rolling on the ground. If that isn't down by contact nothing is.Did he knock the ball loose before actually contacting lacy?
Did he knock the ball loose before actually contacting lacy?
I don't understand the ruling in the GB game. It looks like he hits the ball before he contacts him.
Nice return by Ross.
I'd rather have a bye of course, but we'll never hear the end of "Rodgers epic play through injury." You can hear Joe Bucks boner up just as he talks about it.
So excited to see how Newton will be next year.
Next year? I wanna see playoff Newton.
Jesus Horatio Christ.
Of all the ways to end the season.
This happens.
This is the most Falcons thing the Falcons could have possibly done.
racistsmh stop giving it to Kuhn. It feels like Mike's just throwing a play away whenever he calls that.