So let's see
2017 Ravens
Bengals, Browns, Jags, Steelers, Raiders, Bears, Vikings, Dolphins, Titans, Packers, Texans, Lions, Steelers, Browns, Colts, Bengals
Now this is going to be tricky BUT not only can I do it, but we can do it!
WEDIDIT! = 8 characters
8 Ways To See 8-8 Happening:
W: Bengals x2, Browns x2, Jags, Bears, Texans, Lions
L: Steelers x2, Raiders, Vikings, Dolphins, Titans, Packers, Colts
W: Bengals x2, Browns x2, Steelers x2, Jags, Bears
L: Texans, Lions, Raiders, Vikings, Dolphins, Titans, Packers, Colts
W: Bengals x2, Browns x2, Steelers x2, Colts, Bears
L: Texans, Lions, Raiders, Vikings, Dolphins, Titans, Packers, Jags
W: Bengals x2, Browns x2, Steelers x2, Colts, Jags
L: Texans, Lions, Raiders, Vikings, Dolphins, Titans, Packers, Bears
W: Bengals x2, Browns x2, Steelers x2, Texans, Lions
L: Jags, Bears, Raiders, Vikings, Dolphins, Titans, Packers, Colts
W: Bengals x2, Browns x2, Steelers x2, Texans, Titans
L: Jags, Lions, Raiders, Vikings, Dolphins, Bears, Packers, Colts
W: Bengals x2, Browns x2, Steelers x2, Titans, Lions
L: Texans, Bears, Raiders, Vikings, Dolphins, Jags, Packers, Colts
W: Bengals x2, Browns x2, Steelers, Titans, Texans, Lions
L: Steelers, Jags, Raiders, Vikings, Dolphins, Bears, Packers, Colts