It's probably for the best.Welker got jacked up. Another concussion.
Hey, only I am allowed to be mean around here.
My feelings are important.
ask tabris to let you in, he has seemed to take up residence there.I want in the shame circle.
Peyton right now:
"Don't look up from the pages they'll see the tears"
Peyton, not a montana or a rivers. Lamer.
Says the guy throwing spygate claims.Seattle is best in game, but definitely opposite of classy.
Speaking of class...Seattle is best in game, but definitely opposite of classy.
wotbwahahahahaha and thats the last play I watch this season
Seattle is best in game, but definitely opposite of classy.
Right, like he has zero successful comebacks. San Diego vs Denver ring a bell.
Why Talib? With the people's elbow.
GG Seattle, see you in February.
3rd time's the charm. Dare to dream.
Seattle is best in game, but definitely opposite of classy.
@joshweinfuss: Arians called hit on Stanton while he was sliding "a legitimate cheap shot."
Talib says yo
Watch it, it looks like he got shoved in the back and just decided "fuck it, elbow drop"Elbow drop to the head. Right in front of the refs.