Uhhh was hoping Colts would get Collins
Yeah, that wasn't gonna happen.
Uhhh was hoping Colts would get Collins
Its funny how delusional they can get. Like the latest when they found out Peters was Collins idol so they thought their chances were GREAT!
Sounds like they were right.20% chance of rain they said. Its coming down hard here right now.
Who was the guy that said before the draft that the Eagles would be able to trade up for Mariota with just a second round pick? He needs to get a good shaming.
Who was the guy that said before the draft that the Eagles would be able to trade up for Mariota with just a second round pick? He needs to get a good shaming.
I'm sorry, are you doubting up-and-coming stud Billy Turner?
Seriously though, can't wait to watch Tannehill getting murdered at the hands of Dallas Thomas for another season.
Who was the guy that said before the draft that the Eagles would be able to trade up for Mariota with just a second round pick? He needs to get a good shaming.
Chip wouldn't do that. JaMarcus is black.
Well this is the most disrespectful thing I've heard all year.
Fight me sir.I literally laughed out loud when I read that. Too funny. Cleveland seems to be the league-wide joke team, even for players
Yeah with the paternity test he's pretty much cleared of any potential legal issues. Not his baby = no motive = no case.
My guess is the league flatout told teams "do not draft this guy." It's the only thing that makes sense.
Zach Ertz has played football with Andrew Luck. Hes played football with Michael Vick. Hes played football with Nick Foles.
A few fairly accomplished quarterbacks.
He hasnt played football with Sam Bradford quite yet, but he has tossed a football around with him.
And so far, he's been impressed.
Weve been throwing for the past three weeks and I can honestly say Ive thrown with Andrew, Nick and other guys, and I dont think Ive thrown with a guy who has a stronger arm than Sam Bradford, Ertz said.
I find it hard to believe he has a better arm than Vick, but whatever. Believe!
No one is shitting on Sam's arm, but how strong are his knees?
Depends on the dead guy they harvested the new ACL from
I find it hard to believe he has a better arm than Vick, but whatever. Believe!
And the Cowboy are making a strong case to steal the Ravens crown as the team with the most criminals on its active roster. BLarry you worried yet?
Does this mean Zack Ertz may get the football all year instead of in just the last game of the season?
Worried? We never had that crown, only the preception that they were the most badass. Which they are.
Worried? We never had that crown, only the preception that they were the most badass. Which they are.
I'm blaming this deflategate mess on the Colts blue horse mascot. It's obvious that sumbitch was behind it.
Holy crap, the Texans are the least thuggish in the league?
The Watt Way.
How does this explain Mech's inexcusable behavior though!?
As a Texan fan you have to hope that some of that Patriots success will trickle down south with the Patriot connections.
Its funny how delusional they can get. Like the latest when they found out Peters was Collins idol so they thought their chances were GREAT!
Who was the guy that said before the draft that the Eagles would be able to trade up for Mariota with just a second round pick? He needs to get a good shaming.
Was it the guy who said Nick Foles was better than Russell Wilson?
I think the punishment is going to be way more severe than people are expecting, Brady's got a lot of things working against him, most all his doing. That presser he gave was obviously bullshit and full of lies. He didn't cooperate with the investigation, and probably lied while being questioned by them .The text messages are incredibly damning, the conclusions reached by the report based on them are logical and they went to pretty absurd lengths to prove air was indeed deliberately released from the balls after the officials measured them. Then you've got the spike in communication between Brady and Jastremski (after a 6 month lull) which any criminal court would consider material evidence of a conspiracy. If this were civil case and Brady was getting sued for damages, it'd take a judge 2 seconds to rule in favor of the plaintiffs. I think we should start recalibrating our expectations to maybe a half season minimum ban.
Holy crap, the Texans are the least thuggish in the league?
The Watt Way.
How does this explain Mech's inexcusable behavior though!?
Worried? We never had that crown, only the preception that they were the most badass. Which they are.
He's associated with Robert Kraft.
He's not getting punished.
He's associated with Robert Kraft.
He's not getting punished.
Its good to have friends in high places.He's associated with Robert Kraft.
He's not getting punished.
He's associated with Robert Kraft.
He's not getting punished.
I doubt it man. The NFL commissioned a $5 million report that concluded Brady is a cheat. Not punishing him after that would be self defeating. They wouldn't have started going down that road if they weren't willing to follow through.
Its good to have friends in high places.
I doubt it man. The NFL commissioned a $5 million report that concluded Brady is a cheat. Not punishing him after that would be self defeating. They wouldn't have started going down that road if they weren't willing to follow through.
The report cost $5 million!? How is that even possible...?