Collinsworth has the hots for McDaniels.
Please, call him by his given name of McDipshit.
Collinsworth has the hots for McDaniels.
Wow this offense.
Miss manning![]()
Ugh those hits on Gronk
omg fuck u walmart! gifts to share on "christmas day"!? what if i dont celebrate christmas! i am so angry right now
You owe me an apology.
Them advertising about Kwanzaa gifts don't pay the bills man, sorry bro
people can get injured on legal hitsThose legal hits on Gronk?
people can get injured on legal hits
Denver got a first down. Hell is freezing over.
Denver got a first down. Hell is freezing over.
go smoke a cigaretteIf you want pussy tacles go watch rugby.
go smoke a cigarette
def freezing over there
def freezing over there
Where is VD?
Where is VD?
Gotta stretch it with Hillman.
Pats D went to the Seahawks School of Tackling
was there a new jamba juice opening in denver tonight? where is vernon davis?