That was just foolish.
I started a new VC playthrough the other day.Now that the Pats have been vanquished, I can look forward to playing Fire Emblem Fates and Valkyria Chronicles.
Tebow is good friends
I never trust a man with a brightly colored anime avatar or a Tim Tebow one.
Or a punt.Cards can't catch a break
That's a lot of anime, SAO may be the next step for you!
I started a new VC playthrough the other day.
Vyse and Aika joined my squad on the first try. Tebow is indeed good
FUCK you Kyle Williams!!shades of kyle williams... kind of!
shades of kyle williams... kind of!
LmaoNobody questions Fire Emblem and Valkyria Chronicles; why you even bought SAO makes me think you're senile.
Or a punt.